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Congratulations to John Campbell, Db2 for z/OS DE, on his Retirement!

By Mo Townsend posted Tue July 19, 2022 09:42 AM

Effective 5 August 2022, John Campbell is ready to enjoy his hard-earned retirement from his valuable roles as Distinguished Engineer, leader of the Db2 for z/OS SWAT team, and customer advisor extraordinaire!!
John Campbell, IBM Db2 for z/OS Distinguished Engineer
For decades, John worked side-by-side with customers to design resilient Db2 environments, using best practices honed over years of personal experience and client collaboration.  At the same time, he applied his deep technical knowledge of Db2 and those field insights to help design innovative, high value Db2 capabilities, improve product quality, and mentor dozens (hundreds?) of developers. 

While John is an irreplaceable member of the Db2 community and we will miss him immeasurably, he spent years choosing and training his successors. The Db2 SWAT team, providing help in a crisis or advice via Db2 360 studies, will continue under the capable leadership of Anthony Ciabattoni, working with Bob Tilkes and Michal Bialecki.

Please take a moment to login to the community with your IBM ID and leave John a word of appreciation below.  (While everyone will be able to read comments on this public post, you won't be able to ADD comments unless you sign in first.)

We can't thank you enough, John, for a career well done!

Mo Townsend, Steve Brazil, and the Db2 for z/OS Development Team




Fri August 05, 2022 03:07 AM


Despite both being UK based, I met you more times at the Garden Inn, Los Gatos, than in the office!

Congratulations on your retirement. We are going to miss you a great deal, most certainly the DB2 team will, most certainly other Z teams like CICS will, and most certainly the customers will.

Thank you for your help and advice over the years. I am glad that I was also able to help you out from time to time, as your go to CICS person when it came to issues more CICS centric than DB2.

Here's wishing you a long and happy retirement. Maybe our paths may cross in the UK some time.

Take care,

John Tilling

Thu August 04, 2022 11:44 AM

Congratulations John! Wishing you all the best in your retirement. Your expertise will be greatly missed. Fortunately I have many of your very educational presentations to refer back to when needed. Enjoy your retirement!!

Thu August 04, 2022 06:52 AM

Hi John,

it's always been an honor to work with you for our global customer base running SAP on top of Db2 for z/OS. I remember enumerous cases where you helped us resolving tricky customer problems or inspired us in improving the joint solution stack. 
We wish you all the best for your retirement!

Bernd (representing the joint IBM/SAP porting team)

Wed August 03, 2022 05:46 PM

John, Congratulations!  Your influences run deep throughout Db2.  Thank you for being that example we could all learn from and aspire to emulate!

Mon August 01, 2022 11:41 AM

I've posted similar sentiments on LinkedIn.  What can't you say about John?  John is a legend, a leader, a colleague, a partner to his colleagues in his own company with Partners and in Customer shops, but most of all a friend.  John is a person who cares deeply about the technology, helping companies and people be successful with it, but most of all about the people he interacts with.  We are all better for having had the opportunity to work with and interact with him in any way.  I cherish the time I spent with John throughout my career and wish him nothing but pure peace, joy, and health in retirement.  All the best to you my friend!

Mon August 01, 2022 08:05 AM

John - Congratulations on your prestigious career and thank you for your contributions to making Db2 the leading database in the world. Wishing you good health, happiness, and success as you move forward to this next chapter in your life!  Baha

Fri July 29, 2022 06:10 AM

Many congratulations John, if ever anybody deserved their retirement it is definitely you!!

It has been an honour and a real privilege to have had the chance to work with you over all these years.
Your generosity and enthusiasm in sharing your immense technical knowledge is unparalleled and even now as you are retiring you are still an enormous inspiration for the whole DB2 community.
And I'm sure you know just how much I personally have appreciated your quick wit, intelligence and humour while discussing all things DB2 :-)

In short, you have made it a pure joy to work with DB2 -

Enjoy a long, happy and healthy retirement!
All the best!

Thu July 28, 2022 10:09 AM

Congratulations and best wishes on your retirement. Your expertise will be missed by this community. I enjoyed many seminars by you as well as conversations with you at social events. Enjoy!  Larry

Wed July 27, 2022 12:50 PM

Congrats John! And a big thank you for all you did for Db2 and its users over the past decades.
It was always a pleasure to meet and work with you at each and every occasion - our discussions after a crisis or challenging problem, the Db2 ESP workshops, our 360 study, the marvellous Db2 Masterclass 2019 and all the numerous IDUG sessions.
Best wishes to you and your family for the next chapter in your life!

Tue July 26, 2022 02:57 PM

Congratulations John.

Well deserved and you will surely be missed that is for sure. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and for being a true professional. Enjoy the next phase of your life journey.

Have a great retirement!

Tue July 26, 2022 02:35 PM

Congratulations, John!

Many knew this day was coming, but likely only you were actually looking forward to it.   To say you will be missed is gross understatement.

Thank you for so many things over the years - the technical expertise, the mentorship, the candor, and the humor.

All the best to you and your family.  Cheers!


Tue July 26, 2022 01:38 PM

You’re a true professional who’s shown by example that excellence is something to aim for daily.  You inspire everyone around you to be more. Your hard work, dedication and achievement may never be matched.  Thank you for everything you have contributed to IBM, our customers and to those of us who have benefited from your valued counsel and friendship.

I wish you good health, delight, and success as you move forward in life. When one believes that they have come to the end of something, we often find that we are just beginning something even better.  Congratulations on your retirement and Welcome to the Club!

Tue July 26, 2022 04:53 AM

 We all know how much you will be missed in the Db2 for z/OS community, almost everyone of us had at least one chance to interact with you along the last decades and we will keep your dedication, kindness, availability to others as a model and inspiration for us to do better and better.
But now my thoughts are for you, your wife, your family ; may all your wishes and plans be satisfied, have a good life . Wishing you all the best.

Mon July 25, 2022 04:25 PM

Congratulations John!
I wish you the best in this next phase. I will definitely miss your customer stories and deep expertise.  Your presentations at IDUG, THINK and other conferences were always entertaining and educational.  ;-)
Have a great retirement!

Mon July 25, 2022 04:16 PM

John –

Best wishes to you on your retirement!

 It is hard to summarize one’s life and career so expansive as yours.

So instead of a poorly performing tablespace scan, a FTB using a cache-friendly optimized in-memory structure to accelerate index-tree traversals provided these rows…..

- A trusted advisor to our firm, we have benefited immensely from your extraordinary talents, tales and experience.

- Standing tall and firm to ensured we did the right thing – not always easy.

- One who has touched many lives.

- Celebrate with all on your extraordinary career and wish you and family the very best.

Tim Sharp

Mon July 25, 2022 03:16 PM

Congratulations and best wishes on your retirement, John!  Your influence in Db2 and the Db2 community is a testament to your talent and leadership. Thank you for everything.  Best, Laura

Mon July 25, 2022 02:26 PM

John, It has been such a pleasure to work with you and learn from you throughout my years in Db2. From both a customer perspective and an IDUG volunteer perspective I would like to thank you for all that you have done for the community and wish you the best in your retirement. Enjoy your time and thanks for everything!!!

-Dustin Ratliff

Mon July 25, 2022 01:36 PM

Hi John, thank you for the countless positive impacts you’ve made on the customers and on all of the us who have been fortunate enough to work with you. It has been a privilege and I wish you all the best in your retirement.

Mon July 25, 2022 10:29 AM


You have been nothing short of legendary and leave behind a legacy of advocating for our clients, advocating for IBM, candor being a gift and an unwavering set of beliefs and actions to do what's right.  Those of us who have been lucky enough to been indoctrinated by you are better off for it, as have our clients and IBM at large.  Thank you for decades of brilliance, tough discussions and millions of miles flown around the world.  You'll be missed, but wish you the very best in the next phase of your life.

Mon July 25, 2022 06:41 AM


Many congratulations on your retirement.

Thank you for all the invaluable expertise you have shared over the years: always much appreciated.

All the best for the future,


Sat July 23, 2022 01:45 PM

Thank you John for all knowledge you kindly always shared, for your high standards set and maintained always. You are and will be inspiration to follow for many, including me.

Sat July 23, 2022 01:30 AM

It's always been a pleasure to work with you on topics and clients at the intersection of Storage and Db2.

All the best for your retirement and I hope you've got many plans far away from the world of IT.

Fri July 22, 2022 10:59 AM

John, I had the privilege to work with you for a few IDUG North America events.  The amount I've learned sitting in your sessions is remarkable. I can't thank you enough for all you've done and all you've given back to the Db2 community.  Thank you and enjoy your much deserved retirement!

-Chris Muncan

Fri July 22, 2022 01:27 AM

John, congratulations on your retirement! Thank you ever so much for everything - your Db2z expertise, wisdom, stories, and friendship.  You will be missed tremendously! 

All the best,

Thu July 21, 2022 09:21 PM

Hi John

I will miss your sanity checks and humour. Enjoy retirement!

Frank McEwen

Thu July 21, 2022 09:21 PM

Hi John

I will miss your sanity checks and humour. Enjoy retirement!

Frank McEwen

Thu July 21, 2022 08:28 PM

John, sorry to see you go.  Best wishes to you and yours as you transition to  your retirement.  We together go back, many, many moons ago, when we both were doing work in the Db2 Performance department. Db2 will miss your insights and expertise.

Thu July 21, 2022 08:13 PM

Congratulations John C on your retirement! Your customer interaction and insights that you bring in will be missed by Db2/z.

All the best wishes for the next phase of life!

Madhavi Amirneni

Thu July 21, 2022 05:37 PM

Congratulations John on your retirement! You are really well-known in Db2 with your expertise. Thank you so much for what you have done for Db2. We will miss you.

Have a wonderful retirement!

- Tran

Thu July 21, 2022 04:01 PM

Congratulations John!
I wish you the best in this next phase.  I will definitely miss the customer expertise that you brought, and the entertaining way you presented it. :)
Have a great retirement!

Thu July 21, 2022 01:25 PM

All the best to you John on your retirement. I'll never forget your visit to IBM Palisades to give a client a Db2 preso and what that turned into. 

Anthony is right, almost. You shouldn't be sharing, I think you deserve a mountain of your own! 


Thu July 21, 2022 11:54 AM

Hi John,

  Thank you for all your support over the last few decades. It’s been a privilege to witness truly inspiring and inclusive leadership.

Many congratulations and all the best for the future.


Thu July 21, 2022 11:30 AM

Thank you for sharing so much knowledge and support over the years.  The Db2 z/OS Master Class was especially invaluable and I enjoyed getting to know you during that week.  Your sense of humor never disappointed.  Congratulations on retirement!  I wish you many years of happiness!

Thu July 21, 2022 06:32 AM

Hi John, 

Greetings from CICS!   

It has been an immense privilege and pleasure to have worked with you over the past years and  I have very fond memories of joining your team for engagements in China and Brazil.    

I hope retirement gives you the opportunity to do many of the things you've no doubt deferred as you travelled the world visiting customers.  ]I think the airline and hotel stock prices will drop when they hear you're retiring!]

Very best wishes,

Wed July 20, 2022 10:31 PM

Hi John, 

Congratulation on your well deserved retirement. It's been an honor and  pleasure working with you over the years.  Your encyclopedia of DB2 knowledge will be missed by all! 

Take Care,
Mark Young

Wed July 20, 2022 06:03 PM

John, Congratulations! You were always an inspiration during my DB2 career. A library full of knowledge. Thank you for sharing your expertise and all the tips over the years. I wish you a retirement full of happiness! Enjoy it and live life to the fullest!

Wed July 20, 2022 04:16 PM

John, You will be missed.  I have enjoyed working with you and thank you for all the advice and guidance you have given the Progressive DB2 Team over the years.  It has always been a privilege to be part of the JC Social Circle Club.  Congratulations on your retirement and take care!!   Mike Tobe

Wed July 20, 2022 02:42 PM

JC, congratulations on a well-deserved retirement! You have always been special and have meant so much to so many people over your long career. You have always given your support, big heart and technical knowledge to so many colleagues, friends and customers over the years as a major face of Db2 and certainly you will be added to the Mount Rushmore of Db2. I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me over the years as a mentor, boss and most importantly a friend! I wish you all the best and happiness in your retirement and I will miss your dearly. Anthony

Wed July 20, 2022 10:27 AM

John, it feels so strange to say farewell. Most of my professional career I was working either closely with you or somewhere in your ecosystem. And I feel lucky to have crossed your path, you inspired me, I learnt a lot, enjoyed our joint engagements, had a great time. I wish you all the best and do not be a stranger. Namik

Wed July 20, 2022 09:25 AM

Congratulations John, we knew this time was going to come eventually,  you will be greatly missed by the Db2 community, Your hard work, dedication, passion and commitment  to the Db2 community unique quality. Your relationship with customers is outstanding, customers really trust and value your honesty and integrity. I have really enjoyed working with you all these years and you are great friend.  Surekha

Tue July 19, 2022 07:17 PM

John, it has been my pleasure working with you.  When I attended your presentation in a conference for the first time, I found myself (along with other Db2 folks) standing in the back wall as the large conference room was 100+% full.  That's when I knew what a rock star you are to our customers.  They will miss you the most.  Enjoy your retirement.  Frank

Tue July 19, 2022 07:01 PM

Congratulations,  John.  You have been my great “senpai” at Db2 performance team since I first joined the performance team.   Your recommendations and feedbacks based on customers’ experience have been invaluable to me and Db2 development team.    Wishing you the best… and moderation in drinking beer and wine!   Akiko

Tue July 19, 2022 06:56 PM

You have been an inspiration, a colleague and a friend for decades. All the very best for future, and I hope we will still have the chance to chat over a beer sometime.

Tue July 19, 2022 06:22 PM

Hi John,
Your expertise,  hard work and your dedication to our customers may never be matched.  Thank you for setting the standard for everyone here.  Your retirement is well deserved, and I will miss you!

Chun Xia
Db2 for zOS Client Success