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  • 1.  IDS IE License Dowload

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon February 12, 2024 02:09 PM
    Hi all,

    I am trying to download the ie edition installer for IDS14FC10.
    But there seems to be an issue with this download.
    If I select http download, I get a 404 page.
    If I use the download director (very old, java 8 needed), I am getting a download file,
    but for IDS 14.10FC5. This will not work. 
    Anybody knowing somebody who could fix this ?
    I might be getting around be installing FC5 version first and then upgrade ...


    Marcus Haarmann

  • 2.  RE: IDS IE License Dowload

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon February 12, 2024 02:41 PM

    You are aware that you have to download the Developer Edition v14.10.FC10 or .FC10W1 (go to IBM Informix

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     and click on <Try Developer Edition> then acquire the license installer file for the specific Edition you need (IE) from your PA account, The Innovator-C Edition license installer is the only one you can download from that same site. It is labeled: "Informix Innovator-C Edition Installer 14.10 FC10", but, again, you first need the Developer Edition software installer.

    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 3.  RE: IDS IE License Dowload

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon February 12, 2024 02:43 PM


    I just checked and you are correct the license installer download for IE is broken. I have notified Carlton and the Product Manager. Hopefully it will get fixed soon.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 4.  RE: IDS IE License Dowload

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 02:20 AM
    Hi Art,

    this one has not been fixed so far. I tried a Download this morning and I am getting the 14.10FC5 version again.



  • 5.  RE: IDS IE License Dowload

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 05:50 AM
    Thanks Marcus. I will let IBM know.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management

    Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that my own opinions are my own opinions and do not reflect on the IIUG, nor any other organization with which I am associated either explicitly, implicitly, or by inference.  Neither do those opinions reflect those of other individuals affiliated with any entity with which I am affiliated nor those of the entities themselves.

  • 6.  RE: IDS IE License Dowload

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 10:02 AM

    I just back response from IBM. The list of IE license installers is up-to-date though you may have cached an older copy of the site. Here is the current link:

    I did check myself and the license installer for Innovator-C v14.10.FC10 is there as are all previous releases (FC2 through FC9 anyway). The .FC10 installer is good for .FC10W1 & .FC10W2 as well.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management

    Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that my own opinions are my own opinions and do not reflect on the IIUG, nor any other organization with which I am associated either explicitly, implicitly, or by inference.  Neither do those opinions reflect those of other individuals affiliated with any entity with which I am affiliated nor those of the entities themselves.

  • 7.  RE: IDS IE License Dowload

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 10:21 AM

    the file is present, yes, but the content is in fact the installer for 14.10xC5
    It cannot be downloaded via http (leads to an 404 error, tried 3 different browsers).

    HTTP ERROR 404

    However, it can be loaded with the old DownloadDirector (javaws based).
    As a result, I am getting a file called, containing files dated Nov. 6, 2020
    When looking at the date, you will find that this cannot be version 14.10.10

    When you try to install that one it will show you the version 14.10.5
    There is a file in the jar, named InstallScript.iap_xml, which seems to be the config for the console setup.
    You can find the following content ther:
      <property name="name">
      <property name="value">



  • 8.  RE: IDS IE License Dowload

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue March 05, 2024 10:24 AM
    OK, forwarding this to IBM now.....


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management

    Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that my own opinions are my own opinions and do not reflect on the IIUG, nor any other organization with which I am associated either explicitly, implicitly, or by inference.  Neither do those opinions reflect those of other individuals affiliated with any entity with which I am affiliated nor those of the entities themselves.

  • 9.  RE: IDS IE License Dowload

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed March 20, 2024 08:10 AM


    Just an update. IBM's Informix team is still working on this issue. The group responsible for the website's product pages was notified and responded initially but has not yet fixed the problem. Follow up is being applied.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.