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Mastering Dynamic SQL for Automated Data Lineage: Techniques and Best Practices

By Joe Chmielewski posted Thu August 29, 2024 01:20 PM


Dynamic SQL, a powerful programming technique enabling the creation of SQL statements at runtime, offers immense possibilities for developing agile and adaptable data applications. Its inherent flexibility, however, presents unique challenges for automated data lineage tools aiming to efficiently track and document data flows. With thoughtful planning and strategic implementation, though, it's feasible to harness dynamic SQL's power while ensuring compatibility with essential data lineage systems. Let's explore key aspects of dynamic SQL, examine its role within contemporary data applications, discuss prominent challenges associated with generating data lineage from dynamic SQL, and outline effective methods for harmoniously integrating both.

Defining Dynamic SQL

Dynamic SQL stands apart from traditional, compile-time determined SQL counterparts—often termed "static SQL"—as it permits crafting SQL statements on-the-fly during runtime. Given this versatility, dynamic SQL facilitates creating generic, pliable software components, accommodating diverse operational demands, and streamlining evolving system configurations. Some compelling features offered by dynamic SQL include generating SQL snippets based on unpredictable factors like end-user selections, environmental settings, and intricate business rules, as well as managing data-independent transformations with minimal configuration or parameterization, such as historization and change detection. To emphasize, dynamic SQL assumes critical significance in instances where explicit naming conventions remain undetermined prior to execution commencement.

The following PL/SQL example illustrates the practical application of dynamic SQL, demonstrating its effectiveness in handling complex database operations and showcasing its versatility in real-world scenarios.

-- sample call:
-- CALL smart_update('my_table', 'my_column', 'UPDATE', 'new_value');

    v_table_name IN VARCHAR2,
    v_column_name IN VARCHAR2,
    v_operation_type IN VARCHAR2,
    v_value IN VARCHAR2
) AS
    v_sql VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_count NUMBER;
    -- Dynamically construct SQL based on operational demands
    v_sql := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || v_table_name;

    -- Add conditions based on unpredictable factors like user selections
    IF v_operation_type = 'UPDATE' THEN
        v_sql := v_sql || ' WHERE ' || v_column_name || ' = :value';
    END IF;

    -- Prepare for data-independent transformations like historization or change detection
    v_sql := v_sql || ' FOR UPDATE';

    -- Execute the dynamically constructed SQL
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql INTO v_count USING v_value;

    -- Dynamic handling of specific operations
    IF v_operation_type = 'UPDATE' THEN
        v_sql := 'UPDATE ' || v_table_name || ' SET ' || v_column_name || ' = :new_value WHERE ' || v_column_name || ' = :old_value';
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql USING v_value, v_value;
    ELSIF v_operation_type = 'INSERT' THEN
        v_sql := 'INSERT INTO ' || v_table_name || ' (' || v_column_name || ') VALUES (:new_value)';
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql USING v_value;
    ELSIF v_operation_type = 'DELETE' THEN
        v_sql := 'DELETE FROM ' || v_table_name || ' WHERE ' || v_column_name || ' = :value';
        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql USING v_value;
    END IF;

    -- Handle transformations like historization
    v_sql := 'INSERT INTO ' || v_table_name || '_history SELECT * FROM ' || v_table_name || ' WHERE ' || v_column_name || ' = :value';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql USING v_value;

        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error: ' || SQLERRM);
END smart_update;

Key Advantages & Common Use Cases 

Agile Database Interactions 

By embracing dynamic SQL, developers gain increased control over interactions between databases and front-running applications. Consider reporting modules situated within expansive data warehouses, wherein tabular structures could bear arbitrary names derived from temporal indicators. Leveraging dynamic SQL here empowers developers to pinpoint appropriate resources seamlessly, regardless of underlying nomenclature nuances. Moreover, suppose a developer wishes to apply distinct ordering schemes responsive to fluctuating user preferences. Rather than manually encoding separate SQL iterations, dynamic SQL simplifies matters considerably, yielding consolidated, maintainable code.

To illustrate these concepts in practice, the following PL/SQL snippet demonstrates how dynamic SQL can be utilized to manage table nomenclature that leverages time-based identifiers and apply user-specific ordering preferences effectively.

    CURSOR config_cursor IS
        SELECT table_suffix, order_column, user_preference
        FROM dynamic_sql_config;

    v_sql           VARCHAR2(4000);
    v_table_suffix  VARCHAR2(30);
    v_order_column  VARCHAR2(30);
    v_user_preference VARCHAR2(30);
    v_table_name    VARCHAR2(50);
    v_time_period   VARCHAR2(30) := TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMM'); -- Example temporal indicator
    v_result        SYS_REFCURSOR;

    OPEN config_cursor;
        FETCH config_cursor INTO v_table_suffix, v_order_column, v_user_preference;
        EXIT WHEN config_cursor%NOTFOUND;

        -- Determine table name based on temporal indicator and table suffix
        v_table_name := 'sales_data_' || v_time_period || '_' || v_table_suffix;

        -- Construct the dynamic SQL statement
        v_sql := 'SELECT * FROM ' || v_table_name;

        -- Apply distinct ordering scheme based on user preference
        v_sql := v_sql || ' ORDER BY ' || v_order_column || ' ' || v_user_preference;

        -- Output the dynamically constructed SQL statement for verification
        DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Generated SQL: ' || v_sql);

        -- Execute the dynamic SQL statement and fetch the results
        OPEN v_result FOR v_sql;
            FETCH v_result INTO ...; -- fetch into a variable or a record
            EXIT WHEN v_result%NOTFOUND;
            -- process the results
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE v_result;

            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No data found');
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error: ' || SQLERRM);
    CLOSE config_cursor;
  1. Determine Table Name: The table name is dynamically constructed based on a temporal indicator (e.g., current year and month). This is useful in scenarios where table names are based on time periods, such as monthly sales data tables.

  2. Dynamic SQL Construction: The SQL statement is built dynamically to select data from the determined table. This allows developers to interact with the correct tables without hard coding their names.

  3. Ordering Scheme Based on User Preference: The ordering of the results is dynamically adjusted based on user preferences. This is done by appending the appropriate ORDER BY clause to the SQL statement.

  4. Execution: The dynamically constructed SQL statement is executed using EXECUTE IMMEDIATE.

Multi-tenancy Solutions 

With regards to shared infrastructure hosting numerous clients, dynamic SQL emerges as a go-to solution for isolating customer-centric subsets. Customizations ranging from schema selection to targeted searches become attainable, fostering segmented outcomes catering specifically towards individual consumers. Such personalized experiences bolster overall satisfaction, leading to improved retention rates and adoption. 

The following SnowSQL snippet demonstrates how dynamic SQL can be used to isolate customer-specific data by selecting the appropriate schema and executing targeted searches based on customer identifiers:

-- Define variables
SET v_customer_id = 12345; -- Example customer ID
SET v_schema_name = 'customer_' || :v_customer_id;
SET v_table_name = 'orders';

-- Construct the dynamic SQL statement
SET v_sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' || :v_schema_name || '.' || :v_table_name || ' WHERE customer_id = ' || :v_customer_id;

-- Execute the dynamic SQL statement
  1. Define Variables: Variables for the customer ID, schema name, and table name are set using the SET command.

  2. Determine Schema Name: The schema name is dynamically constructed based on the customer ID.

  3. Dynamic SQL Construction: The SQL statement is built dynamically to select data from the customer-specific schema and table.

  4. Execute the Dynamic SQL Statement: The dynamically constructed SQL statement is executed using the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command.

On-demand Schema Modifications 

When faced with frequent updates to existing schematic arrangements, incorporating dynamic SQL guarantees hassle-free transitions across disparate versions. Uniformity prevails throughout the entire pipeline, mitigating potential disruptions caused by inconsistent implementations. Furthermore, dynamic SQL lends credence to modifying object properties promptly, rendering maintenance tasks less daunting and far more efficient. 

The following SnowSQL snippet exemplifies how dynamic SQL can be used to manage schema updates and modify object properties efficiently:

-- Define variables for schema and table names
DEFINE schmnm NVARCHAR(100);
DEFINE schmtb NVARCHAR(100);
DEFINE column_name NVARCHAR(100);
DEFINE new_column_type NVARCHAR(100);

-- Set the schema name, table name, column name, and new column type dynamically at runtime
SET schmnm = 'SCHEMA_01'; -- Set the schema name dynamically
SET schmtb = 'INV_01_1997'; -- Set the table name dynamically
SET column_name = 'order_date'; -- Set the column name dynamically
SET new_column_type = 'TIMESTAMP'; -- Set the new column type dynamically

-- Construct the dynamic SQL statement for modifying column type
SET v_sql_modify_column = 'ALTER TABLE ' || :schmnm || '.' || :schmtb || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || :column_name || ' SET DATA TYPE ' || :new_column_type;

-- Execute the dynamic SQL statement for modifying column type
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE :v_sql_modify_column;
  1. Define Variables: Variables for the schema name, table name, column name, and new column type are defined using the DEFINE command.

  2. Set Variables Dynamically: The schema name, table name, column name, and new column type are set dynamically using the SET command.

  3. Dynamic SQL Construction: The SQL statement is built dynamically to alter the column type in the specified schema and table, concatenating the schema name, table name, column name, and new column type.

  4. Execute the Dynamic SQL Statement: The dynamically constructed SQL statement is executed using the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command, applying the changes to the specified table in the specified schema.

Challenges Posed to Data Lineage Systems 

Despite evident merits, there are certain drawbacks connected with implementing dynamic SQL regarding supervision and documentation, specifically concerning observing usage tendencies and sustaining solid data lineage records. Specific data lineage obstacles comprise: 

  • Runtime Construction: Constructing SQL statements piecemeal amidst runtime operations obscures intended actions, confounding comprehension endeavors pursued by data lineage instruments.

  • Absence of Static Context: Without preset declarations anchored firmly within source codes, deciphering semantic associations proves arduous, necessitating meticulous examination of ancillary artifacts.

  • Complex Manipulations: When confronted with nested function calls or convoluted expressions, discerning precise impacts exerted by dynamic SQL becomes particularly taxing, demanding sophisticated analytical prowess.

Historically, capturing data lineage from dynamic SQL has proven problematic due to the inherent variability and complexity associated with runtime construction. Traditional data lineage tools often struggle to predict and parse dynamic SQL queries adequately, primarily because these tools rely on static code analysis. Additionally, dynamic SQL lacks a fixed, static context since it doesn't exist in the code base like static SQL. Instead, dynamic SQL depends on application logic, variables, and external inputs, further obfuscating proper data lineage interpretation. 

Moreover, complex transformations and conditional logic found in many dynamic SQL implementations adds layers of difficulty in tracking how data is manipulated and transformed. Dealing with execution context – user-specific inputs, session-specific variables, and non-deterministic behaviors – further compounds the difficulties in acquiring reliable data lineage from dynamic SQL.

But Imagine If We Could…

Imagine a place where we surmount these barriers, allowing us to unlock the vast potential of dynamic SQL while preserving robust data lineage documentation. Combining cutting-edge tooling and novel methodologies would enable organizations to achieve accurate and comprehensive data lineage from dynamic SQL, ultimately improving data governance, compliance, and quality management efforts. Employing enhanced logging mechanisms, runtime instrumentation, and integrating automated lineage tools, such as IBM’s Manta platform, with development environments offer promising avenues toward realizing this vision.

Through metadata enrichment, capturing execution context, and employing advanced parsing algorithms, organizations can begin bridging the gap between dynamic SQL flexibility and strict data governance requirements. While tackling the challenges outlined above remains no trivial feat, concerted efforts aimed at augmenting current toolkits and refining established methodologies promise substantial rewards for those willing to innovate and invest in the future of data lineage and governance.

Overcoming Barriers Through Innovative Methods

To circumvent encountered impediments and guarantee optimal functionality alongside stringent regulatory compliance, resorting to innovative tactics becomes pivotal. Prominent methods include:

Augmented Logging Mechanisms
  • Complementing standard auditing protocols with exhaustive logs ensures thorough documentation regarding invocation sequences, parametric substitutions, and influences to downstream data movements. Capturing this context allows automated lineage platforms to recreate the exact conditions under which the SQL was executed, providing a comprehensive view of data flows and transformations.

    • Example: Storing execution context details in a separate log or metadata repository that can be referenced by lineage platforms.

Enhanced Code Annotations
  • By providing clear annotations about the purpose, source, and expected outcomes of each dynamic SQL construct, developers can significantly improve the traceability and understandability of dynamic SQL. These annotations serve as guides for automated data lineage tools, helping them interpret the context and intent of dynamic SQL statements and enabling them to produce design time lineage documentation without requiring run time metadata.

    • Example: Including comments that specify the tables involved, the transformations applied, and the business logic driving the SQL construction.

Precompile SQL Prior to Execution
  • Precompiling SQL statements involves generating the final SQL code at a preliminary stage, before it is executed by the relational database. This practice can significantly enhance the manageability and traceability of dynamic SQL, as the complete SQL statements are known and can be documented before runtime by being written out to a separate file. Precompiled SQL eliminates runtime variability and allows for easier integration with automated data lineage platforms.

    • Example: Modifying the application code so that it constructs the final SQL statements during runtime and outputs these statements into a repository/file prior to execution commencing on the database. The output can then be reviewed, audited, and analyzed by a data lineage solution.

Retrieving Query Logs from the Database
  • If writing precompiled SQL to a repository is not an option, another approach is to retrieve the query logs directly from the database. Many database systems provide logging capabilities that capture executed queries (this may need to be enabled within your environment). By extracting and analyzing these logs, automated lineage platforms can reconstruct the data flows and transformations that occurred at runtime.

    • Example: Configuring the database to log all executed SQL statements and periodically extracting these logs for analysis and lineage documentation.

Use this approach when query logs include resolved static SQL code that was run on the database. When query logs include dynamic SQL code that was run on the database, this approach might not be effective.

  • It's essential to understand the underlying relational database management software technology's options for handling dynamic SQL. For instance, Snowflake provides two approaches: JavaScript stored procedures and SnowSQL stored procedures. While both enable dynamic SQL execution, they differ in their impact on data lineage. JavaScript stored procedures resolve the static SQL code prior to executing it on the database, which means that the query logs will capture the actual static SQL code that was executed. In contrast, the SnowSQL approach only stores the dynamic version of the code that was executed, without resolving the static SQL . This distinction is crucial when tracking data lineage, as it affects the level of transparency and auditability in your query logs.
Not Using Dynamic SQL
  • Dynamic SQL isn't always required; there are instances where it is employed to tackle historical constraints or due to developer habits formed on older platforms. Some databases or developers transitioning from legacy systems to contemporary ones continue employing familiar yet possibly limiting coding practices. Nevertheless, omitting dynamic SQL can offer significant benefits, particularly concerning maintainability, readability, and security.

Not All Dynamic SQL is Equal

It's crucial to understand that not all dynamic SQL is created equal. The complexity and variability of dynamic SQL can range from simple, almost static queries to highly dynamic, metadata-driven ones. This variability significantly impacts the method used to track the lineage. Here’s a closer look at the different levels of dynamicity in SQL and their implications:

  1. Static Code Executed Dynamically:

    • Example: A static SQL statement executed using dynamic SQL constructs to overcome specific limitations of the language or environment, such as creating tables within functions.

    • Implication: These types of dynamic SQL statements are relatively easier to handle because they behave similarly to static SQL, with predictable structures and minimal variability.

    • Code snippet:

      FUNCTION update_temp()
      v_sql VARCHAR2(4000);
         v_sql := 'CREATE TABLE TEMP_STAGE2 NOLOGGING ' ||
                  'AS ' ||
                  'SELECT temp_stage1.*, ' ||
                  '       loc.short_name bltitm_location, ' ||
                  '       loc.locf_function bltitm_location_function '  ||
                  'FROM   temp_stage1, ' ||
                  '       edw.locations loc ' ||
                  'WHERE = temp_stage1.loc_id_stored ';
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql;
         -- do something with the table
    • Lineage Approach: Enhanced Logging Mechanisms

      • Implementation: Log the exact SQL queries executed at runtime, including all parameters and their values.

  2. Simple Dynamic SQL:

    • Example: SQL statements where the tablespace name or a single condition is the only dynamic component.

    • Implication: This type can be managed with moderate effort by capturing and analyzing the variable components, such as logging the generated SQL statements for later analysis.

    • Code snippet:

      FUNCTION update_temp(in_status VARCHAR2, in_abctmp_tablespace_name VARCHAR2)
      v_sql VARCHAR2(4000);
         v_sql := 'CREATE TABLE TEMP_STAGE2 NOLOGGING ' ||
                  'TABLESPACE ' || in_abctmp_tablespace_name || ' ' ||
                  'AS ' ||
                  'SELECT temp_stage1.*, ' ||
                  '       loc.short_name bltitm_location, ' ||
                  '       loc.locf_function bltitm_location_function '  ||
                  'FROM   temp_stage1, ' ||
                  '       edw.locations loc ' ||
                  'WHERE = temp_stage1.loc_id_stored ' ||
                  '       and loc.status = ''' || in_status || '''';
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql;
         -- do something

    • Lineage Approach: Code Annotations and Precompiling Techniques

      • Implementation: Document and generate static versions of dynamic SQL statements before execution.

  3. Metadata-Driven SQL:
    • Example: SQL statements dynamically constructed based on metadata or configuration tables.

    • Implication: This presents more complexity as the SQL construction logic is more intricate and depends on external metadata, making it necessary to capture both the SQL generation logic and the metadata context.

    • Code snippet:

      SELECT source_schema, target_schema, table_name, condition INTO vSrcSchema, vTgtSchema, vTblName, vCondition FROM JobConfiguration WHERE status = 'enabled' and job_name = 'X';
         v_sql = 'INSERT INTO ' || vTgtSchema || '.' || vTblName || ' SELECT * FROM ' || vSrcSchema || '.' || vTblName || ' WHERE ' || vCondition;
         EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql;
    • Lineage Approach: Runtime Instrumentation

      • Implementation: Capture dynamic SQL queries as they are constructed and executed, leveraging query logs for comprehensive tracking.

  4. Complex Dynamic SQL with In-Line Transformations:
    • Example: SQL statements involving conditional logic, multiple dynamic elements, and in-line transformations.

    • Implication: These are the most challenging to handle as they require sophisticated parsing and execution context capturing to accurately reconstruct and understand the data lineage.

    • Code snippet:

      CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE manage_employee_data(
          p_action_type IN VARCHAR2,
          p_employee_id IN NUMBER,
          p_employee_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
          p_department_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
          p_salary IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
      ) AS
          v_sql VARCHAR2(4000);
          v_count NUMBER;
          -- Base SQL for checking if the employee exists
      ELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count FROM employees WHERE employee_id = :employee_id';
          -- Execute the base SQL to check for the existence of the employee
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql INTO v_count USING p_employee_id;
          -- Perform different actions based on the action type and other conditions
          IF p_action_type = 'INSERT' AND v_count = 0 THEN
              v_sql := 'INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, employee_name, department_id, salary) ' ||
                       'VALUES (:employee_id, :employee_name, :department_id, :salary)';
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql USING p_employee_id, p_employee_name, p_department_id, p_salary;
          ELSIF p_action_type = 'UPDATE' AND v_count > 0 THEN
              v_sql := 'UPDATE employees SET ';
              IF p_employee_name IS NOT NULL THEN
                  v_sql := v_sql || 'employee_name = :employee_name, ';
              END IF;
              IF p_department_id IS NOT NULL THEN
                  v_sql := v_sql || 'department_id = :department_id, ';
              END IF;
              IF p_salary IS NOT NULL THEN
                  v_sql := v_sql || 'salary = :salary ';
              END IF;
              -- Remove the trailing comma and add the WHERE clause
              v_sql := RTRIM(v_sql, ', ') || ' WHERE employee_id = :employee_id';
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql USING p_employee_name, p_department_id, p_salary, p_employee_id;
          ELSIF p_action_type = 'DELETE' AND v_count > 0 THEN
              v_sql := 'DELETE FROM employees WHERE employee_id = :employee_id';
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql USING p_employee_id;
              DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid action type or employee does not exist.');
          END IF;
          -- Additional in-line transformation: Log the action
          v_sql := 'INSERT INTO employee_actions_log (employee_id, action_type, action_timestamp) ' ||
                   'VALUES (:employee_id, :action_type, SYSTIMESTAMP)';
          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql USING p_employee_id, p_action_type;
      END manage_employee_data;

    • Lineage Approach: Precompiling SQL Statements Prior to Execution

      • Implementation: Generate the final SQL code at a preliminary stage before execution, and store these statements for lineage purposes. This approach involves modifying the application logic to construct and document the SQL statements fully before they are executed.

Deciding When and How to Use Dynamic SQL

When considering the use of dynamic SQL, or addressing its challenges if already in place, it’s essential to evaluate:

  • Necessity: Determine whether dynamic SQL is truly required for the task at hand or if static SQL could suffice. Static SQL is preferable for performance, security, and maintainability.

  • Complexity: Assess the complexity of the dynamic SQL patterns in use. Simpler patterns may only need minor adjustments for effective lineage tracking, while more complex ones might require extensive changes or additional tooling.

  • Tool Compatibility: Evaluate whether your current data lineage solutions can handle the type of dynamic SQL used. Platforms like IBM’s Manta data lineage tool offer specialized features for handling certain dynamic SQL patterns and could be valuable to test within your ecosystem.

By recognizing that not all dynamic SQL is equal and choosing the appropriate approach based on the complexity and requirements of your application, you can effectively manage dynamic SQL while ensuring robust data lineage documentation.

Practical Implementation: Best Practices

To effectively integrate dynamic SQL with automated data lineage systems, consider the following step-by-step approach:

  1. Determine the Application Scope: Before you start, identify whether you are designing a new application or retrofitting an existing one to include data lineage. Each scenario requires a different strategy. New applications can be designed with built-in data lineage features from the start, whereas existing applications may need a more tailored approach to integrate lineage capabilities without disrupting current operations.

  2. Assess Your Current Environment: Evaluate how dynamic SQL is used within your applications and its impact on data flows. Identify key areas of your data ecosystem where dynamic SQL is prevalent and understand the contexts in which it operates.

  3. Prioritize High-Impact Areas: Focus your efforts on the most critical areas of your ecosystem where data lineage documentation will have the greatest value. For instance, if dynamic SQL is used for debug or audit logging, you may not need lineage for this and can choose to ignore it. Prioritizing essential areas ensures you address the most significant challenges first, providing the most immediate benefits and improvements to the business.

  4. Select the Best Innovative Techniques: Identify the most applicable techniques for your specific use cases by evaluating their alignment with your business requirements, data characteristics, and technical infrastructure. Review the level of effort, resources, and expertise required to implement each technique, considering factors such as development time, maintenance costs, and potential scalability issues. Recognize that one approach will not be the best fit for all scenarios, and instead, choose the best solution for each use case based on its unique needs and constraints.

  5. Adopt an Iterative Approach: Implement changes and enhancements in small, manageable increments. By taking an iterative approach, you can gradually refine and improve your dynamic SQL handling processes. This method allows for continuous feedback and adjustments, leading to more effective and sustainable improvements over time.

  6. Educate and Train Development Teams: Equip your development teams with the knowledge and tools to design dynamic SQL that is compatible with data lineage systems and aligns with your chosen approaches. Provide regular training sessions and create comprehensive documentation outlining the methods and techniques you’ve chosen to employ. This ensures the team understands the best practices and the rationale behind them, fostering adherence to established guidelines while promoting continuous improvement.

    1. Recommendations:
      1. For New Applications:

        • Avoid Dynamic SQL: If possible, avoid using dynamic SQL. Instead, use static SQL to simplify maintenance and improve readability.

        • Build Metadata for Lineage: If dynamic SQL is necessary, build metadata in place to generate lineage information. Capture static versions of SQL statements for easier tracking and auditing.

      2. For Existing Applications:

        • Assess Scope: Thoroughly evaluate where and how dynamic SQL is used within your application ecosystem. Identify the most critical areas requiring detailed automated data lineage documentation and focus on these high-priority areas first. Lower priority segments should be tackled in a later phases or documented at a lesser level of detail.

        • Identify Patterns: Look for recurring patterns in the use of dynamic SQL to determine if there are common scenarios that can be optimized.

        • Capture Lineage: Assess if the code can be modified to capture lineage information directly. If not, consider using reverse-engineering techniques to extract lineage details from existing dynamic SQL.

        • Modify Code if Possible: Where feasible, update the code to generate static versions of dynamic SQL statements for better traceability.


Dynamic SQL offers unparalleled flexibility and power in modern data applications, but its fluid nature poses significant challenges for maintaining accurate data lineage. By adopting innovative techniques and leveraging advanced automated data lineage platforms, like IBM Manta Data Lineage, organizations can effectively bridge the gap between the dynamic SQL flexibility and the stringent requirements of data governance regulations related to data lineage. Enhancing logging, implementing code annotation practices, and precompiled SQL construction are just a few of the strategies that can make dynamic SQL more manageable and transparent. With careful planning and execution, it is possible to enjoy the benefits of dynamic SQL while ensuring robust data governance and compliance.

Ultimately, mastering dynamic SQL for automated data lineage not only enhances operational efficiency but also fortifies the integrity and reliability of your data systems. As data ecosystems continue to evolve, embracing these best practices will be essential for staying ahead in the realm of dynamic and adaptable data management and data governance.

