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Relication Issue

  • 1.  Relication Issue

    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 11:49 AM
    Edited by Jaco Loots Mon April 15, 2024 01:01 PM

    Good day

    I have run in to this issue with replication on Informix. I'm trying to delete a replicate on all the Informix production servers (9 in total). It deletes on 7 servers but on 2 servers it says it has a shadow replicate. Now i can't find the shadow replicate if i display the replicate. So i can't delete the replicate or the shadow as i can't find the name of the shadow replicate. Can anyone place help how to find the shadow replicate


    Jaco Loots

  • 2.  RE: Relication Issue

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 01:02 PM


    I think a "cdr list replicates", on one of the two servers complaining, should turn up a replicate stating 'Shadow' under REPLTYPE and your to-be-deleted replicate under "PARENT_REPLICATE".

    Let us know how this goes.



    Andreas Legner

  • 3.  RE: Relication Issue

    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 01:13 PM

    If i do that command REPLTYPE does not show. Below the output for the command if that helps

    REPLICATE:        A_per_txn_control_A1
    STATE:            Active ON:grp_26_ecape
    CONFLICT:         Timestamp
    FREQUENCY:        immediate
    QUEUE SIZE:       6158
    PARTICIPANT:      warms:dwafdba.per_txn_control
    OPTIONS:          transaction,ris,ats,fullrow
    REPLID:           526359 / 0x80817
    REPLMODE:         PRIMARY  ON:grp_26_ecape
    APPLY-AS:         INFORMIX ON:grp_26_ecape

    Jaco Loots

  • 4.  RE: Relication Issue

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 01:34 PM

    Is this your only replicate?

    I deliberately wrote "cdr list replicates" so you'd see all your replicates and among them the offending shadow replicate - which will be the one with the REPLTYPE line.

    Andreas Legner

  • 5.  RE: Relication Issue

    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 01:43 PM

    No i have a lot of replicates this is the problem replicates.

    If i do "cdr list relicates" i get no output.

    Ex T REPLSET                PARTICIPANTS

    Jaco Loots

  • 6.  RE: Relication Issue

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 16, 2024 07:08 AM

    Oh, sorry, it's  "cdr list replicate", without that 's' at its end  -  interesting it's starting the output, but then not listing any replicates.

    Short form:  cdr lis rep

    Andreas Legner

  • 7.  RE: Relication Issue

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 03:21 AM

    Thanks did get the shadows now.

    Now my new problem is if i try to delete a shadow its says undefined replicate

    Jaco Loots

  • 8.  RE: Relication Issue

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 04:21 AM

    As you described the problem initially, that shadow replicate definition is present only on some of your ER nodes, and as a consequence also now the main replicate you were trying to delete.

    The right way of dealing with such - slightly extraordinary - situation is running the 'cdr delete replicate' commands against one of the nodes still showing the replicate (you'll probably see error number 31 - undefined replicate - in message logs for servers no longer knowing the replicates, but that's just expected and not a problem.)  By 'against' I mean either on such server or connecting the cdr utility to it using the --connect option.



    Andreas Legner

  • 9.  RE: Relication Issue

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 04:30 AM

    Thanks for the reply

    Yes i did run the 'cdr del replicate' command and get the error number 31 - undefined replicate. if I do 'cdr list replicate' it shows. It does it for the shadow and the main replicates. both still show when i list them but does not delete. If this makes any sense  

    Jaco Loots

  • 10.  RE: Relication Issue

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 04:34 AM

    "both still show" meaning what exactly?

    Can you see them in a "cdr list replicate" in the same environment where "cdr delete replicate" fails with error 31?
    Or are you running the "cdr list replicate" somewhere else or seeing the replicates by other means?

    Andreas Legner

  • 11.  RE: Relication Issue

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 04:39 AM

    Yes can still see the in the same environment where the 'cdr delete replicate' fails with error 31

    Jaco Loots

  • 12.  RE: Relication Issue

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 04:47 AM

    So for each of these replicates you can say "cdr list repl <name>" and see the replicate, but "cdr delete repl <name>", in same command environment, then fails with "undefined repl" (31)??

    Can you, please, post here "cdr list repl <name>" output for each of these replicates?

    Andreas Legner

  • 13.  RE: Relication Issue

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 05:02 AM

    Yes. Below output for List command.

    dwafkwt250 {informix} $ cdr list repl sync_13139_527882_1674706048
    dwafkwt250 {informix} $ cdr list repl sync_13139_527882_1674706048
    REPLICATE:        sync_13139_527882_1674706048
    STATE:             ON:grp_26_ecape
    CONFLICT:         Always Apply
    FREQUENCY:        immediate
    QUEUE SIZE:       0
    PARTICIPANT:      :.
    OPTIONS:          row,ris,ats,partialrow,PendingSync
    REPLID:           528923 / 0x8121b
    REPLMODE:         OTHER () ON:grp_26_ecape
    APPLY-AS:         OWNER ON:grp_26_ecape
    REPLTYPE:         Shadow
    PARENT REPLICATE: A_per_reg_nps_disch_A1
    dwafkwt250 {informix} $ cdr del repl sync_13139_527882_1674706048
    command failed -- undefined replicate  (31)
    dwafkwt250 {informix} $ cdr list repl sync_13139_527882_1674706048
    REPLICATE:        sync_13139_527882_1674706048
    STATE:             ON:grp_26_ecape
    CONFLICT:         Always Apply
    FREQUENCY:        immediate
    QUEUE SIZE:       0
    PARTICIPANT:      :.
    OPTIONS:          row,ris,ats,partialrow,PendingSync
    REPLID:           528923 / 0x8121b
    REPLMODE:         OTHER () ON:grp_26_ecape
    APPLY-AS:         OWNER ON:grp_26_ecape
    REPLTYPE:         Shadow
    PARENT REPLICATE: A_per_reg_nps_disch_A1

    REPLICATE:        A_per_reg_nps_disch_A1
    STATE:            Active ON:grp_26_ecape
    CONFLICT:         Timestamp
    FREQUENCY:        immediate
    QUEUE SIZE:       0
    PARTICIPANT:      warms:dwafdba.per_reg_nps_disch
    OPTIONS:          transaction,ris,ats,fullrow
    REPLID:           527882 / 0x80e0a
    REPLMODE:         PRIMARY  ON:grp_26_ecape
    APPLY-AS:         INFORMIX ON:grp_26_ecape

    Jaco Loots

  • 14.  RE: Relication Issue

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 05:04 AM
    dwafkwt250 {informix} $ cdr list repl A_per_reg_nps_disch_A1
    REPLICATE:        A_per_reg_nps_disch_A1
    STATE:            Active ON:grp_26_ecape
    CONFLICT:         Timestamp
    FREQUENCY:        immediate
    QUEUE SIZE:       0
    PARTICIPANT:      warms:dwafdba.per_reg_nps_disch
    OPTIONS:          transaction,ris,ats,fullrow
    REPLID:           527882 / 0x80e0a
    REPLMODE:         PRIMARY  ON:grp_26_ecape
    APPLY-AS:         INFORMIX ON:grp_26_ecape

    Jaco Loots

  • 15.  RE: Relication Issue

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 05:30 AM

    Hmmm, the grp_26_ecape (local) server doesn't participate in the shadow replicate, but does in the parent replicate, but should this lead to error 31 deleting the replicate?  Would have to try and simulate this situation (maybe I can slip it into something I'm trying to do anyway.)

    Your last resort might be a manual "delete from repdef_tab where repid = 528923;", for the shadow replicate and on all servers still showing the replicate.
    Once this is done, the main replicate hopefully will be droppable too (might require an ER restart).

    Andreas Legner

  • 16.  RE: Relication Issue

    Posted Thu April 25, 2024 02:56 AM

    Thanks that work and managed to delete the replicate.

    i have run into a other problem now. I have found a replicate that's inactive and does not want to start. says invalid replicate state change  (30).

    i deleted the replicate and recreated it but still the same error

    Jaco Loots

  • 17.  RE: Relication Issue

    Posted Fri May 03, 2024 03:20 AM

    I'm still not able to get a inactive replicate to start. Still get invalid replicate state change  (30).

    Any feedback would be appreciated 

    Jaco Loots