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  • 1.  fix_ipa Issues

    Posted 27 days ago

    I'm testing out the excellent fix_ipa utility from Art Kagel but I'm running into a few problems.

    fix_ipa: Features Version 1.0, Source Revision: 1.13 !
        Copyright 2016-2024 by Art S. Kagel, ASK Database Management Corp.

    Informix Server 12.10.FC12WE using cooked space.

    1. I intermittently get a temporary dbspace is full error while running fix_ipa -D {database}.  I can clear it by bouncing the database but that's not a permanent fix.
      1. fix_ipa throws: Error: -229(0) on open of slot cursor.
      2. The Informix server log shows: 13:46:51  WARNING: temporary DBspace tmpdata is full
      3. Querying the temp space only shows 4 records.
    2. Some tables still show in fix_ipa -l after fix_ipa -d {db} -t {table} has been run and completed without error.
    3. fix_ipa -l shows 1 page to process but fix_ipa shows 3 pages processed and it still shows up in fix_ipa -l as if it didn't run.

    Database: ued Table: stomfgfd Partition: 2098865 has 1 pages to process.

    dbs6:# ./fix_ipa -d ued -t stomfgfd
    Opening database ued.
    Working on database: ued.
    Seeking columns for table: ued:stomfgfd.
        Working on table: stomfgfd partnum: 2098865, updating using column: zero_qtys.
    EOD encountered.
    Processing tail block:
    UPDATE stomfgfd
    SET zero_qtys = zero_qtys
    WHERE ROWID IN ( 769,513,261 );

        Updated 3 pages in table stomfgfd partition: 2098865.
          Committed updates to 3 pages.

    3 pages processed in 1 tables from 1 databases.

    dbs6:# ./fix_ipa -l
    Database: ued Table: stomfgfd Partition: 2098865 has 1 pages to process.

    dbs6:# ./fix_ipa -d ued -t stomfgfd
    VersQry: SELECT st.dbsname database, st.tabname table, sp.partnum partnum, sp.nrows nrows,        sp.pta_totpgs as pta_pages, sp.npdata datapages, pta_oldvers as minver,        pta_newvers as maxver, pta_newvers as curver FROM sysptnhdr sp, sysmaster:systabnames st WHERE sp.partnum = st.partnum   AND dbsname NOT IN ('sysmaster')   AND pta_totpgs != 0   AND dbsname matches 'ued'   AND tabname matches 'stomfgfd' INTO TEMP tabvers WITH NO LOG;
    Slot query:
    SELECT st.dbsname,        st.tabname,        st.partnum,        ssl.pagenum::BIGINT as pagenum,        min(ssl.slotnum)::BIGINT AS slotnum FROM      tabvers as tv,      (          SELECT ss.partnum, ss.pagenum, ss.slotnum          FROM sysslttab AS ss          WHERE ss.slotptr != 0            AND ss.pagenum > 0      ) as ssl( partnum, pagenum, slotnum ),      systabnames st WHERE tv.partnum = ssl.partnum   AND tv.maxver > tv.minver   AND tv.maxver IS NOT null   AND tv.minver IS NOT null   AND ssl.partnum = st.partnum   AND dbsname matches 'ued'  AND tabname matches 'stomfgfd'   GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 5;
    Opening database ued.
    Working on database: ued.
    Seeking columns for table: ued:stomfgfd.
        Working on table: stomfgfd partnum: 2098865, updating using column: zero_qtys.
    Made rowid: 769 from pagenum: 3 and slotnum: 1 for partnum: 2098865.
    Made rowid: 513 from pagenum: 2 and slotnum: 1 for partnum: 2098865.
    Made rowid: 262 from pagenum: 1 and slotnum: 6 for partnum: 2098865.
    EOD encountered.
    Processing tail block:
    UPDATE stomfgfd
    SET zero_qtys = zero_qtys
    WHERE ROWID IN ( 769,513,262 );

        Updated 3 pages in table stomfgfd partition: 2098865.
          Committed updates to 3 pages.

    3 pages processed in 1 tables from 1 databases.

    Daniel Karwatka

  • 2.  RE: fix_ipa Issues

    Posted 27 days ago


    I uploaded an update to on Sunday. That will be v1.15. Download that update and try again. I believe that this may fix your issues. If not, please run like this and send me the output file:

    fix_ipa -D 2>&1 >fix_ipa.out

    Also send your Informix version, CSDK version, and platform info.

    My email address is


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.

  • 3.  RE: fix_ipa Issues

    Posted 27 days ago


    OK, looking again, I see you are using v12.10.FC12WE, 12.10.latest. This update should fix the problem of reporting that things were fixed but not fixed. 

    Also, can you send me the output from:

    oncheck -pT ued:stomfgfd


    Art S. Kagel, President and Principal Consultant
    ASK Database Management Corp.