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  • 1.  Have latest versions of Informix been officially released yet?

    Posted Fri March 22, 2024 03:57 AM

    Accord to this IBM technote: 
    which has a date of 11 March 2024, 
    updates for 12.10 and 14.10 should be available.

    "The APAR is fixed in these releases:

    The download links point to IBM Fix Central.

    Informix Server 12.10.xC16W1 Downloads

    Informix Server 14.10.xC10W2 Downloads

    Once at Fix Central,

    * there is no Linux x86_64 version of IIF12.10.FC16W1
    * clientsdk.4.10.FC16W1.LINUX  has wrong release date
      shows release date 2021/02/14 but should be 2024/02/14
    * there is no corresponding JDBC.4.10.JC16W1 available

    * no CSDK for 4.50.FC10W2
    * no JDBC for 4.50.JC10W2

    Using the 3 drop downs:
    Product selector: Informix Client Software Development Kit
    Installed version:  ...there are no 4.50 version entries at all!
    14.10.FC10W2 appears in the list but even then, 
    there is no matching CSDK 4.50.FC10W2

    If you select 
    Installed version: 14.10.FC10W2
    Platform: All

    You get:  No results found

    Also, since I only need the free "developer" edition, I tried 
    downloading from the IBM Trials and downloads site:
    login with IBMid

    Downloads are available for Informix Server both 12.10.FC16W1 and
    14.10.FC10W2 but there are no corresponding CSDK and JDBC downloads.

    I would think I need matching versions of the server, CSDK, and JDBC to avoid problems.

    * no downloads for CSDK 4.10.FC16W1
    * no downloads for JDBC 4.10.JC16W1

    * no downloads for CSDK 4.50.FC10W2
    * no downloads for JDBC 4.50.JC10W2

    I am not a paying customer. and this is not mission critical for me.
    Nevertheless, I think the release process has some issues.

  • 2.  RE: Have latest versions of Informix been officially released yet?

    Posted Fri March 22, 2024 06:40 AM


    Forget about Fix Central. Got to and click on the <Try the Developer Edition> link. That will take you to the correct download site. Verion 12.10.FC16W1 is there for all platforms (except oddly Linux x86-64 but I will follow up on that). Also there is v14.10.FC10W2 for all platforms (including Linux x86-64). The CSDK 4.10.FC16W1 is there.

    You are correct that there is no download for CSDK v450.FC10W2 only for 4.50.FC10W1. I will check on that, but I suspect that as the "W" releases are pure bug fix releases, there there is not 4.50.FC10W2 to be released, so just use the W1 release.


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 3.  RE: Have latest versions of Informix been officially released yet?

    Posted Sat March 23, 2024 02:44 AM

    Thanks Art.  

    I tried and it got me to the same place as 
    the "Trials and downloads" link in my previous post.

    The reason I questioned the missing CSDK and JDBC downloads is that
    generally I have always seen matching versions released with each
    Informix update, even the Wx releases, which I understand are only
    bug fixes.

    Below is more info to pass upstream to the release folks at IBM:

    #1 Version 12.10.FC16W1 is there for Linux x86-64, only it is listed as
    "Linux on Power" when it should be "Linux x86-64".

    Show [100 |v] entries        Search: [ 12.10.FC16W1  ]

    Scroll to the bottom of the list.
    Fourth entry from the bottom is the x86-64 version.

    If you select it you get:

    Informix Server 12.10.FC16W1 Linux 64 bit Developer

    Desc: Informix Server 12.10.FC16W1 Linux 64 bit Developer    
    file: IIF.12.10.FC16W1DE.linux86_64.tar
    size: 352 MB

    #2 When I search for CSK, using search string "4.10.FC16W1", I only get 
    one entry for AIX.  Nothing for any other platforms.

    Fix Central has downloads for CSDK 4.10.FC16W1 for Linux x64, Win64, and
    other platforms.

  • 4.  RE: Have latest versions of Informix been officially released yet?

    Posted Mon March 25, 2024 01:00 PM

    Thanks for writing. From development:

    There were no new CSDK/JDBC uploads for 14.10.xC10W2 as no changes were needed in 4.50.
    For 12.10.xC16W1 there should be CSDK and JDBC 4.10.xC16W1's available.
    I see a CSDK for AIX only and no JDBC's listed.
    We have someone looking into this.  Thanks a lot.

    Carlton Doe

  • 5.  RE: Have latest versions of Informix been officially released yet?

    Posted Tue March 26, 2024 12:03 AM

    Thank you Carlton for the follow up.

    Would it be possible for IBM/HCL to make a general announcement here in
    IBM Community when new versions become available? 

    Usually I only stumble on them only after:
    a) someone else posts about them here,
    b) I get an IBM technote on a security issue which mentions an update, or 
    c) I randomly login to the Trials and downloads site to see if any new
    versions are available.

    I think a "push-type" notification would be highly beneficial.


  • 6.  RE: Have latest versions of Informix been officially released yet?

    Posted Thu April 18, 2024 11:33 PM

    FYI, to anyone using Informix 12.10 on Linux x86_64, as of today, 
    18-Apr-2024, IBM Fix Central now has jdbc.4.10.JC16W1 available for 
    download.  To find it, use this search:

    Product selector:  Informix Tools
    Installed version: JDBC4.10.JC14
    Platform:       All

    No, that is not a typo, use "JDBC4.10.JC14" for the installed version.
    JDBC4.10.JC15 is the highest version in that search box, but selecting
    it returns "No results found".

    The matching CSDK (clientsdk.4.10.FC16W1) has been available on Fix Central 
    since 14-Feb-2024.  For that you can search with:

    Product selector:  Informix Client Software Development Kit
    Installed version: 4.10.FC16W1
    Platform:       All

    Note the CSDK for the Linux 64-bit,x86_64 shows a release date of 
    2021/02/14 but that is most likely a typo and should be 2024/02/14, 
    which matches the other 4.10.FC16W1 downloads.

    To date, neither of these downloads appear on the IBM Trials and downloads
    site accessed here:, but the Informix server for
    12.10.FC16W1 is available there and on Fix Central.