Hi everyone - Happy New Year's Eve, and when you read this in 2024, then, Happy New Year!
I am working on a niche area of Db2 - i.e. Db2 Stored Procedures (SPs) and, something similar but with a different name, Db2 SQL Procedures (SQLPs) - definitions to follow in subsequent BLOG episodes. This started when I presented at IDUG EMEA 2022 in Edinburgh, Scotland. We were discussing Stored Procedure Address Spaces, why they are important to know and how they evolved. In that presentation, I simply highlighted their creation and high level functionality. For example the initial SP address space was SPAS and then it used the Workload Manager ones in which SPs were executed.
Attendees asked more detail questions and my presentation was not set up to answer them - e.g. "what's the difference between Native and External SPs?". "what's an SQL Procedure, both External and Native?" Eye opening questions, to be sure.
In this blog and also in my new presentation that I am preparing for IDUG (hoping it gets accepted), I plan on explaining the differences and giving the evolution of these 2 "Procedure" types (SPs & SQLPs).
So Happy New Year for now and please feel free to chime in on your experiences with these as I go forward with future "Blog Episodes" on this niche subject area of Db2 for z/OS.
Here's a hint at some of the differences between External SPs vs. Native SQLPs, graphically speaking:
