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  • 1.  RFE - Implement nested loop join of external and indexed tables

    Posted Fri June 02, 2023 06:21 AM
    Edited by Doug Lawry Fri June 02, 2023 06:42 AM

    Having trouble getting this accepted as a defect, would help to have more votes on the RFE:

    The contents follow.

    Try this in the "stores_demo" database:
    SELECT {+USE_NL(customer)} *
    FROM ext_customer AS e
    JOIN customer AS c ON c.zipcode = e.zipcode;
    That does return 3 rows, but the query plan details are:
    USE_NL ( customer ) Join Method and Ordered directives conflict or hash join cannot be enforced.
    Estimated Cost: 11
    Estimated # of Rows Returned: 3
      1) informix.c: SEQUENTIAL SCAN
      2) informix.e: SEQUENTIAL SCAN
        Dynamic Hash Filters: informix.c.zipcode = informix.e.zipcode
    Whatever optimizer directives are applied (or none), it always uses the above plan.
    This defect meant a customer had to load a 34 million row file into a raw table rather than using directly as an external table, which is a major functional failure.

    Doug Lawry
    Oninit Consulting

  • 2.  RE: RFE - Implement nested loop join of external and indexed tables

    Posted Wed June 07, 2023 06:54 AM

    Just to make sure I understand:

    • ext_customer is an external table and so only a sequential scan is possible.
    • customer is a standard table and has an index on zipcode.

    You want the query to drive off the external table and join 'customer' using an index but this is not possible?


    Benjamin Thompson

  • 3.  RE: RFE - Implement nested loop join of external and indexed tables

    Posted Wed June 07, 2023 07:11 AM
    Edited by Doug Lawry Wed June 07, 2023 07:24 AM
    Hi Ben.
    Exactly so. There are workarounds using subqueries for some purposes, but there is no reason it shouldn't use the index directly.

    Doug Lawry
    Oninit Consulting