Hi Andrea
If system will reach 100% on single dataslice: it will stop (as Huw wrote in other post). Check output of nz_skew and redistribute table(s) with large skew to random or choose better distrubution keys.
As for 3MB: when table have distribution it is by default allocated 3MB extent on every dataslce: regardless it will use them or not.
We saw many occasions where customers kept small tables (for example country codes, postal codes etc.) and used distrubtion on one column: so small few KB table were distributed on all dataslices and (depending on your system size) used 200-500 MB instead keeping it on single dataslice - use 3MB and broadcast table data when needed from single dataslice instead all of them.
Adam Matusewicz
Original Message:
Sent: Tue March 12, 2024 11:46 AM
From: Andrea Ceccotti
Subject: Percentage limit of NPS total Storage Usage.
Hi Adam,
thanks a lot for your answer what I need to know is what percentage of usage or free can be reached on storage. This is my current situation on NPS Production Appliance:
Total Storage
Available (TiB) 134.128
Allocated (TiB) 102.472
Allocated (%) 76.399
Remaining (TiB) 31.656
Remaining (%) 23.601
For Remaining percentage now at 23% but we arrived to 18% how is the limit before Netezza stops itself, if I remember well it does not arrive to 0% or close to it, it stops before.
What doo you mean for
- for small tables do not use distribution organization (otherwise will use 3MB?
Thanks a lot.
Original Message:
Sent: 3/12/2024 8:09:00 AM
From: Adam Matusewicz
Subject: RE: Percentage limit of NPS total Storage Usage.
As far I'm aware there was no limit to Database/Data size in Netezza systems: except physical storage capacity.
Since NPS / (CP4D) share vast majority of the code with Netezza: I presume it's the same.
That is why is so important to keep your data "clean":
- groom tables (with proper backup/groom sequence or just go for BACKUPSET NONE)
- use distribute on random and enable random dist chunk
- for small tables do not use distribution organization (otherwise will use 3MB on every dataslice)
- developers have nasty tendency to spawn objects (tables) everywhere: drop those on sight (if nobody admit using it: check first in HISTDB what/who/why?)
Adam Matusewicz
Original Message:
Sent: Wed February 07, 2024 06:26 AM
From: Andrea Ceccotti
Subject: Percentage limit of NPS total Storage Usage.
Hi All,
Is there a limit on the Total Storage Usage Percentage on NPS? Below which it is not possible to go down?
On my NPS Production Environment by executing the command /nz/support/bin/nz_storage_stats
it results Remaining about 19%
Total Storage
Available (TiB) 134.128
Remaining (%) 19.065
Which is the Percentage limit?
Thanks all.
Andrea Ceccotti