Netezza Performance Server

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Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

  • 1.  Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Sat October 24, 2020 05:10 AM


    Today our product FOURJS Genero (Informix 4GL compatible compiler/runtime) can be used to implement applications that can connect to IBM PureData System for Analytics 7.2 ...

    We would like to support Netezza Performance Server as well in our future major version.

    Our product provides a DB client module based on the ODBC client for PDA / Netezza.

    1) What ODBC client software can we use to connect to NPS? Is it the same ODBC client as for PDA?

    2) For development and QA testing purpose, we would like to setup an "on premise" NPS installed on our dev/QA platform.

    Where can we download both ODBC client and NPS server on premise packages?

    Is there a "developer edition" with limited capabilities (we will not be in production)
    We just want to develop and do functional testing as we do for PDA today.

    Best regards,

    Sebastien FLAESCH


  • 2.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Sat October 24, 2020 06:11 AM
    Unless your application looks for specific version, the drivers from PDA will work with NPS.  

    You can download latest 11.x drivers from IBM fix central.  Those drivers are forward compatible with future NPS versions and backwards compatible with PDA.

    A developer edition is being worked on.   We will post a blog here once its generally available.   Hopefully later this year or early next year.

    Rajshekar (Shekar) Iyer

  • 3.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Sun October 25, 2020 05:18 AM
    Thank you Shekar for your quick answer!
    Looking forward to use that NPS developer edition!

    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 4.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Sat January 02, 2021 10:18 AM


    I have seen the blog announce:

    Where can we find information to install NPS 11.2 on premise?
    What is the "container" file? (nps-container-v11.2.0.0-unpack)
    Can this be used on premise with the client packages for developers?

    I have seen another post here about NPS v11 Emulator from Adam M.

    Where is the link corresponding to the picture with download items?

    Do we need an "Emulator" ?

    We want to install an NPS server from scratch, no upgrade.

    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 5.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Mon January 04, 2021 12:33 AM
    > Where can we find information to install NPS 11.2 on premise?

    I have seen another post here about NPS v11 Emulator from Adam M.

    Where is the link corresponding to the picture with download items?

    Do we need an "Emulator" ?

    we will publish detailed information about that this week. Artifact will have all the instructions about setting up environment. 

    Pawan Powar

  • 6.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 05, 2021 02:43 PM
    Hi, good morning,
    I'm interested in doing the same, I recently gave a course in Mexico of NPS 7.x
    and am interested in getting certified too.

    Nicolas Rafael Ascanio Pena
    Consultant Data & AI
    +58 424 1406472

  • 7.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Fri January 08, 2021 04:19 AM

    Any news on this?
    Where will we find the instructions to install a NPS developer edition on a VM?
    In a blog post?


    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 8.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Fri January 08, 2021 04:58 AM
    Here is link for Netezza Developer Edition

    Choose "Netezza Performance Server Developer Edition V11.2.0.0"​. And on downloading page you will find "NPSOnVirtualBoxInstallationInstructions.pdf" (which has instructions) along with artifact.

    Pawan Powar

  • 9.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Fri January 08, 2021 05:34 AM
    This link brings me nowhere.
    I get an empty page with title "MRS"...

    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 10.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Fri January 08, 2021 07:08 AM
    Hello Guys,
    The link not working.
    Nicolás Rafael Ascanio Peña

    IBM Professions and COGNITIVE CLASS (30) badges
    Information Management Software Lab Services    
    IBM Software Group
    Cell phone: +58 4241406472         
    Tie-Line: 777-8685         

  • 11.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Fri January 08, 2021 07:53 AM
    Please use below link -

    Pawan Powar

  • 12.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Fri January 08, 2021 09:19 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:18 PM
    The link works now but download of .ova file has been canceled 3 times now.
    I have good fiber connection here at home.
    Download fails also when trying from another location.

    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 13.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Wed January 13, 2021 12:20 PM
    It appears there is a lot of demand.   I'd like to better understand your needs, use case.  We have a number of solutions .. please email me

    John Skier
    Integration Architect
    682 220 6587

  • 14.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 04, 2022 04:10 AM
    Hello @John Skier,

    As discussed by phone, could you please give a status about the NPS 11 emulator availability on VMWare / vSphere 7 ?

    We strongly suggest to support this VM solution instead of VirtualBox, to promote NPS in an enterprise-ready virtualization solution.

    We are developers that don't have the money to invest in a physical NPS machine, and using a cloud NPS server for our nightly QA tests would slow down the testing process.

    If there is really no short term plan to have the emulator to VMWare, we'll have to setup a VirtualBox env on a dedicated machine.

    Depending on IBM's decision, we'll advice, but we need now a clear status.


    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 15.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 04, 2022 12:41 PM
    There is no plan to provide the emulator natively under VMWare.  You can obtain the emulator here using an IBMID which is free if you don't have one. The Emulator is packaged for use on Mac, Windows and there are instructions for installing the emulator on virtual box as well.  You may be able to use the virtual box instructions to enable you to install the emulator on vmware, successfully, but IBM at present isn't providing a VMWare option.  If you choose to try a native vmware install and your successful please do share the process as others in the community who may want do the same.
    In addition to the emulator IBM Partners can get access to IBM hosted NPS V11.2 system for use in testing by contacting me.
    John Skier 
    Data and AI, Hybrid Data Management - partner ecosystem. 

  • 16.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Mon January 11, 2021 08:18 AM

    For the platform appliance we'll require an OVA running on VMware vsphere 7

    Is it possible ?

    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 17.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Mon January 11, 2021 09:36 AM

    Hi Sebastian

    Not as IBM support :) - but fellow engineer...

    So this OVA is for virtual box only :/ For me also was a bit of problem... have installed this stuff on desktop and make it working . Ignore all manual there. Don't configure networking and stuff... 
    Next thing - is to get to disk image on this box -> convert it to VMDK to VM Ware workstation 
    Copy this thing (coverted vmdk) to ESXi (have tried on 6.7 and 7.0u3) and theer vovert once more. 
    Then setup empty VM, withoiut disk , assign RAM you want and CPU (although machine is so limited that what was in Virtual BOX is sufficient). 

    Then you need to choose SATA controller and not default SAS/SCSI. 
    Many many articles there are how to convert Virtual Box to ESXi (try to google through ESXi rather then vSphere). ESXi for home use is free - so just convert some workstation to it (I used HP z800). 

    But as in other post of mine (you already mentioned): this machine is very limited. Besides checking if SQL is working not much anything else you can do. 
    To be honest for those pusposes old style emulator (v7.2) was far much better. And if you don't need to test new features - would advise to go for it from the beginning. 

    Additional thing: on premise is pure VM - no docker or anything like this. So hard to say what you can test there in terms of CP4D. 
    also is limited to 16G of DB size (close to nothing). 10x more would be acceptable for testing (and that people would not use it as production). 

    Adam Matusewicz

  • 18.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Mon January 11, 2021 11:27 AM
    Thank you Adam for your suggestions, very appreciate.

    But we need a clear statement from IBM.

    This is not just to play a bit with NPS to see if some SQL executing: We want to setup a reliable testing environment, so we can run our heavy QA tests every night and guarantee that our product and NPS 11.2 work together correctly. Seems that if the resources of the developer edition are limited, there are good chances that some of our tests don't even pass.

    We have such test setup for all database engines we support, namely: ORACLE DB, MS SQL SERVER, MS AZURE Database, IBM/HCL INFORMIX, IBM DB2 LUW, IBM NETEZZA 7, POSTGRESQL, ORACLE MYSQL, MARIADB, SAP HANA Database.

    We will wait for IBM to provide a proper, stable and minimum scalable on-premise solution for developers.

    Until then, no NPS 11 support with Genero BDL, period.

    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 19.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 12, 2021 01:22 AM
    Can you elaborate heavy QA tests? How data you populate? What is nature of workload? For PDA, what size of system you used for running same workload?

    >  run our heavy QA tests every night and guarantee that our product and NPS 11.2 work together correctly. Seems that if the resources of the developer edition are limited, there are good chances that some of our tests don't even pass.

    Pawan Powar

  • 20.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 12, 2021 02:56 AM
    By "heavy" QA tests I meant complex functional SQL testing...

    It's only single user connection (we do not have workload tests)

    About the amount of data that is processed, I can't tell for now:
    Our tests create tables on the fly, populate and then drop the test tables when test is done.

    Is there any Netezza diagnostic command to see how much disk / storage resource was used recently?
    A kind of history of data load?

    Or maybe just a "du <path>" command to the storage location?
    Assuming that once Netezza has allocated disk space, it's kept for future use, by reusing data blocks that were used by dropped tables.

    I found the --dropdata option of nzbackup, but I assume that it gives the size for current data in the database:

    [nz@netezza ~]$ nzbackup -db test1 -dir /tmp -dropdata -v
    [Backup Server] : Starting the backup process
    [Backup Server] : Backing up to base directory '/tmp'
    [Backup Server] : Backing up libraries
    [Backup Server] : Backing up functions
    [Backup Server] : Backing up aggregates
    [Backup Server] : Start retrieving the schema
    [Backup Server] : Backing up metadata to /tmp/Netezza/netezza/TEST1/20210112074032/1/FULL/md
    [Backup Server] : Retrieving host key information
    [Backup Server] : Retrieving user information
    [Backup Server] : Backing up schemas.
    [Backup Server] : Backing up sequences
    [Backup Server] : Backing up table schema.
    [Backup Server] : Backing up External Tables.
    [Backup Server] : Backing up External table settings.
    [Backup Server] : Backing up External table zone settings.
    [Backup Server] : Backing up Table Constraints
    [Backup Server] : Backing up synonyms
    [Backup Server] : Backing up stored procedures
    [Backup Server] : Backing up materialized views
    [Backup Server] : Backing up view definitions.
    [Backup Server] : Backing up scheduler rule definitions.
    [Backup Server] : Retrieving group information
    [Backup Server] : Retrieving group members
    [Backup Server] : Backing up ACL information
    [Backup Server] : severity=3 source=3 errCode=0 otherErrCode=0 : Number of bytes dropped (-dropData) : 22016

    [Backup Server] : severity=3 source=3 errCode=0 otherErrCode=0 : Number of bytes dropped (-dropData) : 22016

    [Backup Server] : Start retrieving the data.
    [Backup Server] : Backing up table ADMIN.DBIT1
    [Backup Server] : Backing up table ADMIN.DBIT2
    [Backup Server] : Backing up table ADMIN.DBIT3
    [Backup Server] : Backing up table ADMIN.SERIALREG
    [Backup Server] : Backing up table ADMIN.T144
    [Backup Server] : Backing up table ADMIN.T168
    [Backup Server] : Backing up table ADMIN.T185
    [Backup Server] : Backing up table ADMIN.T240
    [Backup Server] : severity=3 source=3 errCode=0 otherErrCode=0 : Number of bytes dropped (-dropData) : 22279

    [Backup Server] : Operation committed
    Backup of database test1 to backupset 20210112074032 completed successfully.

    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 21.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 12, 2021 08:43 AM
    You can use "nzds" CLI

    > Is there any Netezza diagnostic command to see how much disk / storage resource was used recently?

    Pawan Powar

  • 22.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 12, 2021 10:00 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:15 PM
    [nz@netezza ~]$ nzds show
    Data Slice Status SPU Partition Size (GiB) % Used Supporting Disks
    ---------- ------- ---- --------- ---------- ------ ----------------
    1 Healthy 1003 0 24 1.21 1004
    2 Healthy 1003 1 24 1.38 1005
    3 Healthy 1003 2 24 1.35 1006
    4 Healthy 1003 3 24 1.27 1007

    Would that fit into the NPS 11.2 developer edition?

  • 23.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 12, 2021 12:45 PM

    If using NPSVB machine on VirtualBox, the memory and storage are depended on your desktop and VirtualBox setting.

    My macbook memory has 16GB, so VirtualBox memory has up to 16GB, the memory setting can be changed/adjusted on VirtualBox Manager. In VM VirtualBox Manager console, select your VM and click "Setting" on the top memu, in "Setting", choose "System" Tab, there you can change the size of "Base Memory" for this VM to run. For Storage, current size of NPSVM on my macbook has 205GB, which can also be changed on VirtualBox Manager and under Storage Tab.

    Weiming Ye

  • 24.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Wed January 13, 2021 03:48 AM

    So regarding our request:

    Is there a chance to get an OVA running on VMware vsphere 7 in the next weeks, or is VirtualBox the only solution you provide long term?

    All our virtualization platforms runs on VMware solutions. Setting up a VirtualBox hypervisor for this beta appliance would require us a dedicated server or worstation on which run VirtualBox.

    I need some clarification to plan.

    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 25.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Wed January 13, 2021 04:17 AM


    I also would like to know this (@IBM) ... To be honest virtual box is barely used in enterprise – even if would like to set up this for some of our developers: our company policy states that this (VirtualBox) can't be installed. ESXI/vSphere is only option.


    What is weird is that older versions were designed for VM Ware ....


    And space limit of 16 GB on emulator is close to nothing to really test out. Same as lack of docker and SPUs (even virtual).




  • 26.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 12, 2021 02:36 AM

    regarding "minimum scalable"

    What are the sizes of memory and disk storage your testing is looking for and your desktop (windows and macOS) provides? In terms of using Developer Edition?

    Weiming Ye

  • 27.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Wed April 21, 2021 06:00 AM
    Hello, any news on this request?

    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 28.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Mon July 12, 2021 11:37 AM


    Any news on this?

    Is there a chance to get an OVA running on VMware vsphere 7 ?


    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 29.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue July 13, 2021 03:57 AM

    Also interested in this (again). Will there be ANY close to "real" CP4D/NPS VM Ware based solution?

    So something which will:

    - contain at least one node.

    - Will have NPS running in docker (as on physical CP4D).

    - Have separate VM SPU (as in some Netezza Eumlator releases)

    - Space limit higher than 16G

    - Will have same custom IIAS things as CP4D (all AP and subcommands)

    Adam Matusewicz

  • 30.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue July 13, 2021 06:35 AM
    There are no plans to provide a virtualized on-prem environment other than the developer edition.  Tbis includes NPS as well as the entire CPDS experience. The CPDS experience requires a real system and cannot be virtualized.  

    Sabastien, I suggest you reach out to John Skier about access to a real performant system.

    Rajshekar (Shekar) Iyer

  • 31.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue July 13, 2021 07:04 AM

    I have recently sent several emails to John SKIER but do not get any answer.
    In January John gave me access to a server on the cloud to do some initial tests (that succeeded).
    But now we WANT to have NPS in house / on-prem to integrate in our QA suite running every night.
    If this does not happen rapidly, we will remove IBM NPS from our portfolio and suggest other solutions to our customers.
    I just wonder why IBM is not able to easily help developers like us, to promote IBM products.

    We do not need a "real performant" server:
    All we need is the NPS 11.2 developer edition on VMware 7, with all basic SQL functionalities available to pass our functional SQL tests.
    We have no performance / high availability tests.
    Please just enable multiple connections (up to 5 users for ex), so we can also test concurrent data access.


    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 32.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue July 13, 2021 10:08 AM
    Just some clarification:

    We ask for an NPS 11.2 developer solution on VMware vSphere 7, because this is what we use in house for virtualization.

    If IBM can provide us with another free of charge solution (I have docker containers in mind), it's fine for us.

    Please no trial version that expires after N days.

    We support different database brands so for our tests we have to install/maintain several type of database engines (and versions!): Oracle DB, Oracle MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, IBM DB2 LUW, PostgreSQL, SAP HANA, Informix IDS ...

    So please keep it simple for developers, and just point us to the best / easiest way to setup an on-prem solution so we can test NPS 11.2 !!!


    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 33.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue September 28, 2021 03:14 AM
    @Rajshekar (Shekar) Iyer any news about VM Ware ESXi/vSphere OVA availability?​

    Adam Matusewicz

  • 34.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Mon December 13, 2021 02:57 PM
    Hello IBM people,

    Any news on this?

    Is there a chance to get an OVA running on VMware vsphere 7 ?


    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 35.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Mon January 10, 2022 03:35 PM

    Hi Sebastien

    I have made 11.2.X emulator running on vSphere (same as earliers ones). Basically:

    1. convert disk image from virtual box to vmware
    2. Create empty VM (no disk): 4 CPUs, 8G of RAM
    3. Upload converted image to ESXi

    4. With CPU settings set option "Expose hardware assisted virtualization to the guest OS"
    5. As RAID controller select SATA

    6. Add existing (uploaded) image

    Adam Matusewicz

  • 36.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 11, 2022 05:03 AM
    Thank you Adam for sharing that, we'll give it a try.

    Sebastien FLAESCH

  • 37.  RE: Support Netezza Performance Server with FOURJS Genero

    Posted Tue January 11, 2022 02:35 PM


    Thank you for posting the process you used to convert the VBox image to VMWare.   

    People who use VMWare will likely find this useful.   While I'm confident the NPS engine will work as expected for SQL Clients and it will likely work for development of user defined functionality.  However, if there are issues it will be best to reproduce them on Virtual Box as it's the configuration IBM uses for testing the Emulator. 

    I also encourage everyone who uses VMWare to make a point of posting your using VMWare as it helps IBM set development priorities. 

    Again Adam Thank you. 

    John Skier
    Integration Architect
    682 220 6587