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This session will cover new features that will enhance the trusted context and audit facility within a future version of Db2 LUW. The concept of a trust procedure is being introduced which allows arbitrary rules to define which connections qualify for a trusted context. There is also a secure method of validating the application initiating the trusted connection that can further enhance the trust of the application. While these are independent features with great use cases on their own, they can be combined with a new audit exception feature for trusted contexts. It is now possible to turn off auditing for any actions taken within a specific trusted context. Do you have a trusted application that has its own auditing built in? This session will cover how to securely identify that application with a trusted context, and configure an exception for it within the audit facility.
Yalei Zhang
Yalei is a member Db2 security team. She joined IBM in 2018 as a software developer. Yalei has been working in Db2 security for over 3 years now with main focus on encryption, authentication, and audit.