OK, looking again, I see you are using v12.10.FC12WE, 12.10.latest. This update should fix the problem of reporting that things were fixed but not fixed.
Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
ASK Database Management Corp.
Original Message:
Sent: Tue January 21, 2025 12:02 PM
From: Art Kagel
Subject: fix_ipa Issues
I uploaded an update to fix_ipa4.ec on Sunday. That will be v1.15. Download that update and try again. I believe that this may fix your issues. If not, please run like this and send me the output file:
fix_ipa -D 2>&1 >fix_ipa.out
Also send your Informix version, CSDK version, and platform info.
My email address is art.kagel@gmail.com
Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
ASK Database Management Corp.
Original Message:
Sent: Tue January 21, 2025 10:58 AM
From: Daniel Karwatka
Subject: fix_ipa Issues
I'm testing out the excellent fix_ipa utility from Art Kagel but I'm running into a few problems.
fix_ipa: Features Version 1.0, Source Revision: 1.13 !
Copyright 2016-2024 by Art S. Kagel, ASK Database Management Corp.
Informix Server 12.10.FC12WE using cooked space.
- I intermittently get a temporary dbspace is full error while running fix_ipa -D {database}. I can clear it by bouncing the database but that's not a permanent fix.
- fix_ipa throws: Error: -229(0) on open of slot cursor.
- The Informix server log shows: 13:46:51 WARNING: temporary DBspace tmpdata is full
- Querying the temp space only shows 4 records.
- Some tables still show in fix_ipa -l after fix_ipa -d {db} -t {table} has been run and completed without error.
- fix_ipa -l shows 1 page to process but fix_ipa shows 3 pages processed and it still shows up in fix_ipa -l as if it didn't run.
Database: ued Table: stomfgfd Partition: 2098865 has 1 pages to process.
dbs6:# ./fix_ipa -d ued -t stomfgfd
Opening database ued.
Working on database: ued.
Seeking columns for table: ued:stomfgfd.
Working on table: stomfgfd partnum: 2098865, updating using column: zero_qtys.
EOD encountered.
Processing tail block:
UPDATE stomfgfd
SET zero_qtys = zero_qtys
WHERE ROWID IN ( 769,513,261 );
Updated 3 pages in table stomfgfd partition: 2098865.
Committed updates to 3 pages.
3 pages processed in 1 tables from 1 databases.
dbs6:# ./fix_ipa -l
Database: ued Table: stomfgfd Partition: 2098865 has 1 pages to process.
dbs6:# ./fix_ipa -d ued -t stomfgfd
VersQry: SELECT st.dbsname database, st.tabname table, sp.partnum partnum, sp.nrows nrows, sp.pta_totpgs as pta_pages, sp.npdata datapages, pta_oldvers as minver, pta_newvers as maxver, pta_newvers as curver FROM sysptnhdr sp, sysmaster:systabnames st WHERE sp.partnum = st.partnum AND dbsname NOT IN ('sysmaster') AND pta_totpgs != 0 AND dbsname matches 'ued' AND tabname matches 'stomfgfd' INTO TEMP tabvers WITH NO LOG;
Slot query:
SELECT st.dbsname, st.tabname, st.partnum, ssl.pagenum::BIGINT as pagenum, min(ssl.slotnum)::BIGINT AS slotnum FROM tabvers as tv, ( SELECT ss.partnum, ss.pagenum, ss.slotnum FROM sysslttab AS ss WHERE ss.slotptr != 0 AND ss.pagenum > 0 ) as ssl( partnum, pagenum, slotnum ), systabnames st WHERE tv.partnum = ssl.partnum AND tv.maxver > tv.minver AND tv.maxver IS NOT null AND tv.minver IS NOT null AND ssl.partnum = st.partnum AND dbsname matches 'ued' AND tabname matches 'stomfgfd' GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 5;
Opening database ued.
Working on database: ued.
Seeking columns for table: ued:stomfgfd.
Working on table: stomfgfd partnum: 2098865, updating using column: zero_qtys.
Made rowid: 769 from pagenum: 3 and slotnum: 1 for partnum: 2098865.
Made rowid: 513 from pagenum: 2 and slotnum: 1 for partnum: 2098865.
Made rowid: 262 from pagenum: 1 and slotnum: 6 for partnum: 2098865.
EOD encountered.
Processing tail block:
UPDATE stomfgfd
SET zero_qtys = zero_qtys
WHERE ROWID IN ( 769,513,262 );
Updated 3 pages in table stomfgfd partition: 2098865.
Committed updates to 3 pages.
3 pages processed in 1 tables from 1 databases.
Daniel Karwatka