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Hello, A new version of DB2 drivers has been released that supports Apple Silicon processors. When is the Net.IBM.Data.Db2-osx nuget update planned for these drivers? #IBMDb2forz/OS
Db2 Connect provides connectivity from applications to Db2 for z/OS, Db2 for i and Db2 for LUW. Db2 Connect has 2 components Db2 Connect Client/Drivers Db2 Connect Gateway/Server (Optional) As indicated above, Db2 Connect Gateway/Server is optional. This is required only for the below...
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Hi everyone - Happy New Year's Eve, and when you read this in 2024, then, Happy New Year! I am working on a niche area of Db2 - i.e. Db2 Stored Procedures (SPs) and, something similar but with a different name, Db2 SQL Procedures (SQLPs) - definitions to follow in subsequent BLOG episodes. ...
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