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  • 1.  Slowness Executing Queries in DB2 (Windows) using Data Studio

    Posted Fri October 06, 2023 10:37 AM

    Our Developers Group is experiencing a problem with executing Queries against DB2 Community Edition (Installed on their Laptops) using Data Studio.  The Queries themselves are executing quickly, however, it looks like there is an issue with it taking forever to reconnect to DB2 every time the Execute SQL trigger is clicked on. (so1.2miliseconds to execute the SQL and 20 seconds to connect to DB2).

    First off, I realize Data Studio is sunsetting, so please, no comments on about not using Data Studio (This is already being looked at).  Also, please note that this is Windows, not AIX or Unix.  (And yes, I do feel that there is a reason the "W" is LAST in L...U...W).

    Recently, changes were made to use a Service account that is on our DM server.  Although I have suspicions that this is what the "Cause" is, I am hoping someone else has experienced this and knows of a parameter change, either in DB2 or in Data Studio to fix it.

    I was thinking this was an issue with the JDBC connection, but I am being told they use Eclipse for their development, and there is a connection to the database using JDBC in there, and it is having no issues.

    Before I just give up, I am hoping someone else has had to deal with this.


    Edward Spencer

  • 2.  RE: Slowness Executing Queries in DB2 (Windows) using Data Studio

    Posted Mon October 09, 2023 12:45 PM

    I've recently jumped back into Db2 after being retired for a while. 
    I don't see an end of life date for Data Studio 4.1.4. Is there a doc somewhere that states an end of life date?

    Douglas Kostelnik

  • 3.  RE: Slowness Executing Queries in DB2 (Windows) using Data Studio

    Posted Mon October 09, 2023 12:59 PM

    Not sure if there is a specific document, however, we asked specific questions of IBM in a ticket to determine the status of Data Studio.

    DMC (Database Management Console) is taking the place of Data Studio.  There will be no new updates for Data Studio.  They will support it if a customer is having a specific issue, but in regard to the code, they are not going to be putting any new versions out.

    This, in the opinion of our agency is  "Unsupported".  If there is a CVE or other issue with the software, since there will be no code patches, then we cannot keep this software on our system.  (We can keep it until there is a security Issues from a CVE, but once one hits, we must either patch it or remove it).

    I hope this clears things up.

    Edward Spencer

  • 4.  RE: Slowness Executing Queries in DB2 (Windows) using Data Studio

    Posted Mon October 09, 2023 01:26 PM


    One reason is that the database might not be active.  On first connect, Db2 will allocate log files and memory. This can make the first connection take a bit of time. 
    If you have Db2 command window, try : db2 activate db <dbname> 

    Then run your query. 


    William Hackett

  • 5.  RE: Slowness Executing Queries in DB2 (Windows) using Data Studio

    Posted Mon October 09, 2023 02:10 PM

    This is true, however, once the first Query is executed, then the database should now be activated and subsequent queries should now execute quickly.  This is not the case.  What is happening, the user executes a query (it takes 20 seconds to connect, and 20 milliseconds to execute) they make a change to the Query, and when they execute, it again takes 20 seconds to connect and 20 milliseconds to execute.

    Edward Spencer