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  • Hi, To capture the SQL query that a session was running just before it reaches the SESSION_LIMIT_MEMORY and terminates, you can consider using database monitoring tools or querying the database logs directly. These tools can provide insights into the ...

  • Try trapping errno 25582. This should generate an af file capturing the session precisely in the moment of being terminated. ------------------------------ Andreas Legner ------------------------------

  • Thanks, will give that a go, I don't recall if I tried this. Hopefully the session doesn't get terminated prior to the diagnostics getting written.

  • Did not use that one, but this setting for sure will generate a specific error code. You could trap this error code with onmode -I <errorcode> in order to see what is going on. MARCUS HAARMANN

  • Hi All, I have SESSION_LIMIT_MEMORY set and I'm trying to find out what sql the session was running just before the engine terminates it. On occasion, we encounter a session with high memory usage. I've tried alarmprogram but seems engine terminates ...

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  • Meet Art S. Kagel, President & Principal Consultant at ASK Database Management Corp., and has been an IBM Champion since the inception of the program! With a passion for technology and a deep love for IBM Informix, Art shares his insights, experiences, ...

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