Hi Team,
Can anyone help me to understand if the below 2 time conversion functions handle the time difference when the Daylight Savings Time(DST) changes?
time(timestamp time, mutable tuple<int32 sec, int32 min, int32 hour, int32 mday, int32 mon, int32 year, int32 wday, int32 yday, int32 isdst, int32 gmtoff, rstring zone> result)
gmtime(timestamp time, mutable tuple<int32 sec, int32 min, int32 hour, int32 mday, int32 mon, int32 year, int32 wday, int32 yday, int32 isdst, int32 gmtoff, rstring zone> result)
If not, what is the feasible solution to convert the timestamp from any timezone to GMT timezone handling the DST changes?
For example :
During the DST (March 8th 2020 - November 1st 2020) GMT + 4
The input timestamp : 2020/10/01 13:20:00 EST
The output timestamp : 2020/10/01 17:20:00 GMT
After DST ends for year 2020 GMT + 5
The input timestamp : 2020/11/20 13:20:00 EST
The output timestamp : 2020/11/20 18:20:00 GMT
Thanks in advance