Would you find it useful if you could have an estimate for how long a Db2 utility task will take to run so that you can run better streamlined and efficient maintenance windows? Now you can!
Db2 Automation Expert for z/OS has added a machine learning (ML) feature, Db2 Utility Estimator, that analyzes the utility history stored in the tables introduced by Db2 for z/OS 13 in function levels 501 and 504. The history data is powerful on its own, giving you access to a picture of your Db2 maintenance history never available until now. The true power, though, comes when you use Db2 Utility Estimator to analyze the historical time taken to process the table space REORG utility to then provide time estimates for a future planned table space REORG execution for similar objects.
Training is done only in your environment, and your data stays within your system.
Once training is completed, you can run streamlined and efficient maintenance windows by taking these estimates into account when planning the activity for those windows. When you build your job profile in Db2 Automation Expert, we will show the calculated estimates for the elapsed, CPU, and zIIP times anticipated, and you will be able to tell how well the items in your profile will fit in the maintenance window to which it will be targeted. It helps to know what will fit before attempting maintenance execution or to ensure the important items are first when you know they might not all fit.
Support starts with table space REORGs. Estimation capabilities for other utilities may be added in a near future.