If you want to delete duplicate rows from a single table in a single query, then something like this should do the trick I think (obviously you will need to replace the db, schema, table, and column names for your own values):
delete from
where exists (
left outer join (
min(ROWID) as min_row
,<....column list>
group by
<....column list>
) x
on a.ROWID=x.min_row
where x.min_row is null
and a.ROWID = c.ROWID
Obviously also it should go without saying that you need to test this thoroughly in your own environment to ensure it reliably meets your use case before running against any production data - the code sample above has been supplied in good faith, and I do not provide any kind of warranty as to its accuracy (although it has worked reliably for me against many hundreds of thousands of tables in the past).
If you think it would be helpful to be able to iterate this process across large numbers of database objects automatically (as well as automate bi-directional replication between Netezza databases; automate user, group, permission synchronisation with Active Directory/Entra; automate governance/compliance reporting; automate row/column level security; and more), then take a look at:

Huw Ringer / Principal Consultant
+44 7768 094 727/ huw@smart-associates.biz
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Original Message:
Sent: 5/3/2024 8:17:00 AM
From: Alberto Marelli
Subject: RE: Delete duplicate rows
you can use the value of rawid field
Alberto Marelli
Original Message:
Sent: Thu May 02, 2024 09:08 AM
Subject: Delete duplicate rows
I have duplicate records inserted into Netezza and would like to delete the oldest records.