Db2 Tools for z/OS

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Db2 Administration Tool 13.1: Managing utility history

By Kate Wheat posted Wed May 18, 2022 02:51 PM


One of the major utility enhancements in Db2 13 for z/OS is the ability to collect information about IBM Db2 utility executions, also known as utility history, and store it in the SYSUTILITIES catalog table. Db2 Admin Tool 13.1 provides a panel interface that allows you to easily view and search your utility history, as well as delete old rows.

From the main menu, select option Z (DB2 System Administration) -> 2H (Display utility history) to view the utility history options:

From this panel (ADB2Z2H), you can:

  • Choose the criteria by which you want to filter SYSUTILITIES. For example, you can view utility history for only a certain utility, such as REORG, or for only those utilities whose CPU time or elapsed time was greater than a certain value.
  • Maintain SYSUTILITIES. You can delete rows for those utilities that have completed, were terminated, or both before a specified end date.
  • Run predefined queries for gaining insight from SYSUTILITIES data. For example, you can view the top 25 longest running active utilities (by start time).
  • Create your own queries against SYSUTILITIES.
  • View utilities that use more CPU time than similar utilities.

For example, the following screen shows SYSUTILITIES information for all COPY utility executions that were started within the last day and had an elapsed time of 1000 milliseconds or more:

You can also navigate from SYSCOPY rows and DISPLAY UTIL output to the related SYSUTILITIES rows to view utility execution details.

As with other subsystem parameters (zparms), you can change the value of the new zparm UTILITY_HISTORY directly from Db2 Admin Tool. UTILITY_HISTORY is the zparm that turns utility history collection on and off.

