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Trying to connect to IBMi DB2 tables using Java from DENODO Reporting Tool

  • 1.  Trying to connect to IBMi DB2 tables using Java from DENODO Reporting Tool

    Posted Fri November 17, 2023 04:07 PM

    Seeking anyone with experience using java to connect to IBMi DB2 database for real-time reporting tool (DENODO).
    What driver do we need to use...?
    What Port do we need to use...?
    What TCP/IP servers need to be running on the IBMi Power server...?
    Any specific licensed programs required...?
    What authorities are required for the user profile used to connect...?

    Our development box is at V7R2M0.
    Our production box is at V7R4M0.

    We get this error when trying to connect:

    SQL error; SQLCODE: '-4461', SQLSTATE: '42815'

    Thanks in advance...

    Jeff Klipa