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dmctop does not work by connecting to a db2 on the server where it's installed, but to another server it does fine.

  • 1.  dmctop does not work by connecting to a db2 on the server where it's installed, but to another server it does fine.

    Posted Wed January 20, 2021 01:03 PM

    In the db2diag I did see this error:

    SQL0444N Routine "" (specific name "") is implemented with code in library or path "", function "" which cannot be accessed. Reason code: "".

    I don't understand why it doesn't work with a local db2, but remote does.
    I must open a case to solve this, we need urgent help,

    Many Thanks

    Nicolas Rafael Ascanio Pena
    Consultant Data & AI
    +58 424 1406472


  • 2.  RE: dmctop does not work by connecting to a db2 on the server where it's installed, but to another server it does fine.

    Posted 6 days ago

    Buenas tardes,

    Tengo el mismo problema, conseguiste solucionarlo?

    muchas gracias

    xavier grau bergel

  • 3.  RE: dmctop does not work by connecting to a db2 on the server where it's installed, but to another server it does fine.

    Posted 4 days ago


    it seems that the mon_get_% routines are not created correctly (after an update / upgrade).

    So could you try a db2updv115 like following if this solves the problem? The "-o" could be omitted in most cases when no Oracle compat is involved.

    db2updv115 -d <db> -a -o

    best Regards,

    Gerhard Paulus
    Senior Consultant
    mip GmbH