@Kollol Misra
Thanks for your response. I have added the paths of SQLLIB/BIN , sqlj4.zip, db2jcc4.jar in CLASSPATH and PATH. When I run the java command you shared i get following error :
java sqlj.tools.Sqlj SampleSQLJ.sqlj
Error: Could not find or load main class sqlj.tools.Sqlj
Also can you please let me know if you have db2sqljcustomize file inside SQLLIB/BIN path ? I have the sqlj4.zip in SQLLIB/java , should we need any other files for SQLJ compilation ?
Rajakumari Rajasekaran
Original Message:
Sent: Thu November 28, 2024 05:22 AM
From: Kollol Misra
Subject: SQLJ compilation
C:\>which db2sqljcustomize
So make sure the PATH env variable points to the SQLLIB/BIN folder
As an alternate to the windows command you can use below class as well.
SQLJ command
java sqlj.tools.Sqlj samplesqlj.sqlj
db2sqljcustomize command
java com.ibm.db2.jcc.sqlj.Customizer -url jdbc:db2://host:port/database -user username -password password samplesqlj_SJProfile0.ser
After migrating to 11.5.* replace the CLASSPATH with the sqlj4.zip for SQLJ and db2jcc4.jar for JCC driver.
Kollol Misra
Original Message:
Sent: Wed November 27, 2024 07:21 AM
From: Rajakumari Rajasekaran
Subject: SQLJ compilation
We are using IBM DB2 databases for our application and we use IBM Dataserver runtime client 11.5.7 in our application server to connect to DB2 server. We have SQLJ files to be compiled using the DB2 runtime client. With version 10 we were able to compile SQLJ files using sqlj.zip and other depencies. After updating the runtime client to 11.5..7 e are unable to compile SQLJ files. When we run sqlj and db2sqljcustomize command following error occurs :
'db2sqljcustomize' is not recognized as an internal or external command
'db2sqljcustomize' is not recognized as an internal or external command
As mentioned in (https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2/11.1?topic=apis-installing-data-server-driver-jdbc-sqlj),I installed IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ client and got sqlj4.zip . But still I am unable to compile SQLJ files..Need help to resolve this compilation issues
Rajakumari Rajasekaran