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Real-time information flow at scale between your systems of record and Hybrid Cloud applications

  • 1.  Real-time information flow at scale between your systems of record and Hybrid Cloud applications

    User Group Leader
    Posted 23 days ago
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    Which of these challenges are you facing today, while working with your Hybrid Cloud applications and Core applications on your Systems of Record?

    ·      Your hybrid cloud applications are consuming stale data, but you need real-time information.

    ·      Your systems of record are impacted by spikey inquiry traffic.

    ·      Extracting data is expensive & off-platform data stores lack business context.

    If your current approaches interacting with your Systems of Record have these challenges, perhaps you would like to hear about a new solution that addresses these gaps.

    Please register for this Webinar on Wednesday July 10, 2024 at 12:00 PM ET where we will discuss how IBM Z Digital Integration Hub enables efficient real-time information flow at scale between Systems of Record and your Hybrid Cloud Applications.

    Karen Wilkins
    Client Technical Professional
    IBM UK Ltd
