By Wayne Driscoll
When working with intervals within Db2 Query Monitor from View Activity Summaries, View Exceptions, View SQLCODES, or View Db2 Commands using the INTV command displays the list of intervals available for selection. You can use the “S” line command on one or more lines to select multiple intervals to view, but that can be tedious for a large number of intervals.
Now with APAR PH51411, Db2 Query Monitor supports block selection by using a pair of “SS” commands.
For example, if you want to select all intervals from 907 to 882 in the below screen:
- Enter an opening SS at 907 and a closing SS at 882
- Press Enter
Additionally, after entering the first of the pair of “SS” commands, you can scroll to another screen to include intervals that may span multiple screens and enter the second “SS” on another screen. During the processing, it verifies that a block selection is closed, or that no individual commands are issued within a block, and if found, an error message will be displayed.
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