Hi Dennis.
That's faster and more stable, particularly for index builds.
Original Message:
Sent: Tue September 17, 2024 11:08 AM
From: Dennis Melnikov
Subject: Creating index stuck forever on an ipl thread
That is a QA system, hence no replication.
Such messages were repeating in the log:
16:44:09 WARNING: Not enough temp space for parallel index build.
Space required = 11577944 pages; space available = 5210842 pages.
Partial index build started.
Some checkpoints took longer than usual, but not that much.
Original Message:
Sent: Tue September 17, 2024 10:16 AM
From: Mike Walker
Subject: Creating index stuck forever on an ipl thread
I thought that you were using RSS from your earlier postings. If you are not, then you shouldn't need LOG_INDEX_BUILDS enabled, although it should still be fine.
Anyway, is there anything in the Informix log around this time? Long checkpoints (onstat -g ckp), although this info may have rolled off by now.
I would recommend running an oncheck to check that the new index is good.
Mike Walker
xDB Systems, Inc
Original Message:
Sent: Tue September 17, 2024 09:56 AM
From: Dennis Melnikov
Subject: Creating index stuck forever on an ipl thread
$ onstat -g rss verbose
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC5XE -- On-Line -- Up 02:48:49 -- 18631552 Kbytes
Local server type: Standard
Index page logging status: Enabled
Index page logging was enabled at: 2012/08/24 16:10:30
Number of RSS servers: 0
Original Message:
Sent: Tue September 17, 2024 09:36 AM
From: Mike Walker
Subject: Creating index stuck forever on an ipl thread
What do you have LOG_INDEX_BUILDS set to in your onconfig?
Can you run "onstat -g rss verbose"?
Mike Walker
xDB Systems, Inc
Original Message:
Sent: Tue September 17, 2024 08:49 AM
From: Dennis Melnikov
Subject: Creating index stuck forever on an ipl thread
IBM Informix Dynamic Server Version 11.70.FC5XE
A CREATE INDEX statement stuck forever with 'join wait' status.
A thread that it was waiting for was named 'ipl'. Its read/write counters were still.
Terminating the session got nothing.
To abort the dead wait, `onmode -kuy` was used, and from that moment the ipl thread started reading and writing actively.
After shutting down and restarting the instance, the index is present.
Please, what is a bug that we encountered?
$ onstat -g ses 3148737
tid name rstcb flags curstk status
3687506 sqlexec 70000040cec9b70 ---P--- 5840 join wait 3706720 -
$ onstat -g ath | grep 3706720
3687506 7000003de419c88 70000040cec9b70 1 join wait 3706720 9cpu sqlexec
3706720 7000003b4296518 700000398b662f8 1 sleeping secs: 1 12cpu ipl
$ onstat -u | grep 700000398b662f8
700000398b662f8 ---PR-D 3162564 informix - 0 0 1 56887 56320