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Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

  • 1.  Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 03:28 PM

    Surprise!   Suse Enterprise 15 SP4 deprecates raw device support.   As in, you can't do the modprobe to enable the devices and the actual raw related OS level objects are no longer there.

    This probably isn't a surprise to some of you, but I really don't have any idea where to go and what to do.   Raw devices vs cooked were a solid 8-10% performance increase when I first migrated our database from HP-UX to Linux 10 years ago.   I can't imagine it isn't a non-negligible hit today on same hardware, but it seems I have two options, never upgrade (not really an option), find another OS that supports raw devices AND Informix (probably not a solution) or cut over to cooked files and have the business lose their minds over it.

    With that said, I don't have any idea how to even start migrating the chunks, what types of filesystems to use, how to set the engine up etc.   I'm hoping there is some resource out there somewhere I haven't stumbled on yet to goes into (great, significant) detail on doing this.....I haven't found one yet.

    Has anybody done this?

    Jared Heath

  • 2.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 03:35 PM

    Should not be the end of the world.

    Would you be willing to try block special devices + direct I/O ?

    Vladimir Kolobrodov

  • 3.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 03:39 PM


    Unless something has changed recently, DIRECT_IO does not support block/cooked devices, only filesystem chunks.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 4.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 04:10 PM

    # lsof +fg /dev/sdb1

    oninit  2597830 informix  261u   BLK RW,SYN,DIR,LG   8,17      0t0 3669 /dev/sdb1
    oninit  2597837 informix  269u   BLK RW,SYN,DIR,LG   8,17      0t0 3669 /dev/sdb1
    oninit  2597838 informix  265u   BLK RW,SYN,DIR,LG   8,17      0t0 3669 /dev/sdb1
    oninit  2597839 informix  263u   BLK RW,SYN,DIR,LG   8,17      0t0 3669 /dev/sdb1
    oninit  2597840 informix  270u   BLK RW,SYN,DIR,LG   8,17      0t0 3669 /dev/sdb1

    # lsof +fg /dev/nvme0n1p1

    oninit  2597830 informix  263u   BLK RW,SYN,DIR,LG  259,1      0t0 3626 /dev/nvme0n1p1
    oninit  2597830 informix  269u   BLK RW,SYN,DIR,LG  259,1      0t0 3626 /dev/nvme0n1p1
    oninit  2597830 informix  270u   BLK RW,SYN,DIR,LG  259,1      0t0 3626 /dev/nvme0n1p1
    oninit  2597830 informix  273u   BLK RW,SYN,DIR,LG  259,1      0t0 3626 /dev/nvme0n1p1
    oninit  2597830 informix  274u   BLK RW,SYN,DIR,LG  259,1      0t0 3626 /dev/nvme0n1p1

    It's possible to run into issues with the "advanced format" (4k without 512 emulation) - but for those raw devices would not work with Informix either.

    Vladimir Kolobrodov

  • 5.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 03:43 PM


    You are correct that using BLOCK devices versus RAW devices is about an 8% performance hit and using filesystem chunks without DIRECT_IO is normally a 10-15% hit, using filesystem chunks with DIRECT_IO enabled brings that down to about 3-5% which is not bad at all. You have to configure sufficient KAIO resources in the OS, and some VM configurations actually perform better without DIRECT_IO enabled, in general this is how things shape up.

    And, yes, because Linus is opposed to RAW devices, various distributions desupport RAW devices from one release to another. Usually they are reinstated in the following release when enough database folk complain.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 6.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Thu March 02, 2023 03:43 PM
    Check out DIRECTIO and do some performance tests, and see what you see.  Not as bad as you think (~5% and ext2)


    On 3/2/2023 2:28 PM, Jared Heath via IBM Community wrote:">
    Surprise!   Suse Enterprise 15 SP4 deprecates raw device support.   As in, you can't do the modprobe to enable the devices and the actual raw...
    IBM Community


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    Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.
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    Jared Heath
    Mar 2, 2023 3:28 PM
    Jared Heath

    Surprise!   Suse Enterprise 15 SP4 deprecates raw device support.   As in, you can't do the modprobe to enable the devices and the actual raw related OS level objects are no longer there.

    This probably isn't a surprise to some of you, but I really don't have any idea where to go and what to do.   Raw devices vs cooked were a solid 8-10% performance increase when I first migrated our database from HP-UX to Linux 10 years ago.   I can't imagine it isn't a non-negligible hit today on same hardware, but it seems I have two options, never upgrade (not really an option), find another OS that supports raw devices AND Informix (probably not a solution) or cut over to cooked files and have the business lose their minds over it.

    With that said, I don't have any idea how to even start migrating the chunks, what types of filesystems to use, how to set the engine up etc.   I'm hoping there is some resource out there somewhere I haven't stumbled on yet to goes into (great, significant) detail on doing this.....I haven't found one yet.

    Has anybody done this?

    Jared Heath
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    --  Paul Watson Oninit Tel: +1 913 364 0360 Cell: +1 913 387 7529  Oninit® is a registered trademark of Oninit LLC  If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid Failure is not as frightening as regret

  • 7.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 12:35 AM

    Unfortunately 5% performance loss is going to be a big deal.   They already think it should run 30-40% faster than it does, but that is entirely out of my hands mostly.

    My biggest issue right now is how do I even go about setting this up on ext2.   Just chunks that are formatted?   How do I move the data out of the raw spaces onto the cooked files?   dd or is there something better?   Should I approach this one dbspace at a time?   We really (really) need to resize some of these spaces due to some significant fragmentation over the there an easy way to merge table spaces with multiple chunks into one space while doing this?   Is it worth it?

    Jared Heath

  • 8.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 02:59 AM

    I'm always puzzled by how easily people jump to equating disk i/o performance to database performance, totatlly ignoring the fact that your normal day-to-day database activity might not involve any disk i/o at all, and only certain workloads do depend on disk i/o and might depend on disk i/o performance.

    In many cases where disk i/o, and its performance, seemingly are at the core of the problem, the actual problem turns out to be either the fact (and the volume) of disk i/o or the way it's being done.

    I guess what I'm trying to tell is that your presumed problem might not be as big/real as it seems.
    Moreover I think there's a lot of myth in raw devices (or direct i/o for that matter) performing better, with a lot of factors probably playing into this (e.g. SAN/disk level buffering, ...),  but that's an entirely different discussion.


    Andreas Legner

  • 9.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 09:25 AM

    It isn't perceived performance in this case.   We spent 6 months prototyping the current system when we moved from our old HP-UX rp3440 systems a decade ago and I still have the performance numbers right here in-hand.

    Nothing has really changed beyond SSD replacements as they failed.   

    You are right about not seeing any issues 99% of the time.   The only time raw devices make a difference is in the nightly and monthly batch processes, both of which push the then best hardware you could buy to 100% utl for extended periods of time.   When those processes run, especially the monthly one, the difference between raw writes and non-raw is measured in hours.   Its a fundamental issue with the data that is being processed that can't be improved upon (I've tried)

    Jared Heath

  • 10.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Fri March 03, 2023 06:15 AM


    First, as Andreas points out, your buffer cache should be mitigating 98-99% of any IO performance issues, so that 5% is more like 0.05% of your total IO time. Next, how to migrate to new storage. If you are running v14.10, you can use the new mirror swap feature. Simply mirror each raw chunk with a filesystem file. Once the mirrors have completed syncing swap each primary chunk with its mirror so that the new chunks are the primaries then you can drop the mirror/old raw chunks. 

    Reorganizing your dbspaces into fewer chunks is more difficult. There are three ways you could do it:

    1. Create new dbspaces in cooked files then ALTER FRAGMENT every table into the new dbspaces. That does you can drop the now empty dbspace. Problem: you cannot move the catalog tables for your databases, so those dbspaces cannot be dropped, though some of the chunks that have emptied out could be dropped from these dbspaces.
    2. Unload all user databases (don't forget changes you have made in system databases like installing my ratios functions in sysmaster. Then you can trash the entire instance and rebuild it from scratch in the new storage and reload everything. So dbexport/myexport then dbimport/myimport. Not fun, but ...
    3. Create a new instance in the new storage, recreate your databases there empty or copied using export/import, then use ER to sync the new server from the original. Finally shutdown both servers, rename the new one and bring it up as the only server instance.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 11.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 09:15 AM
    Edited by Jared Heath Tue March 07, 2023 09:37 AM

    Art, thanks for the options.   This is a 14.10 system and I was unaware of the new mirroring functionality.....I will look into that.   Can that function to remove the fragmentation or is the mirroring at the chunk level?    Could I make the first chuck in the new cooked system significantly larger (5-10 times for instance), mirror the chunks, then do an unload/load to get all the data in the new (big) chunk?

    I thought that ER required everything to be identical at the chunk level that something newer for ER?

    Option 2 is my worst case scenario, but is a seamless simultaneous fix for both items (albeit a major piece of work)

    It seems like the best way to do it (assuming I can create mirror chunks that are bigger than their original) is to mirror everything, unload/del/load the bigger offending tables/spaces, then get rid of the old raw chunks.   

    Jared Heath

  • 12.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 09:28 AM

    ER works at the SQL level not the physical level. You can migrate using ER from any system ( Aix, HP UX, Linux, ...) to any another system and no matter what Informix version. You can migrate from 11.5 to 14.10 for example and also going from 14.10 to 11.5 if you want. Very much different from HDR; the old versions did not allow HDR and ER simultaneously but this was way back. Today you can have both at the same time but the purpose of one very different from the other.

    Khaled Bentebal de mon portable

  • 13.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 09:30 AM
    re: the chunk move from raw to FS, I have just completed something similar with 18 systems, each comprised of primary, HDR and 2RSS nodes. 

    The only two issues that were found,
    1    a need a minor outage to allow mirroring
    2    a minor outage after it was complete.

    The second was more irritating, without it the backups wouldn't restore - note I never did serious diagnostics as this was all an emergency change to get off ext4-nologging due to the RH 'not-a-bug' kernel issue


    On 3/7/2023 8:15 AM, Jared Heath via IBM Community wrote:">
    Art, thanks for the options.   This is a 14.10 system and I was unaware of the new mirroring functionality.....I will look into that.   Can that...
    IBM Community


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    Re: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.
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    Jared Heath
    Mar 7, 2023 9:15 AM
    Jared Heath

    Art, thanks for the options.   This is a 14.10 system and I was unaware of the new mirroring functionality.....I will look into that.   Can that function to remove the fragmentation or is the mirroring at the chunk level?

    I thought that ER required everything to be identical at the chunk level that something newer for ER?

    Option 2 is my worst case scenario, but is a seamless simultaneous fix for both items (albeit a major piece of work)

    Jared Heath
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    Original Message:
    Sent: 3/7/2023 9:15:00 AM
    From: Jared Heath
    Subject: RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Art, thanks for the options.   This is a 14.10 system and I was unaware of the new mirroring functionality.....I will look into that.   Can that function to remove the fragmentation or is the mirroring at the chunk level?

    I thought that ER required everything to be identical at the chunk level that something newer for ER?

    Option 2 is my worst case scenario, but is a seamless simultaneous fix for both items (albeit a major piece of work)

    Jared Heath

    Original Message:
    Sent: Fri March 03, 2023 06:14 AM
    From: Art Kagel
    Subject: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.


    First, as Andreas points out, your buffer cache should be mitigating 98-99% of any IO performance issues, so that 5% is more like 0.05% of your total IO time. Next, how to migrate to new storage. If you are running v14.10, you can use the new mirror swap feature. Simply mirror each raw chunk with a filesystem file. Once the mirrors have completed syncing swap each primary chunk with its mirror so that the new chunks are the primaries then you can drop the mirror/old raw chunks. 

    Reorganizing your dbspaces into fewer chunks is more difficult. There are three ways you could do it:

    1. Create new dbspaces in cooked files then ALTER FRAGMENT every table into the new dbspaces. That does you can drop the now empty dbspace. Problem: you cannot move the catalog tables for your databases, so those dbspaces cannot be dropped, though some of the chunks that have emptied out could be dropped from these dbspaces.
    2. Unload all user databases (don't forget changes you have made in system databases like installing my ratios functions in sysmaster. Then you can trash the entire instance and rebuild it from scratch in the new storage and reload everything. So dbexport/myexport then dbimport/myimport. Not fun, but ...
    3. Create a new instance in the new storage, recreate your databases there empty or copied using export/import, then use ER to sync the new server from the original. Finally shutdown both servers, rename the new one and bring it up as the only server instance.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

    Original Message:
    Sent: Fri March 03, 2023 12:34 AM
    From: Jared Heath
    Subject: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Unfortunately 5% performance loss is going to be a big deal.   They already think it should run 30-40% faster than it does, but that is entirely out of my hands mostly.

    My biggest issue right now is how do I even go about setting this up on ext2.   Just chunks that are formatted?   How do I move the data out of the raw spaces onto the cooked files?   dd or is there something better?   Should I approach this one dbspace at a time?   We really (really) need to resize some of these spaces due to some significant fragmentation over the there an easy way to merge table spaces with multiple chunks into one space while doing this?   Is it worth it?

    Jared Heath

    Original Message:
    Sent: Thu March 02, 2023 03:41 PM
    From: Paul Watson
    Subject: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Check out DIRECTIO and do some performance tests, and see what you see.  Not as bad as you think (~5% and ext2)


    On 3/2/2023 2:28 PM, Jared Heath via IBM Community wrote:">
    Surprise!   Suse Enterprise 15 SP4 deprecates raw device support.   As in, you can't do the modprobe to enable the devices and the actual raw...
    IBM Community


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    Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.
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    Jared Heath
    Mar 2, 2023 3:28 PM
    Jared Heath

    Surprise!   Suse Enterprise 15 SP4 deprecates raw device support.   As in, you can't do the modprobe to enable the devices and the actual raw related OS level objects are no longer there.

    This probably isn't a surprise to some of you, but I really don't have any idea where to go and what to do.   Raw devices vs cooked were a solid 8-10% performance increase when I first migrated our database from HP-UX to Linux 10 years ago.   I can't imagine it isn't a non-negligible hit today on same hardware, but it seems I have two options, never upgrade (not really an option), find another OS that supports raw devices AND Informix (probably not a solution) or cut over to cooked files and have the business lose their minds over it.

    With that said, I don't have any idea how to even start migrating the chunks, what types of filesystems to use, how to set the engine up etc.   I'm hoping there is some resource out there somewhere I haven't stumbled on yet to goes into (great, significant) detail on doing this.....I haven't found one yet.

    Has anybody done this?

    ------------------------------ Jared Heath ------------------------------
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    --  Paul Watson Oninit Tel: +1 913 364 0360 Cell: +1 913 387 7529  Oninit® is a registered trademark of Oninit LLC  If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid Failure is not as frightening as regret

    Original Message:
    Sent: 3/2/2023 3:28:00 PM
    From: Jared Heath
    Subject: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Surprise!   Suse Enterprise 15 SP4 deprecates raw device support.   As in, you can't do the modprobe to enable the devices and the actual raw related OS level objects are no longer there.

    This probably isn't a surprise to some of you, but I really don't have any idea where to go and what to do.   Raw devices vs cooked were a solid 8-10% performance increase when I first migrated our database from HP-UX to Linux 10 years ago.   I can't imagine it isn't a non-negligible hit today on same hardware, but it seems I have two options, never upgrade (not really an option), find another OS that supports raw devices AND Informix (probably not a solution) or cut over to cooked files and have the business lose their minds over it.

    With that said, I don't have any idea how to even start migrating the chunks, what types of filesystems to use, how to set the engine up etc.   I'm hoping there is some resource out there somewhere I haven't stumbled on yet to goes into (great, significant) detail on doing this.....I haven't found one yet.

    Has anybody done this?

    Jared Heath

  • 14.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 11:30 AM


    No. Khaled is correct, ER does not require the chunk configuration to be identical, indeed the table does not even have to reside in the same named dbspace on each system nor even in the same database or table name.


    V14.10 does not need an outage to enable mirroring because in v14.10 mirroring is always on and cannot be stopped (the MIRROR parameter is deprecated and ignored, though that means that if you migrate from an older version and try to use the existing ONCONFIG file, you have to be careful to comment out - or blank out - the MIRRORPATH parameter setting since by default it has a value set which would likely not exist and certainly not be a mirror of the root chunk).


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 15.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 11:32 AM
    ER has never required identical chunks

    HDR and RSS - yes (and they still do)

    Clive Eisen

  • 16.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Mon March 06, 2023 02:15 AM

    Is ext2 the recommended file system? I personally think it is a PITA if you ever need to expand it. We run xfs and are pretty happy with that, but we haven't really benchmarked it. 

    Øyvind Gjerstad
    PostNord AS

  • 17.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Mon March 06, 2023 07:44 AM

    I don't know if there is any "recommended" filesystem to use, but the ext2 type was mentionend because
    journaling filesystems add an extra layer to the journaling of the database itself.
    This is why ext2 internally produces less write access activity for the same write actions.

    Informix allocates files not per table/index, but per chunk. This means it is very unlikely that a filesystem is
    getting inconsistent in terms of directory inodes. So a journaling would not really "repair" anything 
    the database itself could not (by using the logs to get a consistent state). And the filesystem check for
    ext2 is very fast when there are only a small number of files, because the directory entries are rather static
    and do not change that often compared to a database which uses files per table/index.

    I think not long ago a bug was mentioned in the forum that a ext3 explicitely set up without journaling
    caused a weird situation in the kernel.

    It is also maybe not a good idea to use a filesystem which has a caching layer because the database
    should be clear about what has been really written to disk (a checkpoint flush should not just flush in a
    cache, which could be not on the disk in case of a power failure.)
    This should be compensated by direct IO.

    For resizing ext2/3/4 filesystems, this is possible with resize2fs. Resizing a mounted fiesystem to be bigger than before
    is well supported.
    Our approach is to use LVM devices where you can add extra space in the same device and then extend the fs.
    Number of directory entries is not issue because you basically have the chunks 

    XFS has some extra benefits ike quotas or special access lists, which is probably not very important for hosting
    a database instance.
    The only drawback of ext2 would be the maximum filesystem size of 32 TB in case of very large databases.
    You could of course have one filesystem per chunk ...

    I agree with some of the people here that a raw device is aways the best option in order to support the database
    storage ideas. 
    But with todays storage options, maybe NVME, (either local or in a very fast SAM enrironment) 
    the difference to use a filesystem instead or a block device, shoud not be that huge.
    But as always, it might depend on what you are doing with the database.



  • 18.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Mon March 06, 2023 09:03 AM


    You can use any of the lighter weight filesystems for Informix to good effect. EXT2 works and is very fast, but as you note, you have to unmount it in order to expand it. You can use EXT3 as long as you disable the journaling feature. EXT3/4 journaling is too high cost, EXT4's copy-on-write increases the number of IOs and overstresses SSD drives reducing their lifespan, and the EXT4 write-back journal cache is dangerous as it writes changes to metadata before the new data that that metadata maps. You don't need the journal anyway, the Informix logical and physical logs fill the same purpose and do it better.

    XFS and JFS2 are good. Reiserfs has limited support at this point. XFS has built-in support for parallel IO and for DIRECT_IO.

    Btrfs does not have built-in support for parallel writes and is a copy-on-write filesystem which, can overstress SSD drives. Btrfs's variable blocks mitigates the effects of copy-on-write somewhat.

    My personal choices are XFS first followed by EXT3 with journaling disabled. (Note a recent post here documenting an issue with EXT4 filesystems with journaling disabled.)

    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 19.  RE: Raw Devices are Deprecated in SLES 15 SP4. I need help figuring out what to do.

    Posted Thu March 09, 2023 05:13 AM

    Hi together,

    not only Suse Enterprise 15 deprecates raw device support:
    Maybe some hint in machine specific notes of informix server for linux would be cool when using linux kernel 5.14 or higher...


    Markus Holzbauer