IBM IT team is working on this to fix it.
Original Message:
Sent: Thu June 17, 2021 04:44 AM
From: Claudio Rinaldini
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
I'm in the same situation and after a while the download goes in error. The speed is about 170KB/sec ~ 10/15h.
Claudio Rinaldini
Original Message:
Sent: Thu June 17, 2021 02:30 AM
From: Adam Matusewicz
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
Since were trying to download it - so since yesterday.
Adam Matusewicz
Original Message:
Sent: Wed June 16, 2021 10:45 AM
From: Samir Sayyed
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
Hi Adam,
I too am observing variation in speed, can you tell me from how long are you experiencing such lag in download ?
Samir Sayyed
Original Message:
Sent: Wed June 16, 2021 08:46 AM
From: Adam Matusewicz
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
We have tested downloads in UK, Poland and New Zeland. Estimated download time is between 30 and 130 days. No download director option present.
Adam Matusewicz
Original Message:
Sent: Wed June 16, 2021 08:17 AM
From: Pawan Powar
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
What is exact issue you're facing with Developer edition?
cc: @Samir Sayyed, @Hemanth Jills
Pawan Powar
Original Message:
Sent: Wed June 16, 2021 05:21 AM
From: Adam Matusewicz
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
Hi Shekar
Seems taht new versions of NPS emualtors revealed:
Last time there were issues with servers - which seems to re-occur. Could you pull your strings (same as last time) to sort it out?
Also: any news on Sys Admin edition? Or maybe better: something we can deploy on our own OpenStack / OKD 4.5/4.6?
Adam Matusewicz
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 08, 2021 01:45 PM
From: Rajshekar (Shekar) Iyer
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
Thanks Lars for the feedback. The requirements makes sense. At this time, I don't have an ETA. I have passed the requirements along to our offering managers who will assess these requirements with other requirements/priorities.
Rajshekar (Shekar) Iyer
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 08, 2021 02:33 AM
From: Lars Olsen
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
Thanks Shekar.
... just to put a managers perspective o this thread ....
A shop like ours (and Adam has much more knowledge about the details than I do) rely heavily on shell scripting on the NZ host. That is where large portions of the hardcore "development" is happening, so creating at "SySDeveloper Edition" where this code can be tested and deployed from will be very beneficial for us. In particular in the light of the upcoming move from MAKO to NPS-CP4D (which we a looking very much forward to :))
What is a realistic timeline for such an "SysDeveloper Edition" ?
Lars Olsen
Original Message:
Sent: Thu January 07, 2021 08:54 AM
From: Rajshekar (Shekar) Iyer
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
Correct. At this time, the Developer Edition cannot be used for operational aspects / sys admin use cases. I will take this requirements forward to appropriate folks within IBM. A granular/smaller environment may be made available in future (no ETA).
Rajshekar (Shekar) Iyer
Original Message:
Sent: Thu January 07, 2021 08:49 AM
From: Adam Matusewicz
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
Hi Shekar
What about system admins/engineers? For them in such case the only option to develop maintenance scripts is too work on actual machines....
For me as system admin developing scripts which will for example do any of following:
- groom tables
- check behavior of backups in different cases
- checking backup integrity
- maintaining backup retention
- make Active Directory users/groups mappings
- integrate with monitoring
- monitor database itself
- custom scripts on runaway query
- performance tuning
Is critical. In such case only option is to develop on actual large production systems?
Original Message:
Sent: 1/7/2021 8:37:00 AM
From: Rajshekar (Shekar) Iyer
Subject: RE: NPS v11 emulator
The intent of the Developer Edition is for a developer to be able to use an instance of NPS on their personal workstation. The developer does not have to worry about the entire infrastructure (OCP, CPD, etc) and is working on representative/sample data rather than an entire dataset. A developer can use this to develop and functionally validate stored procedures, UDXs, utilize INZA, etc.
Rajshekar (Shekar) Iyer
Original Message:
Sent: Thu January 07, 2021 07:47 AM
From: Adam Matusewicz
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
Hi Sayyed
Indeed. Download works properly now.
I wish could say the same the about emulator itself.
- It is made for Virtual box only, a bit of challenge was to made it working in VM Ware
- VM SPU is limited to 16G only. For company we are working with it would not fit even one table.
It doesn't feel like CP4D – docker image is not there. It is purely VM...
Original Message:
Sent: 1/6/2021 2:59:00 AM
From: Samir Sayyed
Subject: RE: NPS v11 emulator
Hi Adam,
The links issue is now resolved. Please retry download.
Samir Sayyed.
Samir Sayyed
Original Message:
Sent: Thu December 31, 2020 07:39 AM
From: Adam Matusewicz
Subject: NPS v11 emulator
So we got new boxes in DC - not connectable yet though. Wanted to play around with NPS 11.X so went to NDN and found:
Adam Matusewicz