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  • 1.  Db2 GSDB example database

    IBM Champion
    Posted 12 days ago

    Hi all!

    Does anybody knows where I can find this file:


    Jan Nelken

  • 2.  RE: Db2 GSDB example database

    Posted 8 days ago


    The old ftp site is now only accessible via https, just replace 
    "ftp.software.ibm.com" with "public.dhe.ibm.com".  The remainder of the 
    URLs seem to remain the same.

    If you just go to https://public.dhe.ibm.com it is not viewable, but if
    you know the first directory under it, you can then view directory 
    contents.  For example, your file was under "/software/".  Here are some
    others that work:

    /ps/               personal systems, PC related stuff


  • 3.  RE: Db2 GSDB example database
    Best Answer

    IBM Champion
    Posted 7 days ago
    Edited by Medha Parekh 7 days ago

    Thanks Scot!
    It worked like a charm :-)

    Jan Nelken