Announcing the Latest Version of DCW: Database Conversion Workbench 5.0.1

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Announcing the Latest Version of DCW: Database Conversion Workbench 5.0.1 

Thu December 02, 2021 07:08 AM

We are pleased to announce the release of IBM Database Conversion Workbench and IBM Database Harmony Profiler version 5.0.1

What's new in this release?

This release contains these new major features –

1.    Teradata to NPS (Netezza Performance Server) migration support

  • Create  Project with Teradata as source and Netezza Performance Server as target database.
  • Import Teradata SQL files for the following objects and provide Compatibility Report considering Netezza Performance Server as target –
    • Tables
    • Views
  • Convert code

 2.   Java 11 support is now included with DCW across all platforms.

3.    Fixes provided for pre-existing UI/UX issues related Notification Panel, RUN SQL and Export asset functionalities.

DCW Resources 

DCW 5.0.1 Download  

DCW Tutorials and DCW Tutorial Videos 

Please reach out to the DCW team for any feedback on the slack channel #data-conversion-wb
Also, feel free to send your comments, suggestions and questions to



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