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  • 1.  Restore Backup Failed

    Posted Thu May 13, 2021 05:17 PM

    Hello everybody.

    I have problems with restoring a backup. The version and the command I use is the following:

    -Operating System: CentOS Linux 7

    -DB2 V9.1_01


    The file permissions are as follows:

    -rwxrwxrwx 1 db2inst1 root 116377833940 Apr 30 14:22 STC_TEST.0.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20210216200559.001

    The output of the db2diag.log file is as follows:

    2021-05-13- I1E1674 LEVEL: Event

    PID : 24368 TID : 139947790051136PROC : db2agent (STC_TEST) 0

    INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : STC_TEST

    APPHDL : 0-534 APPID: *LOCAL.db2inst1.210513162817


    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, RAS/PD component, pdLogInternal, probe:120

    START : New Diagnostic Log file

    DATA #1 : Build Level, 152 bytes

    Instance "db2inst1" uses "64" bits and DB2 code release "SQL0901C"

    with level identifier "020D0107".

    Informational tokens are "DB2 v9.1.0.12", "s120624", "MI00406", Fix Pack "12".

    DATA #2 : System Info, 440 bytes

    System: Linux kibana 10 3 x86_64

    CPU: total:4 online:4 Cores per socket:2 Threading degree per core:1

    Physical Memory(MB): total:15013 free:3277

    Virtual Memory(MB): total:22629 free:10893

    Swap Memory(MB): total:7616 free:7616

    Kernel Params: msgMaxMessageSize:8192 msgMsgMap:16384 msgMaxQueueIDs:32000

    msgNumberOfHeaders:16384 msgMaxQueueSize:16384

    msgMaxSegmentSize:16 shmMax:9223372036854775807 shmMin:1

    shmIDs:4096 shmSegments:4096 semMap:32000 semIDs:1024

    semNum:32000 semUndo:32000 semNumPerID:250 semOps:32

    semUndoSize:20 semMaxVal:32767 semAdjustOnExit:32767

    Cur cpu time limit (seconds) = 0xFFFFFFFF

    Cur file size limit (bytes) = 0xFFFFFFFF

    Cur data size (bytes) = 0xFFFFFFFF

    Cur stack size (bytes) = 0x00800000

    Cur core size (bytes) = 0x00000000

    Cur memory size (bytes) = 0xFFFFFFFF

    nofiles (descriptors) = 0x00001000

    Information in this record is only valid at the time when this file was

    created (see this record's time stamp)

    2021-05-13- E1676E447 LEVEL: Info

    PID : 24368 TID : 139947790051136PROC : db2agent (STC_TEST) 0

    INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : STC_TEST

    APPHDL : 0-534 APPID: *LOCAL.db2inst1.210513162817


    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluxGetDegreeParallelism, probe:553

    DATA #1 : <preformatted>

    Autonomic backup/restore - using parallelism = 1.

    2021-05-13- I2124E419 LEVEL: Warning

    PID : 24556 TID : 139947790051136PROC : db2med.24368.0 0

    INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000

    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluMCInitRestoreMC, probe:1108

    MESSAGE : Media controller -- Unable to initialize device

    /backup/STC_TEST.0.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20210506110959.001 (zrc

    = 0x00000000)

    2021-05-13- I2544E419 LEVEL: Warning

    PID : 24556 TID : 139947790051136PROC : db2med.24368.0 0

    INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000

    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluMCInitRestoreMC, probe:1108

    MESSAGE : Media controller -- Unable to initialize device

    /backup/STC_TEST.0.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20210506110959.001 (zrc

    = 0x00000000)

    2021-05-13- E2964E836 LEVEL: Severe

    PID : 24368 TID : 139947790051136PROC : db2agent (STC_TEST) 0

    INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : STC_TEST

    APPHDL : 0-534 APPID: *LOCAL.db2inst1.210513162817


    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqludMRResponse, probe:963

    DATA #1 : Sqlcode, PD_TYPE_SQLCODE, 4 bytes


    DATA #2 : Hexdump, 69 bytes

    0x0000000221445680 : 0CF8 FFFF 2F62 6163 6B75 702F 5354 435F ..../backup/STC_

    0x0000000221445690 : 5445 5354 2E30 2E64 6232 696E 7374 312E TEST.0.db2inst1.

    0x00000002214456A0 : 4E4F 4445 3030 3030 2E43 4154 4E30 3030 NODE0000.CATN000

    0x00000002214456B0 : 302E 3230 3231 3035 3036 3131 3039 3539 0.20210506110959

    0x00000002214456C0 : 2E30 3031 00 .001.

    2021-05-13- E3801E917 LEVEL: Severe

    PID : 24368 TID : 139947790051136PROC : db2agent (STC_TEST) 0

    INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : STC_TEST

    APPHDL : 0-534 APPID: *LOCAL.db2inst1.210513162817


    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqludMRResponse, probe:963

    MESSAGE : SQL2036N The path for the file or device "" is not valid.

    DATA #1 : SQLCA, PD_DB2_TYPE_SQLCA, 136 bytes

    sqlcaid : SQLCA sqlcabc: 136 sqlcode: -2036 sqlerrml: 64

    sqlerrmc: /backup/STC_TEST.0.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20210506110959.001

    sqlerrp : sqludMRR

    sqlerrd : (1) 0x00000000 (2) 0x00000000 (3) 0x00000000

    (4) 0x00000000 (5) 0x00000000 (6) 0x00000000

    sqlwarn : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


    2021-05-13- E4719E387 LEVEL: Severe

    PID : 24368 TID : 139947790051136PROC : db2agent (STC_TEST) 0

    INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : STC_TEST

    APPHDL : 0-534 APPID: *LOCAL.db2inst1.210513162817


    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqludrsa, probe:905

    MESSAGE : Restore Terminated.

    I would appreciate your support


  • 2.  RE: Restore Backup Failed

    Posted Thu May 20, 2021 06:58 AM

    if backup offline

    db2 RESTORE DATABASE STC_TEST FROM /backup taken at 20210506110959 on /<newDir> into STC_xxx WITHOUT PROMPTING

    if backup online

    db2 RESTORE DATABASE STC_TEST FROM /backup taken at 20210506110959 on /<newDir> into STC_xxx logtarget <dirlog> WITHOUT PROMPTING

    db2 rollforward db STC_xxx to end of logs and stop overflow log path "( <dirlog>)"


  • 3.  RE: Restore Backup Failed

    Posted Wed June 16, 2021 09:21 PM

    Try to restore but the following error appears

    [db2inst1~]$ db2 RESTORE DATABASE STC_MAIN FROM /backup taken at 20210506110959 ON /home/ INTO STC_MAIN WITHOUT PROMPTING

    SQL2542N No match for a database image file was found based on the source

    database alias "STC_MAIN" and timestamp "20210506110959" provided.

    Change the name and database since the backup contains those aliases

    It is possible to restore a Linux backup to AIX?


  • 4.  RE: Restore Backup Failed

    Posted Thu June 24, 2021 11:32 AM

    regarding the message, your backup file is't in the directory /backup (verify if there is a backup file STC_TEST.0.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20210506110959.001)

    "It is possible to restore a Linux backup to AIX?"

    read article : https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2/11.1?topic=dbrs-backup-restore-operations-between-different-operating-systems-hardware-platforms
