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Cloud Pak for Data 5.0 & Telemetry

By Adam Durrani posted 10 days ago


Cloud Pak for Data 5.0 introduces IBM Software Central: Telemetry for all common core services. In a world where observability is key, Software Central enables benefits for IBM as well as customers who implement Software Central within their infrastructure. What is IBM Software Central? IBM Software Central is a central dashboard (available to clients at no charge) to track usage of IBM hybrid cloud software across the enterprise. for a more detailed guide on Software Central, reference the guide here.

What does Software Central mean for customers?

The goal of Software Central is to provide customers with better visibility into their software utilization across different departments and projects. Clients may find it difficult to track individual metrics as well as maintain compliance when managing software. They may also accidentally over or under-commit to the software that they have licensed, failing to optimize their entitlements. This is where Software Central comes in, it does the hard work for you! Customers would be able to visualize aggregated VOC consumption across all their environments in one single intuitive app. They can tag particular environments to specific departments or projects and enable charge-backs. All of the historical data is available at their fingertips. By Implementing Software Central, not only would customers reap the benefits of effectively optimizing and managing their entitlements, but they would also future-proof themselves with upcoming renewals and spending.

What does Software Central mean for IBM?

Software Central assists IBM in a few different key areas and personas, including IBM Support, Product Managers, Compliance Officers, and Sales Teams, all while providing Data-driven decisions and next best action across IBM Data & AI operations. These personas would have access to a variety of insights. In a nutshell, for support, this means proactive and more efficient support for open tickets. Product Managers benefit from insights into migrations, upgrades, POC’s and more. Compliance teams are aided with simplified audit processes and Sales teams are able to better identify upsell or cross sell opportunities based on a client’s usage. Through Amplitude, IBM can use the Software Central Dashboards to visualize near real time VPC consumptions by individual customers, across customers, by region, or by services and products. IBMers would also be able to drill down into individual service consumption where available.

What Data does Software Central Measure?

Usage Data:

  • License Usage
  • Entitlements
  • VPC Information

Account Adoption Metrics:

  • CPU Metrics
  • Pod Health
  • Memory Usage
  • CPD Instance ID
  • Customer Data
  • Version Number

Within the Pod Health and Management metrics, pods can be tracked in time allowing insights into busy periods where scaling up or down is necessary.


To conclude, Cloud Pak for Data 5.0’s Telemetry component allows for an array of benefits to both customers as well as IBM. By trusting IBM with particular data, customers are eligible for fringe benefits and insights on how to maximize efficiency via benefits such as their customized dashboards and the comprehenesive newsletter tailored for each customer. Within IBM, various departments use the feature according to their respective roles and departments. Customer Success Managers and Expert Labs are also recommended to install Telemetry for their customers needs.

