Db2 for z/OS & Db2ZAI

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  • 1.  DB2 V8 and highest version of z/OS

    Posted Thu February 29, 2024 10:33 AM

    We have a client that is still running DB2 for z/OS V8  (UDB if believe it was called) and we need to know what the highest version of z/OS will support it.


    Mike Johnson

    Sr. DB2 Sysprog - Ensono

  • 2.  RE: DB2 V8 and highest version of z/OS

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 07:50 AM
    Edited by Sandeep Jain Fri March 01, 2024 07:51 AM

    I am sorry but I hope @Karen Wilkins @Marcus Davage can help in this. 

    Sandeep Jain

  • 3.  RE: DB2 V8 and highest version of z/OS

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 08:42 AM

    I can tell you that DB2 V10 running in V9 compatibility mode works just fine on z/OS 2.4.  My gut feel is that DB2 V8 will also work...

    Mike Brauweiler
    Consulting Systems Engineer
    Mainline Information Systems
    Tallahassee FL

  • 4.  RE: DB2 V8 and highest version of z/OS

    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 09:25 AM

    DB2 V8 is running fine on z/OS 2.4 at one of our customers just fine for several years now. I think that it will run under z/OS 2.5 and even z/OS 3.1.

    Alex Dashevsky

    Alexander Dashevsky

  • 5.  RE: DB2 V8 and highest version of z/OS

    User Group Leader
    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 09:44 AM

    Hi Mike,

    I think Alex's last reply is probably the best you'll get... we specify minimum prerequisites, but not a maximum value. Bearing in mind that the z/OS version is only checked at start up for being above a certain version you may find that Db2 V8 will run OK on the latest version of z/OS, but what you can be sure of is that we haven't tested it. 

    Going on dates from when Db2 V8 went out of service (April 2012) you can expect that it was tested with z/OS 1.13, but nothing beyond that. 



    Karen Wilkins
    Client Technical Professional
    IBM UK Ltd

  • 6.  RE: DB2 V8 and highest version of z/OS

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri March 01, 2024 10:56 PM

    My question is why not upgrade ZOS and go to a Higher Verision of DB2.   The biggest threat is you have is running on a unsupport versions version of each.   This is huge risk to take by not upgrading and take advantage of all the new feature they both have to offer.

    Douglas Partch