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In previous versions of Db2 Admin Tool, you can change a PBG table space to a PBR table space by using a series of commands. Db2 Admin Tool then dropped and recreated the table space as requested. Beginning in Db2 Admin Tool 13.1, you can use the same series of commands to change a table space from PBG to PBR, and if Db2 Admin Tool is bound with an APPLCOMPAT value of V13R1M500 or higher, this conversion is performed by using the new Db2 13 ALTER syntax and a REORG utility operation (if the table space is defined). Using an ALTER operation (instead of DROP and CREATE operations) minimizes any outages.
Your table space, RDBKXMP, (and any others that qualify) are displayed on the Table Spaces panel (ADB21S). Notice that the T (Type) column contains a G to indicate that it is a PBG table space:
In this case, the following message is displayed to indicate that RDBKXMP has no pending changes: