Db2 Connect provides connectivity from applications to Db2 for z/OS, Db2 for i and Db2 for LUW. Db2 Connect has 2 components
- Db2 Connect Client/Drivers
- Db2 Connect Gateway/Server (Optional)
As indicated above, Db2 Connect Gateway/Server is optional. This is required only for the below use cases
- If customer want to use dual transport transaction managers (Example: Tuxedo, Encina) for two phase commit in case of distributed transactions(xa)
- Federation capability to connect to other databases using nicknames.
So, we don't recommend using Db2 Connect Gateway/Server.
Choosing the right client/driver Package
There are mainly 5 different client/driver packages available for download
- IBM Data Server Client
This is slightly heavier package as it include catalogs to configure connection information, CLP and admin utilities/apis. This package has cli/odbc, jdbc/sqlj, .NET full framework and embedded SQL drivers
- IBM Data Server Runtime Client
This is same as IBM Data Server Client. But it has only runtime capability. It does have header files to compile the application. This package has cli/odbc, jdbc/sqlj, .NET full framework and embedded SQL drivers
- IBM Data Server Driver
This is a lighter package which does not have catalogs to configure connection information. It does not have CLP and admin utilities/apis. It has all the other capabilities that an IBM Data Server Client package has. This package has cli/odbc, jdbc/sqlj, .NET full framework and embedded SQL drivers. This is the only package that is available for all platforms including mac. Other packages are not available for mac machines.
- IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI
This is a lighter package which does not have catalogs to configure connection information. It does not have CLP and admin utilities/apis. It has only the CLI/ODBC drivers and Embedded SQL driver
- IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ
This is a lighter package which does not have catalogs to configure connection information. It does not have CLP and admin utilities/apis. It has only the JDBC/SQLJ drivers
We recommend using IBM Data Server Driver Package (DS Driver) as it is light weight to download, install/upgrade and configure. No need to rebind the packages after a version upgrade.
Above packages can be downloaded from PPA(https://www.ibm.com/software/passportadvantage/pao_customer.html) or from the below fixcentral link
How to install the above client/driver packages
To install IBM Data Server Driver Package in windows, follow the below link. Look at the text starting from “To install the IBM Data Server Driver Package software”
To install IBM Data Server Driver Package in linux/unix, follow the below link.
To Install IBM Data Server Driver Package in Mac, refer the below link
To install IBM Data Server Client or IBM Data Server Runtime Client in windows, refer the below link
To install IBM Data Server Client or IBM Data Server Runtime Client in unix/linux, refer the below link
Open Source drivers are not available in the above packages from 11.5 release. If you need open source drivers like Go, Python, node.js etc, please follow the instructions in the below links
.NET core drivers can be downloaded directly from the below nuget links
.NET 8/.NET 7/.NET 6 Driver
EF Core for .NET 8, .NET 7, .NET 6
Relevant links for .NET Core driver
IBM Db2 Java Reactive Driver(Asynchronous)
This is a java based driver. Refer to the below link for more details
Support for development environments
Db2 Connect supports Visual Studio and VS Code .
Visual Studio add-ins can be downloaded from the below link
“Db2 Connect” Extension for VS Code can be installed from the VS Code editor.
Where to download Db2 Connect Gateway/Server (Optional)
Db2 Connect Gateway/Server can be downloaded from the below link.
License Requirement
To connect to Db2 for z/OS and Db2 for i using any of the drivers/development environments above, Db2 connect license is required. Refer to the below link for the different licensing options and activation procedures.
How to bind Db2 Connect Packages
If you are using Db2 Connect for the first time and receive an -805 error during SQL execution, you will need to bind the Db2 Connect packages. If you are using IBM Data Server Client or IBM Data Server Runtime Client, you can bind the packages using CLP. You need to go to the bnd folder of the installation before executing the below commands. You also need to connect to the database from clp before executing the below commands.
db2 bind @db2ubind.lst blocking all grant public
db2 bind @db2cli.lst blocking all grant public
If you are using IBM Data Server Driver Package, you can bind the packages using db2cli
db2cli bind "@<driver install path> \bnd\db2cli.lst" -database "databasename:hostname:port" -user <userid> -passwd <password> -options "grant public collection nullid"
Alternatively you can bind the packages using the below java command as well
java com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Binder -url jdbc:db2://hostname:port/databasename -user <userid> -password <password> -bindoptions "grant public collection nullid"
How to establish TLS/SSL Connection to Db2 from non-java application
User can establish TLS/SSL connection to Db2 using either method 1 or method 2 below
Method 1(Simplified)
If you are connecting to Db2 on cloud then you may not need to configure SSLServerCertificate keyword.
Method 2
How to establish TLS/SSL Connection to Db2 from a java application
Db2 Connect apis and properties
Refer/Search the Knowledge center link below for specific apis and properties
What's new in every release
Click on the below link for "IBM data server client and driver enhancements"
Db2 Connect Performance Tips
Refer the below link
More informative links
#Db2LUW #Db2Z#Db2onCloud#Db2 #Db2Warehouse #Db2Tools #db2z/os #Db2LUW #IBMDb2forz/OS #Db2Toolsforz/OS #DataServerDrivers