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Release Notes

By Jordan Hodges posted Wed January 15, 2020 05:44 PM


Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 5.0.1

December 2nd, 2021

We are pleased to announce the release of IBM Database Conversion Workbench and IBM Database Harmony Profiler version 5.0.1

What's new in this release?

This release contains these new major features –

1.    Teradata to NPS (Netezza Performance Server) migration support

  • Create  Project with Teradata as source and Netezza Performance Server as target database.
  • Import Teradata SQL files for the following objects and provide Compatibility Report considering Netezza Performance Server as target –
    • Tables
    • Views
  • Convert code

 2.   Java 11 support is now included with DCW across all platforms.

3.    Fixes provided for pre-existing UI/UX issues related Notification Panel, RUN SQL and Export asset functionalities.

Best Practices

  • For MAC OS : During the first time, opening application macOS will prompt a message with " App cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified". To fix this, click on the cancel button on that prompt. You can grant an exception for a blocked app by clicking the "Open Anyway" button in the General pane of Security & Privacy preferences.
    To change these preferences on your Mac, choose the Apple menu > System Preferences, click Security & Privacy, then click General.
    Once allowed, try to execute the DCW again.
    More Information : https://support.apple.com/en-in/guide/mac-help/mh40616/mac
  • For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method 
  • Exporting converted files: 
    On Windows, when a shell file (.sh) is exported using Export Files as a zip file and unzipped on a Linux system, the shell may not be executable because of newline and carriage return characters. Run a dos2unix command on the shell file and it gets fixed. You may have to install the dos2unix utility. 
    > dos2unix <shell file name> 
  • While converting multiple files (by passing the directory name) using IBM DCW Lite, all files that need to be converted should have a .sql extension 
  • DCW requires file size to be less than 5MB for evaluation to provide reasonable conversion and debugging experience. You can use extraction script from DCW community to extract schema by object type. This will create smaller size schema files.  You can also use DDL split feature for extracted Oracle schema. 
  • Excel/CSV reports Links in DCW application are "VIEW" purpose and editing Excel/CSV reports in application is not recommended. For editing purpose, please use export reports feature to download and edit. 

Known Issues

  • BTeq commands not ending with statement separator: Few of BTEQ commands are do not have statement terminator. In this case, a valid SQL command following the BTEQ command also gets commented out. Fix is to search for these commands in the source file and add a statement terminator (;).  Some examples of BTEQ command which do not end with statement terminator are LABEL, SET, REPEAT 
  • LOCK clause not supported: SQL statements starting with LOCK keyword is not converted in DCW and is not supported in Db2. Make sure you comment out LOCK clause. e.g --LOCK TABLE Schema.Table FOR WRITE 
  • Specific BTeq comments causes error in shell execution: BTeq scripts containing comments ending with -- */ may cause error in converted shell execution. Manually correct the comment syntax by moving the closing comment (*/) to a new line 
  • Sometimes files may not be fully evaluated due to an exception occurring during evaluation. In such cases users may be able to see partial results in the form of directories having “_parts” phrase in its name. Users should ideally delete these files as they are not meant for end user usage and any evaluation of files in these directories will lead to error. 


Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 5.0

June 30th, 2021

We are pleased to announce the release of IBM Database Conversion Workbench and IBM Database Harmony Profiler version 5.0

What's new in this release?

 This is a major release with new UI design and flow with the following features -  

    • Oracle schema conversion to Db2 
    • Teradata Tables, Views and BTeq conversion to Db2 
    • Project estimation by providing complexity & frequency of the incompatibilities 
    • Reporting enhancements and overall report 
    • Export compatibility report as csv or Excel formats for detailed analysis and project planning 
    • Option to suppress DCW generated comments in the converted code 
    • Split DDL for better management of SQL script size for evaluation and conversion 
    • Connection to on prem or cloud Db2 database to deploy converted scripts  
    • Updated Extraction script for Oracle & Teradata source database 
    • Visualization script to clean source database schema before compatibility & conversion 
    • IBM Database Conversion Workbench Lite release for command line usage 

    Best Practices
    • For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method 
    • Exporting converted files: 
      On Windows, when a shell file (.sh) is exported using Export Files as a zip file and unzipped on a Linux system, the shell may not be executable because of newline and carriage return characters. Run a dos2unix command on the shell file and it gets fixed. You may have to install the dos2unix utility. 
      > dos2unix <shell file name> 
    • While converting multiple files (by passing the directory name) using IBM DCW Lite, all files that need to be converted should have a .sql extension 
    • DCW requires file size to be less than 5MB for evaluation to provide reasonable conversion and debugging experience. You can use extraction script from DCW community to extract schema by object type. This will create smaller size schema files.  You can also use DDL split feature for extracted Oracle schema. 
    • Excel/CSV reports Links in DCW application are "VIEW" purpose and editing Excel/CSV reports in application is not recommended. For editing purpose, please use export reports feature to download and edit. 

    Known Issues

    • BTeq commands not ending with statement separator: Few of BTEQ commands are do not have statement terminator. In this case, a valid SQL command following the BTEQ command also gets commented out. Fix is to search for these commands in the source file and add a statement terminator (;).  Some examples of BTEQ command which do not end with statement terminator are LABEL, SET, REPEAT 
    • LOCK clause not supported: SQL statements starting with LOCK keyword is not converted in DCW and is not supported in Db2. Make sure you comment out LOCK clause. e.g --LOCK TABLE Schema.Table FOR WRITE 
    • Specific BTeq comments causes error in shell execution: BTeq scripts containing comments ending with -- */ may cause error in converted shell execution. Manually correct the comment syntax by moving the closing comment (*/) to a new line 
    • Sometimes files may not be fully evaluated due to an exception occurring during evaluation. In such cases users may be able to see partial results in the form of directories having “_parts” phrase in its name. Users should ideally delete these files as they are not meant for end user usage and any evaluation of files in these directories will lead to error 

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.5.1

          November 6, 2020

          We are pleased to announce the release of IBM Database Conversion Workbench and IBM Database Harmony Profiler version 4.5.1 

          What's new in this release?

           This release contains these new major features -

          • Project estimation by providing complexity & frequency of the incompatibilities
          • Reporting enhancements
          • Export compatibility report as csv or Excel formats
          • Teradata BTeq enhancements
          • Option to suppress DCW generated comments in the converted code
          • Extraction script for Teradata source database


          Important Note for MacOS Users: 

          On macOS, DCW currently has limitations on how it is invoked for it's both Full Version/DB Harmony Profiler. Following instructions will help you to run DCW successfully on macOS -

          • Check if the macOS system has Oracle JDK installed.
          • If Oracle JDK is not installed, you will need to install it. Download and install Oracle JDK  from https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html
          • If Oracle JDK is already installed, make sure it is greater than version 8 and up to version 14.
            Open a terminal window, navigate to the unzipped folder and launch DCW application by running ./dcw (for full version) or ./db_harmony_profiler.sh ( for DB Harmony)

            If you receive system error about '"dcw" cannot be opened because…' then go to System Preferences, Security & Privacy all allow dcw to run as an app. In the Terminal window again execute ./dcw or ./db_harmony_profiler.sh according to the product you have selected to launch DCW application.
          • Mac install related known Issue: Top-level menu options of DCW are disabled                
            ​Workaround: If top-level menu options are disabled, shift focus on a different window and come back to DCW.

          If you receive an alert prompt saying “The DCW executable launcher was unable….” then press ‘OK’ and In the Terminal window again execute ./dcw and run the application.

          Best Practices

          • For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method
          • Exporting converted files:
            On Windows, when a shell file (.sh) is exported using Export Files as a zip file and unzipped on a Linux system, the shell may not be executable because of newline and carriage return characters. Run a dos2unix command on the shell file and it gets fixed. You may have to install the dos2unix utility.
            > dos2unix <shell file name>
          • While converting multiple files (by passing the directory name) using IBM Database Harmony Profiler, all files that need to be converted should have a .sql extension


          Known Issues

          • BTeq commands not ending with statement separator:

          Few of BTEQ commands are do not have statement terminator. In this case, a valid SQL command following the BTEQ command also gets commented out. Fix is to search for these commands in the source file and add a statement terminator (;).
          Some examples of BTEQ command which do not end with statement terminator are LABEL, SET, REPEAT

          • LOCK clause not supported:

          SQL statements starting with LOCK keyword is not converted in DCW and is not supported in Db2. Make sure you comment out LOCK clause. e.g
          --LOCK TABLE Schema.Table FOR WRITE

          • Specific BTeq comments causes error in shell execution:

          BTeq scripts containing comments ending with -- */ may cause error in converted shell execution. Manually correct the comment syntax by moving the closing comment (*/) to a new line.

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.5.0

          August 7, 2020


          What's new in this release?


          New Support for migration from Teradata to Db2


          We are pleased to announce the release of IBM Database Conversion Workbench and IBM Database Harmony Profiler version 4.5.0 with migration support for Teradata to Db2.


          This release contains these new major features –

          • Create Teradata Project
          • Import Teradata SQL files for the following objects and provide Compatibility Report –
            • Tables
            • Views
            • BTeq
          • Convert code


          Important Note for MacOS Users : 


          On macOS, DCW currently has limitations on how it is invoked for it's both Full Version/DB Harmony Profiler. Following instructions will help you to run DCW successfully on macOS -

          • Check if the macOS system has Oracle JDK installed.
          • If Oracle JDK is not installed, you will need to install it. Download and install Oracle JDK  from https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html
          • If Oracle JDK is already installed, make sure it is greater than version 8 and up to version 14.
            Open a terminal window, navigate to the unzipped folder and launch DCW application by running ./dcw (for full version) or ./db_harmony_profiler.sh ( for DB Harmony)

            If you receive system error about '"dcw" cannot be opened because…' then go to System Preferences, Security & Privacy all allow dcw to run as an app. In the Terminal window again execute ./dcw or ./db_harmony_profiler.sh according to the product you have selected to launch DCW application.
          • Mac install related known Issue: Top-level menu options of DCW are disabled                
            ​Workaround: If top-level menu options are disabled, shift focus on a different window and come back to DCW.

          If you receive an alert prompt saying “The DCW executable launcher was unable….” then press ‘OK’ and In the Terminal window again execute ./dcw and run the application.


          Best Practices

          • For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method
          • Exporting converted files:
            On Windows, when a shell file (.sh) is exported using Export Files as a zip file and unzipped on a Linux system, the shell may no be executable because of newline and carriage return characters. Run a dos2unix command on the shell file and it gets fixed.
            > dos2unix <shell file name>
          • While converting multiple files (by passing the directory name) using IBM Database Harmony Profiler , all files that need to be converted should have a .sql extension



          Known Issues

          • BTeq commands not ending with statement separator:

          Few of BTEQ commands are do not have statement terminator. In this case, a valid SQL command following the BTEQ command also gets commented out. Fix is to search for these commands in the source file and add a statement terminator (;).
          Some examples of BTEQ command which do not end with statement terminator are LABEL, SET, REPEAT

          • LOCK clause not supported:
            SQL statements starting with LOCK keyword is not converted in DCW and is not supported in Db2. Make sure you comment out LOCK clause. e.g
            --LOCK TABLE Schema.Table FOR WRITE

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.39

          May 22, 2020
          What's new in this release?
          Oracle :
          • Updated and fixed the broken links related to Db2 for LUW application enablement documentation which are referenced in DCW flags.
          • Trigger ordering and Trigger edition clauses are now parsed in DCW.
          • System Trigger clause is now parsed in DCW.
          • Fixed the table count issue in the db2tabcount.sql script generated during extract data.
          • Added support for Scalar functions in Db2.
          • Created script db2loadtruncate.sql to truncate data in Db2 and created script oratabcount.sql to count the number of rows from the source database.
          • Removed DBMS packages from DBMS Add-on modules which are now available in Db2 11.5.
          • Segment creation is now commented inside partition by clause.
          • Flagged the use of '$' in the replacement string of regexp_replace function.
          • Flagged the use of dense_rank aggregate functions but allowed the use of the simplest form of dense_rank usage.
          • Added support for the new built-in packages introduced in Db2 11.5 and removed flags for the built-in packages that already exist.
          • DCW macOS package is now supported with latest Oracle JDK version 14 (14.0.1).
          • Modified queries to retrieve objects for avoiding redundancy and also rearranged the order of the objects.        
          • DDL extract now extracts operator objects.
          • Adding NOT NULL to PK enforced columns is now part of the conversion.
          • GRANT statements are now moved to a separate file in extraction.
          • DDL extraction feature now extracts only the selected objects.
          • Modified Split DDL to incorporate changes in extraction.
          • Updated DDL extract output filenames.
          • Fixed an issue where Split DDL functionality dumps all files in current directory when filename has '_DDL' in it .
          • DCW now supports generation of DDL extract script with a list of schema up to 720 chars.
          • Fixed an issue in which the queries failed when @ was selected as a delimiter.
          • DCW now generates DDL extraction script with all DDL extraction revamp changes.
          • The files generated by Split DDL functionality in Base Objects Directory will now be in the same order on all platforms.
          • Added Db2 11.5 and Db2 11.5 BLU support to all DCW variants and removed the existing Db2 10.5 and Db2 10.5 BLU support.
          • Fixed an issue in Oracle Insert statement in which a parser error occurred when "LOG" and "ERRORS" were used as identifiers.
          • External table statements are now flagged when the target is Db2 11.5 and also included a conversion guide link in the solution.
          • PERIOD FOR statements are now flagged in the compatibility report as not supported by Db2.
          • Updated ‘Custom DDL Extraction Script’ wizard list titles. The title on the left side now includes schemas and the right side excludes schemas.
          • Fixed an issue in which a null pointer exception occurred during data movement.
          Important Note for MacOS Users : 
          On macOS, DCW currently has limitations on how it is invoked. Following instructions will help you to run DCW successfully on macOS,
          1. Check if the macOS system has Oracle JDK installed.
          2. Open a terminal window, navigate to the unzipped folder and launch DCW application by running ./dcw
          3. If you receive system error about '"dcw" cannot be opened because…' then go to System Preferences, Security & Privacy all allow dcw to run as an app. In the Terminal window again execute ./dcw to launch DCW application.
           Known Issue : 
          •  Top level menu options of DCW are disabled                
           Workaround : If top level menu options are disabled, shift focus on a different window and come back to DCW.
          • For the DCW application launch issue with macOS version 10.15 (Catalina), Please refer <DCW Install Dir>/Readme.txt file in the DCW Mac package.
          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
          Best Practice:
          • For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method
          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.38

          April 10, 2020
          What's new in this release?
          Common Fixes : 
          • DCW MAC packages are now  upgraded with the latest eclipse and support Oracle JDK versions 8 to 13.
          Oracle :
          • USABLE | UNUSABLE keywords are now commented out in ALTER INDEX statements.
          • Parsing error is now resolved for valid CREATE INDEX statement.
          • Accessible by clause in PL/SQL objects procedure, function, type, and packages are now flagged.
          • Create type statement with accessible by clause is now parsed in DCW.
          • Create type body is now flagged as not supported in Db2
          • Parsing error is now resolved for create role statements.
          • Fixed an issue in which consecutive valid statements were skipped when parsing error occurred in Create type statements.
          • Range-Partitioned Hash Cluster is now parsed in DCW.
          • Member functions in create type statement are now flagged as not supported.
          • Shared clause in Create Table statement is now parsed and commented out.
          • Member flags in Create operator statements are now flagged as not supported.
          • USABLE keyword in Create index statement is now parsed and commented out.
          • TABLESPACE names longer than 18 characters are now flagged.
          • EDITIONABLE/NONEDITIONABLE keywords are now parsed in Create Library statements.
          • DDL Extraction now works for large schema files.
          • DCW now creates load statements using 'db2load.sql'.
          Important Note for MacOS Users : On MacOS, DCW currently has limitations on how it is invoked. Following instructions will help you to run DCW successfully on MacOS,
          1. Check if MacOS system has Oracle JDK installed.
                  2.  Open a terminal window, navigate to the unzipped folder and launch DCW application by running ./dcw
                  3.  If you receive system error about '"dcw" cannot be opened because…' then go to System Preferences, Security & Privacy all allow dcw to run as app. In the Terminal window again execute ./dcw to launch DCW application.
           Known Issue : 
          •  On MacOS, Top level menu options of DCW are disabled                
               Workaround : If top level menu options are disabled, shift focus on a different window and come back to DCW.
          • For the DCW application launch issue with macOS version 10.15 (Catalina), Please refer <DCW Install Dir>/Readme.txt file in the DCW Mac package.
          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
          Best Practice:
          • For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method
          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.37

          March 16, 2020 
          What's new in this release?
          PDA :
          • The default expression is now converted to CURRENT TIME in relevant scenarios.
          • INSTR function is now converted to INSTR4.
          • DCW now flags DROP SESSION and EXECUTE AS statements.
          Oracle :
          • DCW now flags the use of the RETURN keyword in the UPDATE statement.
          • DCW now parses ACCESSIBLE By clause correctly.
          • SYSTIMESTAMP" in the default clause of CREATE TABLE definition is now converted to "CURRENT TIMESTAMP".
          • DCW now supports alter session set clause.
          • VISIBLE and INVISIBLE column constraints are now converted to NOT HIDDEN and IMPLICITLY HIDDEN respectively.
          • DCW now supports indexes with names ENABLE and DISABLE.
          • Period definition in the CREATE TABLE statement is now parsed for Oracle databases.
          Known Issues:
          • For the DCW application launch issue with macOS version 10.15 (Catalina), Please refer <DCW Install Dir>/Readme.txt file in the DCW Mac package.
          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
          Best Practice:
          • For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.36

          February 14, 2020

          What's new in this release?

          Common Fixes :
          • Fixed an issue where DCW failing to open “Add driver to database connection” window on Linux platform.
          • Fixed an issue where blank delimiter given as default in "Run SQL" window and causes exception at the time of execution.
          PDA :
          • DCW now provides information related to DISTRIBUTION TYPE of CREATE TABLE statements in evaluation report.
          • 'CREATE TABLE AS'  statements are now reported under tables in the static tab.
          • The plus(expand) symbol of report is now enabled when there is a relevant count present for the object.
          Oracle :
          • DCW now supports 'GRANT EM EXPRESS CONNECT' statements.
          • Fixed and issue where DCW incorrectly flags 'FORMAT_CALL_STACK' and 'FORMAT_ERROR_BACKTRACE' functions.
          • Fixed parser error for  'GRANT UNDER ANY TABLE' statements.
          • Fixed parser error for GRANT on OLAP CUBE DIMENSIONS privileges statements.
          • Fixed parser error for Grant Pluggable Database system privileges statements.
          • Fixed parser error for Grant ADMINISTER SQL/KEY MANAGEMENT statements.
          • DCW is now able to process query having CREATE INDEX as a clause.
          • DCW is now able to process query having comparison operation with parenthesis.
          • DCW now shows compatibility issue for INSERT statements having conditional clause (WHEN…THEN).
          • Split DDL files functionality now supports Oracle CREATE SERVER statements.
          • Fixed an issue in the evaluation report where statistics for DML statements are added to PL/SQL statements count.
          • INMEMORY clause is now supported completely in the parser.
          • INMEMORY clause is commented out as they are not valid on db2.
          • DCW now supports the Unicode type of text literals.
          • Oracle's HR schema can be selected when extracting DDL in DCW
          • DCW now flags scenarios where 'REQUIREQUOTES' is true and 'QUOTEDVALUE' is not present.
          • CREATE/DROP DIRECTORY statements are flagged in compatibility report as not supported by Db2.
          • CREATE/DROP LIBRARY statements are flagged in compatibility report as not supported in Db2.
          • DCW now supports RESULT_CACHE clause in the parser and it is commented out.
          Known Issues:
          • For the DCW application launch issue with macOS version 10.15 (Catalina), Please refer <DCW Install Dir>/Readme.txt file in the DCW Mac package.
          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
          Best Practice:
          • For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.35

          January 10, 2020

          What's new in this release?

          Oracle Defects :

          • DCW now flags the use of sequence with NEXTVAL clause inside WHERE clause and functions.
          • NOTNULL is now added to the columns in a CREATE TABLE query in which the primary key constraint is imposed in extract DDL.
          • Adding NOT NULL to columns with primary key constraint is now made optional in extract DDL.
          • DCW now supports INMEMORY/ NO INMEMORY in CREATE TABLE queries.
          • Function flag ‘SYSTIMESTAMP’ is now enhanced to update and delete queries.
          • Fixed an issue of parsing with CREATE PROCEDURE.
          • Fixed an issue in which the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement was generating an incorrect html report.
          • Fixed a parsing error issue when multiple joins were used with consecutive ON conditions.
          • Fixed an issue of NullPointer exception in the ALTER INDEX statement.
          • Fixed an issue of "FATAL RUNTIME ERROR" in the GRANT statement.

          PDA Defects :

          • DCW now flags the use of sequence inside WHERE clause and functions.
          • Removed flag for the use of column alias inside WHERE clause.
          • DCW now converts statements having decimal literal casting with appropriate sized type information.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS, Catalina does not support java6 runtime.
          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
          • On Linux, there are functionality issues that can be resolved when you modify the dcw.ini text file. Add "--launcher.GTK_VERSION"  directly under "plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.300.v20150602-1417". Then under "--launcher.GTK_VERSION", add "2". Save the file and start DCW. 

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.34

          December 13, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          Oracle Defects :

          • READ ONLY clause in Create View Statements are now commented out for ORACLE.
          • In an oracle database, the extra parentheses around a foreign key constraint is now removed from ALTER TABLE statements.
          • Fixed an issue in which certain valid statements were skipped by DCW when a parsing error occurred.
          • CREATE DATABASE LINK is now reported as not supported.
          • Added a compatibility note, "GRANT STATEMENTS ARE NOT SUPPORTED" for GRANT statements while converting from Oracle.
          • Added a compatibility note, where a primary key constraint is used in the alter table query to avoid an error if NOT NULL constraint is excluded.

          PDA Defects :

          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was reporting false positive flag for session variables.
          • Added an option to resolve session variable where set statement declaration is provided in the same file.
          • Updated flag for unresolved session variables.
          • Added a compatibility note, "FUNCTION AVAILABLE IN SQLTOOLKIT FOR DB2" for SQLTOOLKIT supported NATIONAL CHAR functions.
          • The operator "<> ALL" is now converted to "NOT IN"
          • Multiple-backslashes ("\\") are now replaced to single-backslash ("\") in the ESCAPE clause while converting from NETEZZA.
          • String literals are no longer converted in DCW.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method



          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.33

          November 12, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          • DCW shows warning under the SQL execution result section if the query executes with a warning.
          • Hexadecimal values of the DELIMITER option are converted to its equivalent db2 specific format.
          • Redundant brackets are removed when the WITH clause is used in insert statements.
          • Date-Time functions are flagged even when they are used with double-quotes.
          • Fixed Parsing for TEMPORARY TABLE in select into clause.
          • DCW now flags Create Synonym Statements due to syntax difference between Oracle and DB2.
          • Fixed an issue in which the insert statement was reporting parser error for valid column names (update, parallel, none, rename and set). 

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.32

          October 11, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          • DCW features can now be viewed in the HTML report by using "Retrieve DCW Features" option in full version.
          • DCW now converts the default expression into CURRENT DATE in appropriate scenarios.
          • Default expressions are now parsed in alter table.
          • Fixed an issue in which NaN error was reported on running the evaluation or overall report on a file that contained only skip objects.
          • Removed the flag "ESCAPECHAR NULL VALUE NOT SUPPORTED" because "ESCAPECHAR WITH '' is now supported on Db2.
          • Fixed an issue in which a table name was not being added if the specified table name was not followed by an ASTERISK in the query.
          • Fixed an issue in which DDL statements were reporting parser error for valid column names (update, parallel, none, rename and set).
          • Flags related to SQLTOOLKIT functions are now removed.
          • Fixed an issue of parsing when the value in set default had typecasting.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.31

          September 13, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          • Trim function now returns a value that is equivalent to B|L|R Trim.
          • DCW now adds parentheses for evaluating an expression containing OR operator.
          • Skip object feature is now available in the overall report generation and HTML generation from XMLE.
          • Character precision is now modified to Db2 supported format when CURRENT_USER is used in the default clause.
          • Fixed an issue in which OLAP functions used with aggregate functions were incorrectly flagged by DCW.
          • DCW now removes an NVL function definition when it is specified with a single parameter.
          • DCW now converts slash to dash in a CAST function for converting timestamp to date. 

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.30

          August 09, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          • Added statistics for "Procedures converted to Functions" in the evaluation report.
          • Fixed an issue in the Statistics tab where the procedure was giving wrong results by adding the count of return statements to it.
          • Fixed an issue in which an improper handling of code was causing a FATAL RUN TIME error.
          • TO_DATE function is now explicitly cast to DATE function to have a synchronized output in Netezza and Db2.
          • The keyword ROUND is now added to an Expression when the decimal value is an INTEGER or DECIMAL as cast.
          • Variable value present in a query output is now converted to SELECT clause in procedures. 
          • FROM clause is now included in the Create External Table query if previously not present.
          • Fixed an issue in which the Column alias inside Value clause for Merge Statements were not being flagged.
          • Column alias is now explicitly added when it is not specified with Select clause in WITH statement.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method



          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.29

          July 12, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          • Enhanced the evaluation report design to be more informative and display the object information in Summary and Statistics tab.
          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was not generating the overall report when one of the input files is empty.
          • "NVARCHARCAT" function is now converted to "CONCAT" function .
          • LABELLED DURATION with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is now converted to Db2 supported format.
          • "Set enable_cbt_mview" statement is now recognized and commented out. 
          • Typecast Expression inside Stored procedures is now converted to Db2 supported format.
          • "SET CATALOG" statements are now converted to "SET CURRENT SCHEMA".
          • "Set connection" and "Set ENABLE_FACTREL_PLANNER" statements are now recognized and commented out. 
          • "DROP CONNECTION" and "SHOW CONNECTION" statements are now recognized and commented out. 
          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was displaying parse error when the procedure contains MERGE STATEMENT in nzplsql block

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS double click on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method



          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.28

          June 14, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          • DCW will now flag statements where "ESCAPE" option is used with NULL value in CREATE EXTERNAL statements.
          • DCW will now convert ESCAPE to ESCAPECHAR in insert statements which is supported on Db2.
          • Conversion log generation is now optional. By default it is now disabled and user will have to provide option to enable it.
          • DCW now flags statements where create table statements are used with same table name in if-else block.
          • "Statistics for stored procedure" block now shows consolidated data in overall report which was missing.
          • Details of Dynamic queries are moved inside expandable block in overall report.
          • DCW will will now flag statements where datatype of the column is not same as that of the function in default clause.
          • Warning message will be provided to statements with "CHARACTER SET" as 'non-ASCII' based and "COLLATION" is not 'BINARY'.
          • DCW now adds explicit column name which is used with function name to make query compatible with DB2.
          • DCW will now remove database name from statement where blank space is between database and function name.
          • DCW now add double quoets to keywords UPDATING, INSERTING, DELETING keywords used in SELECT statement.
          • DCW now converts TEXT datatype to CLOB(2M).
          • DCW now flags Alter Statement[Function/Procedure] which are conver to TRANSFER OWNERSHIP and OWNER is getting changed.
          • Fixed an issue where RAISE DEBUG statement is not converted to RAISE NOTICE when used with multiple blank spaces between RAISE and DEBUG.
          • Added "COLUMN ALIAS WITH WHERE CLAUSE NOT SUPPORTED" flag for insert/update/delete statements when column alias is used within where condition.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.27

          May 10, 2019

          What's new in this release?


          • All conversions done by DCW will now be logged in log file.
          • Use of "ROWID" in sub-select query of UPDATE OR DELETE statement will now flagged.
          • DCW now converts datatype to LOB datatypes when the datatype size exceeds 32529.
          • DCW now flags statements where interval value as fraction value used in arithmetic operation.
          • DCW now stripe out CREATE/ALTER user defined function when the function name and its arguments are same as SQLTOOLKIT function .
          • The value of Y2BASE option in Create External table gets converted to 1900 when it is 0 which is same behavior in PDA.
          • Fixed an issue where the statements having delimited object name starting with "."(dot) results in FATAL RUN TIME ERROR.
          • In NZPLSQL block, statements starting with expression/column are now converted to Db2 supported format.
          • Fixed an issue of incorrect reporting of html generated from xmle file when "skip object" option is used.
          • Added enhancement in DCW to display count of Dynamic SQL's(execute immediate statements) in html report.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method



          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.26

          April 12, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          • Variable names that begin with an underscore are not supported on Db2 and are now prefixed with a DCW created token.
          • Assignment of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from DECLARE block is now moved to BEGIN block to work successfully on Db2 .
          • Alias for INSERT VALUES clause in MERGE statements are now supported.
          • DCW now displays appropriate error message when the command line option "MODE" is not specified while running DHP3.
          • Modified the title of flag in which the ORDER BY clause is specified inside OVER().  
          • JSch jar version is now upgraded to the latest version JSch-0.1.55.jar to address the security vulnerability CVE-2016-5725.
          • Added enhancement in DCW full version to include an option for the user to calculate compatibility % by skipping statements that use "system view/tables" in the evaluation process.
          • The date format ‘ddmonyyyy’ that is specified with the between clause is now converted to Db2 compatible format ‘mm-dd-yyyy’.
          • "NEXTVAL(SEQ_NAME)" function is now converted to Db2 compatible  format.
          • "TO_TIMESTAMP(’02:03:04 ’,’ HH:MM:SS’)" function is  now converted to Db2 compatible format "TIMESTAMP_FORMAT(‘’02:03:04’,’HH24:MM:SS’)". 
          • The title of flag used for a session variable is now modified to be more informative.
          • The title of flag used for a procedure that is called inside another procedure is now modified to be more relevant.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.25

          March 08, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          • Statements where "is condition" is used with regexp_like function are now recognized by DCW.
          • Statements where regexp_like is used with boolean condition are now recognized by DCW.
          • Procedures with scalar functions in declare block are now converted to Db2 supported format.  
          • DCW now supports "Float" that begins with the value double zero (e.g. 00.01). 
          • Default constraint in column definition for select external table query is now supported.  
          • Fixed an issue in which the phase keyword used as column name followed by a space in join condition was causing parser error. 
          • Enhancement to flag all “SQLToolkit functions” as COMPATIBILITY NOTE. 
          • Added support for accepting CHECK condition in column definition of CREATE TABLE statement.
          • DCW now supports query which returns multiple columns from a subquery that previously allowed only one column to run in Db2.
          • "Float" is now supported in Db2 and the related flag and conversions are now disabled.
          • "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" is now supported in Db2 and the related flag is now disabled.
          • By default, "EXECUTE AS OWNER" is now commented and is no longer flagged.
          • Solution for DATE_TIME FUNCTION "DURATION" is now more clear.
          • "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS" is now supported in Db2 and the related flag is now disabled.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.24

          February 08, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          • In the absence of LIMIT clause, the OFFSET clause is now supported by adding ROWS keyword to it.
          • Fixed an issue to convert explain verbose statement with LIMIT clause followed by OFFSET clause to Db2 supported format.
          • Added support for 'CHECK' column constraint.
          • WITH clause inside the FROM clause is now converted to Db2 compatible format.
          • PDA specific External Table Location queries are now successfully recognized and commented.
          • Column alias is now explicitly added when sequence is used in CTAS and the related compatibility issue flag is now disabled.
          • Statements in which the column name starts with an underscore are now marked as unrecognized statements.
          • Statements in which the column alias is used as an aggregate function's parameter in order by clause are now flagged.
          • Modified the title of "CROSS SCHEMA UPDATE STATEMENTS NOT SUPPORTED" flag to a more relevant title.
          • UPDATE statements with implicit Table reference using double dot (DB..T1) in SET clause are now flagged.
          • Fixed an issue in which the evaluation report was not synchronizing when multiple exceptions occurred.
          • Usage of alias in VALUES clause is now supported without 'AS' keyword.
          • Fixed an issue in which UDX objects that were skipped in the evaluation process for non-UDX statement source file was displaying an incorrect compatibility percentage.
          • TIMESTAMP format with 'US' is now supported and the related flag is now disabled.
          • DATE format 'YYYYMMDD' is now supported and the related flag and conversion are now disabled.
          • "GROUP BY XXX LIKE XXX" is now supported in Db2 and the related flag is now disabled.
          • Extended support for multi-byte characters for all languages with Japanese and Chinese multi-byte characters which were previously supported.
          • Fixed an issue in which incorrect tables were considered as system views/tables and DCW was marking them with a false positive flag.
          • Conversion of FLOAT to REAL and its related flag are now disabled.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.23

          January 11, 2019

          What's new in this release?

          • Fixed the conversion issue in which a case expression using typecasting was being getting converted to Db2 incompatible format.
          • Db2 now supports NOW() function. It is no longer converted to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP when it is used in DATE and TIMESTAMP functions.
          • Fixed the conversion of NOW() function when it is used in typecasting or in DATE and TIMESTAMP functions.
          • Fixed the conversion issue in which a PDA source statement without a FROM clause was not adding all the required table names in FROM clause.
          • Fixed an issue in which UPDATE statements using SCHEMA reference were not being flagged.
          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was displaying a false positive flag of "COUNT DISTINCT FOLLOWED BY OVER NOT SUPPORTED".
          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was displaying a false positive flag of "USAGE OF SYSTEM SEQUENCES NOT SUPPORTED".
          • Added multi-byte identifier support for Japanese and Chinese characters.
          • Adding "ALLOW PARALLEL" for ALTER FUNCTION query is now disabled and the clause "PARALLEL ALLOWED/NOT ALLOWED" is now flagged as not supported.
          • ALTER TABLE statement in create procedure block can now be executed with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.
          • Fixed an issue in which an incorrect evaluation report was being generated when it contains an invalid character.
          • Removed the redundant typecast of Boolean in Create Table statement.
          • Fixed an issue in which GENERATE STATISTICS statement was being converted to Db2 incompatible format.
          • ROWS clause is now added when the OFFSET clause is not used with LIMIT clause.
          • Fixed the conversion issue of LIMIT CLAUSE based on whether it is LIMIT VALUE or LIMIT KEYWORD.
          • Removed flag "DELIMITER VALUE BEYOND 127 NOT SUPPORTED" because Db2 now supports DELIMITER value up to 255.
          • Removed flag "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW WITH LIMIT CLAUSE NOT SUPPORTED" because it is incorrect and is supported in Db2.
          • Removed flags "COMPRESS TRUE CLAUSE NOT SUPPORTED" and "FORMAT INTERNAL CLAUSE NOT SUPPORTED" because they are no longer required.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.22

          December 14, 2018

          What's new in this release?

          • Fixed an issue in which the Date function with the format (yyyymmdd) was being converted to Db2 incompatible format.
          • Fixed the conversion issue in which the dummy table(_V_DUAL) was being converted to Db2 incompatible format.
          • Updated flag for usage of cross database and cross schema table reference in Update statements.
          • Invalid statements used in Db2 are now commented out.
          • Spatial functions are now flagged in joins excluding INNER JOIN.
          • “IGNORE NULLS” are now flagged and converted to Db2 compatible format.
          • Improved HTML report by adding query description for stray character statement.
          • Enhancement to collect workload information from PDA system for the first 'N' queries in DCW Full Version.
          • BOOL to BOOLEAN conversion for  typecast operator is no longer required.
          • NUMERIC to DECIMAL conversion is now disabled and the flag  is updated with appropriate details.
          • Queries in which projection is based on column are now supported and are no longer flagged.
          • Cross database reference now supports usage of function with asterisk.
          • Statements using 'over' function after aggregate function are now flagged with usage details.
          • ISNULL ( ) function is now supported on Db2 and is no longer converted to COALESE.
          • Fixed an issue in  which a procedure with missing END keyword in the BEGIN block was skipping the subsequent valid procedure.
          • DCW now adds the last successful query to the log file when a stack overflow/OOM error occurs while parsing.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method



          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.21

          November 12, 2018

          What's new in this release?

          • Fixed an issue in which the compatibility report generation was failing because the source file contained 'control' characters.
          • Fixed the conversion issue in which an Insert statement with select clause and without from clause was being converted to Db2 incompatible format.
          • Fixed an issue in which spatial functions were flagged for using varchar as arguments.
          • Scheduler rule statements are now recognized and commented.
          • Crypto key statements are now recognized and commented.
          • Interval format that is specified without space between the time value and unit is now recognized.
          • Added support to specify directory as input for Linux platform in DCW-lite UI.
          • Fixed an issue in which the name of the table was added instead of sysibm.sysdummy1 whenever a column name is given with table name as an aggregate function.
          • DCW now flags a procedure that is called inside another procedure.
          • DCW now recognizes the select statement if an offset clause appears before the limit clause.
          • DCW now converts date format with backslash into proper format and works successfully on Db2.
          • Date literals are now converted to Db2 supported format.
          • Removed flag for BOOL to BOOLEAN conversion which is not useful and not required.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method



          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.20

          October 12, 2018

          What's new in this release?

          • Enhancement to mark the stray character as an Unrecognized Syntax and continue the evaluation and conversion process.
          • Enhancement to display compatibility percentage in the evaluation report for the objects skipped by user in DCW Full version.
          • Fixed an issue in which an SQL statement using “Limit All” option was terminating the conversion process.
          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was converting the select value into variable ("select into") clause to db2 incompatible format.
          • Fixed the conversion issue in which an Insert statement with select clause and without from clause was being converted to db2 incompatible format.
          • NETEZZA specific “rowid” usages are now flagged because of rowid restrictions on db2.
          • Overall Summary Report generation with evaluation process now supports “.ddl” extension files.
          • "Get overall report" label is now modified to "Generate Overall Report" standard format in DCW full version.
          • The option to select directory as an input value for evaluation/conversion process is now supported in DCW Lite version.
          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was not parsing the session variable used in ALTER SEQUENCE with restart clause.
          • Fixed an issue in which certain valid statements were skipped by DCW if any parsing error occurred for a stored procedure.
          • Fixed an issue in which an SQL statement with Date function and its value was being converted to Db2 incompatible format.
          • Fixed issue in which DCW was displaying a false positive flag of “Column alias use with WHERE clause not supported”.
          • Removed database reference used with SQL tool-kit functions which are supported in Db2 by default.
          • Procedures that RETURN NUMERIC(ANY) are now flagged with proper solution to make it compatible with Db2.
          • Procedures that RETURN non-integer datatype are now flagged as “COMPATIBILITY NOTE” as the Db2 pr-compiler was previously converting it to FUNCTION by default.
          • Added a file extension “.xmle” in file type list of Input file selection window.
          • Fixed and issue in which an incorrect file type selection error message that was previously displayed for an invalid input continued to display for the subsequent valid input file selection.
          • Fixed an issue in which an incorrect evaluation report was displayed for the second attempt of Overall Report generation.
          • DATE function is now converted to timestamp function in statements that contain DATE function using INTERVAL.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.19

          September 14, 2018

          What's new in this release?

          • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations. The changes done are below :
          • DCW will now flag the INSERT statements in which alias used are manual conversion needed.
          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was hanging while generating an overall report for increased workload.
          • Fixed an issue in which the user had to terminate the overall report generation process manually on successful report generation.
          • Added an enhancement to generate an overall report with evaluation process.
          • Enhanced overall report generation feature to display the overall summary and statistics details.
          • External table creation queries will now be marked as manual conversion needed when REQUIREQUOTES is set without QUOTEDVALUE.
          • DCW will now report stray characters that are present in the source sql file.
          • Added an enhancement to skip certain objects in evaluation process.
          • Fixed an issue in which the system was hanging while performing data extraction from an ORACLE database.
          • Fixed an issue in which certain valid statements were being skipped by DCW.
          • DCW will no longer mark compatibility issue flag for OPERATOR IS TRUE/FALSE/UNKNOWN which are currently supported.
          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was incorrectly displaying the same flag repeatedly for a single scenario.
          • The various conversion and evaluation options are now categorized and displayed appropriately in DCW.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.18

          August 10, 2018

          What's new in this release?

          Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations. The changes done are below :

          •     Fixed an issue in which incorrect table names were appended in the FROM clause whenever the FROM clause was not included in the query.
          •     Added a new feature to generate an overall HTML report for multiple evaluation reports.
          •     Fixed an issue in which a fatal error was thrown for valid complex nested queries.
          •     During conversion, Carriage Return character is now replaced with new line in Create External Table's RECORDDELIM attribute on setting CRINSTRING to True.
          •     Pre-Broadcast statements are now recognized and commented.
          •     SQL statements with valid interval values in INSERT statements are now recognized.
          •     Updated the descriptions details for DECRYPT and ENCRYPT functions.
          •     SQL statements with a distinct function using a COUNT function and followed by an OVER clause are now flagged as manual conversion needed.
          •     Fixed an issue in which PDA specific SET statements were commented.
          •     Fixed an issue in which Modify column in Alter table query was incorrectly converted and is now flagged as manual conversion needed.
          •     INSERT statements with DATE values containing spaces in quotes are now recognized.
          •     Fixed an issue in which where DCW launcher path changed to parent directory to avoid deep traverse.
          •     Specific GRANT statements are now commented which was not getting commented previously.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from command line.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.17

          July 12, 2018

          What's new in this release?

          Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations. The changes done are below :

          • Queries using qualified column names and without FROM clause are now converted to Db2 Warehouse supported format .
          • Enhance support for removal of explicit schema "ADMIN" in TRUNCATE table statements conversion
          • Queries using reserved keywords are now marked as unrecognized errors.
          • Updated the description details for Evaluate Compatibility wizard.
          • Queries using MAPPING as column name are now converted successfully.
          • Numeric data type length is now converted  to Db2 Warehouse allowed range for INSERT statements.
          • Improved command line option validation for Database Harmony Profiler
          • Big-Integer is now added a default data type in CREATE SEQUENCE statement when the data type is not specified for an AS clause.
          • Fixed an issue in which statements having time literal values with leading and trailing spaces were marked as unrecognized statements.
          • Enhanced support for using ";" (semi-colon) as a delimiter.
          • Fixed an issue in which a column name string containing reserved keyword was causing system crash.
          • Interval data type typecast with ‘HH:MM:SS’ format is now supported.
          • Statements using session variables are now marked as compatibility issues

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from commandline.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.

          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.16

          June 8, 2018

          What's new in this release?

          Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations. The changes done are below :

          • Support for interval literals to accept fractional values is now provided.
          • Fixed an issue in which an exception was thrown for splitting a file that had more than one ".sql" in the file name.
          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was not providing proper details to make XMLSERIALIZE function compatible.
          • Statements having PARTITION BY clause used with conditions are now recognized.
          • SQL expression which was populated in the parenthesis and typecast to another data type more than once is now supported.
          • SET TRANSACTION statement with valid input is now recognized.
          • Fixed an issue in which DCW was not providing proper flag details to make XMLATTRIBUTES compatible.
          • EXISTS and NOT EXISTS functions used with either OR condition or AND condition is now supported.
          • INZA functions are now converted to db2 specific IDAX functions.
          • Enhancement to provide an option to the user to suppress comments in the converted output is now available.
          • Statements using INNER and OUTER reserved keywords as labels are now recognized.
          • GRANT statement with more than one user is now recognized.
          • Statements using session variables are now recognized.
          • Alter table statement without round brackets around column and expected data type is now included.
          • Statements with interval type-cast are now supported on Db2 and are no longer flagged by DCW.
          • Fixed an issue in which no column alias existed in WHERE condition but DCW flagged it incorrectly.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from commandline.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
          • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.15

          May 9, 2018

          What's new in this release?

          Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations. The changes done are below :

          • Queries using DROP statements with multiple tables are now marked as manual conversion needed.
          • Queries using DROP statements with multiple views are now marked as manual conversion needed.
          • Fixed an issue in which cross database statements were not recognized.
          • Fixed an issue in multiple typecast conversion where the typecast is in a series.
          • Fixed an issue in which a 'Create External Table' query was appearing under automatic conversion available for containing typecast to interval but failed to replace the word.
          • Fixed an issue in which Replacing ::interval was also removing the trailing space.
          • Automatic conversion of 'IGNORE NULLS' that is passed as a string literal to Db2 is now supported.
          • Fixed an issue in which Parser for Exception block was displaying as unrecognized for the second condition.
          • Removed flags for NON-INT returning procedures.
          • Automatic conversion of 'RAISE DEBUG' to 'RAISE NOTICE' is now supported.
          • Updated the Copyright year in the evaluation report to '2018'.
          • "EXECUTE AS CALLER" is now supported. Code fragment is not removed.
          • Conversion of 'NYSIIS' function to Db2 Warehouse function "SOUNDEX" is now supported.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from commandline.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
          • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.14

          April 13, 2018

          What's new in this release?

          Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations. The changes done are below :

          • Improved solution for manual conversion of external table statements where DELIMETER value is > 127.
          • Fixed an issue in which an extra space in DCW internal DBanalysis.sql file caused failure of conversion process.
          • Queries using OVER() function with ROWS and RANGE are now marked as manual conversion needed.
          • SQL statements with projection based on column number are not supported. They are now marked as manual conversion needed.
          • REMOTESOURCE option used in external tables are now commented when the value for REMOTESOURCE is not provided.
          • Fixed an issue in which valid drop procedure statements were not recognized by DCW.
          • CREATE DATABASE statements with 'default character set' statement are now supported.
          • Queries using 'XMLAGG' function and previously marked as manual conversion needed are now converted to Db2 supported format. They are no longer marked as manual conversion needed.
          • SQL statements using 'XMLCONCAT' function and previously marked as manual conversion needed are now converted to Db2 supported format. They are no longer marked as manual conversion needed.
          • Queries using 'hash_nvarchar' function are now marked as manual conversion needed.
          • Fixed an issue in which duplicate compatability notes were added for renaming a schema.
          • Conversion of  'Hex_to_binary' function to Db2 Warehouse function "HEXTORAW" is now supported.
          • Fixed an issue in which Message type was displayed as warning for evaluating and converting a valid sql file.

          Known Issue:

          • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from commandline.
          • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
          • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method

          February 1, ,2018

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.13

          What's new in this release?

          • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM Db2 Warehouse migrations. The changes done are below :
          • Enhancements
            • DATE values used in DATE and TIMESTAMP casts are automatically converted to Db2 compatible formats. ['2017/11/11' to '2017-11-11']
            • Improved the evaluation report, particularly manualy convervesion tab. Now the content for title, description and solution for each issue is more information and actionable. 
            • rename schema now works for quoted schema names as well.
            • DCW used to give duplicate compatibility notes for some stored procedures, this issue is now fixed.
            • Added automatic conversion for XMLELEMENT. 
            • Fixed fatal run time error for "alter table rename to "statement.
            • Fixed hang in rename schema functionality 
            • Appropriate solution added for manual conversion of "XMSERIALIZE" 
            • Added rename schema support for alter table and create synonym 
            • Fixed parser error for alter table query
            • Fixed parser error related to variable assignment in valid create procedure statement '
            • Now DEFAULT DATE('now') and DEFAULT "TIMESTAMP"('now') in CREATE TABLE statement are automatically converted.
            • Fixed Parser error for count () in valid SELECT statement 
          • Known Issue:
            • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from commandline.
            • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
          • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method

          December 31, ,2017

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.12

          What's new in this release?

          • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM Db2 Warehouse migrations. The changes done are below :
          • Enhancements
            • DATE values used in DATE and TIMESTAMP casts are automatically converted to Db2 compatible formats. ['2017/11/11' to '2017-11-11']
            • UDFs and UDAs are commented out as the proess of registration on Db2 is different. Since all these statements needs attentions, those are now listed under 'Manual Conversion Needed'.
            • MIN converts to MINUTE and SEC to SECOND in EXTRACT and date_part functions.

            • COMPATIBILITY NOTE TITLEs are all uppercase now. Added more details for following compatibility notes.





            • ISTRUE/ISFALSE are now supported on Db2 Warehouse.

            • INTERVAL arithmetic is now supported on Db2 Warehouse.

            • Fixed Numeric to Decimal typecast conversion for when typecast contains arithmetic or is multi-line.

            • DCW used to hang for an empty input file. This issue is fixed.

            • The presence of AdjustDistZeroInt within a query no longer causes the rest of the query to be removed post conversion.


              • ESCAPE now converts to ESCAPECHAR within create external table queries

              • DELIM now successfully converts to DELIMITER within create external table queries

              • AdjustDistZeroInt removal applied to create external table statements

            • 4.0.11 added a new functionality which lets the user rename the schema names used throughout the SQL file. However, it introduced performance issues. 4.0.12 has addressed all these performance issues.

            • Fixed issues related to removing / renaming default schema in CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE and DROP statements as per config file

            • DCW now interprets '^' correctly [either as a quotation mark or as an operator] when used in CASE WHEN clause


          • Known Issue:
            • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from commandline.
            • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
            • SQL Conversion has slowed down because of multiple automatic conversions applied to each query.  
          • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          November 29, 2017

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.11

          What's new in this release?

          • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM Db2 Warehouse migrations. The changes done are below :
          • Enhancements
            • DATE values used in DATE and TIMESTAMP casts are automatically converted to Db2 compatible formats. ['2017/11/11' to '2017-11-11']
            • UDFs and UDAs are commented out as the proess of registration on Db2 is different. Since all these statements needs attentions, those are now listed under 'Manual Conversion Needed'.
            • Spatial functions are now handled correctly. Db2 has all spatial function under schema DB2GSE, DCW automatically makes this change.
            • Db2 now supports VARRAY and hence it is not marked as a compatibility issue any more.
            • BOOL is not automatically converted to BOOLEAN - All missing cases are now handled.
            • Db2 now supports CAST functions - INT4(), INT2(), INT8(), NUMERIC(), FLOAT4(), FLOAT8(), BPCHAR(). DCW does not flag them as unsupported.
            • NZPLSQL procedures that specify AUTOCOMMIT on BLOCKS are now supported and DCW does not flag them as unsupported.
            • REFTABLE is now supported and DCW does not flag them as unsupported.
            • Built-in variables ROW_COUNT and FOUND are now supported and are not flagged.
            • Use of alias in Having clause is now supported and is not flagged.
            • DCW does not mark FOR IN EXECUTE for manual conversion as it works without change if we modify the RECORD definition appropriately. Compatibility note for RECORD type is updated to guide the user on what changes are needed to get it working.
            • DCW automatically converts "limit n" to "fetch first n rows only" in subselect to make it compatible with Db2.
            • DCW used to throw up permission denied errors when tried with non-root user. These are now fixed.
            • Fixed parser errors related to stored procedure.
            • distribute on column is supported for create temp table and hence is not flagged as unsupported.
            • Queries using PDA internal columns like createxid, deletexid are now marked for manual conversion.
            • ISNULL() function is now supported and is not flagged anymore.
            • DCW has added a functionality to rename the schemas in source DDL to desired name on target system to help migrate schema/database combination from PDA system with multi-schema supported enabled.
          • Known Issue:
            • On MacOS doubleclick on dcw executable doesn't work. You can workaround it by running it from commandline.
            • On MacOS download using Safari browser, other browsers have problems.
            • SQL Conversion has slowed down because of multiple automatic conversions applied to each query.  
          • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method

          October 19, 2017

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.10

          What's new in this release?

          • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM Db2 Warehouse migrations. The changes done are below :
          • Enhancements
            • generate statistics and alter session and RECORD declaration statements are now added under manual conversion needed tab.
            • Added Support for assigning multiple values to variable in CASE WHEN THEN statements
            • DELIM to DELIMITER conversion now appears under automatic conversion, earlier it used to be under "manual conversion needed" tab in the evaluation report.
            • Changed the way the comments are formed to address the issue with Db2 CLP. Now the line separator in the comment appears on the same line as the end of a comment.
            • Added support for a complex SELECT statement which uses  UNION along with IN clause.
            • "ALTER procedure change ownership" statements are now automatically converted to TRANSFER OWNERSHIP statements.
            • Fixed the issue that some supported column names are marked as unsupported
            • PDA specific UDF and UDA registration statements are commented out as the registration process is different for Db2 Warehouse.
            • PDA specific show statements are now commented out.
            • Fixed multiple issues associated with conversion of now() function. [ It now supports now(), NOW() and now() to timestamp conversion]. Earlier use of now() used to fail in CREATE PROCEDURE statement. This is also fixed in this release.
            • Fixed conversion of CACHE clause in sequences
            • Fixed parser error where minus and "union all" are used together
            • Added support for CREATE ALIAS and DROP ALIAS statement
            • LIMIT ALL is automatically removed from SQL statements
            • Fixed DECIMAL to NUMERIC typecast conversion, including appropriate precision and scale.
            • DCW now recognizes ALL PDA specific SESSION variables and comments the SET statements as it is not applicable on Db2 Warehouse.
            • Added support for removing reference default schema. This can be configured through the cogfile file. 
            • Now UDFs can be used with OVER clause.
            • Call to a stored procedure without parenthesis is now supported.
            • Add support to validate whether EscapeChar is not given in creating an External table.
            • Fixed issues of "LIMIT" clause for "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW" statements.
            • Fixed issues of "DISTINCT" used with "COUNT" function followed by "OVER".
          • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          September 15, 2017

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.9

          What's new in this release ?

          • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM Db2 Warehouse migrations. The changes done are below :
          • Enhancements
            • User can specify Configuration file with -config option. [PDA to Db2 Warehouse conversion only]
            • Better support for migration from PDA systems with single schema as well as with multi-schema support. The behaviour can be customized used config variable KEEP_ADMIN (1 = keep reference to ADMIN schema  0 = remove references to ADMIN schema)
            • Improved handling for interval arithmetic, ^ operator and Create Materialized view, AUTHORIZATION and ALTER DATABASE statements.
            • Improved support for complex usage of TRIM function.
            • Fixed issues with conversion for vacuum, vacuum check statements.
            • Fixed the issues with nested comments.
            • Fixed all issues related to MERGE statement evaluation report.
            • Added compatibility notes for system sequences.
            • Added Support for NATIONAL CHAR datatype of the form N'STRING'.
            • Added support for  "if exists" syntax for drop table and "if not exists" syntax for create table.
            • Added support for automatic conversion of  DATE('#######') to DATE('####-##-##') and of DELIM to DELIMITER.
            • Removed (commented) groom statements, select version() statements.
            • Removed (commented) UDX registration statements as UDX registration process is different on Db2.
            • Removed the unsupported "format internal" and "compress true" options from CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE QUERY.
            • Removed compatibility note for INT8 to BIGINT conversion.
          • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method

          August 11,2017

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.8

          What's new in this release ?

          • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM Db2 Warehouse migrations. The changes done are below :        
            • Enhancements dashDB is now "IBM Db2 Warehouse". Refreshed DCW to reflect this change.

            • Added enhanced support for "INTERVAL" operations.

            • Added enhanced support for various timestamp formats during conversion.

            • Added support for "LIKE" in "GROUP BY" clause.

            • Added support for MERGE statements.

            • NULL:UNKNOWN is now converted to NULL:VARCHAR.

            • "now" function is now converted to "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP".

            • DCW now successfully converts external table queries where name and file path coexist.

            • DCW correctly recognizes "^" in different scenarios (operation Vs enclosure).

            • Returning boolean from stored procedure is now supported during conversion.

            • DCW now automatically converts literal constants to integer [ integer '1' => integer ('1') ]

            • DCW now supports conversion even in case of re-ordering of sub-clauses in CREATE SEQUENCE statement.

            • Better reporting for CHAR/NCHAR/VARCHAR/NVARCHAR DATA TYPE length limitations on Db2 Warehouse.

            • Better reporting for all IBM PDA specific CURRENT* statements.

            • IBM PDA specific data type "OIDVector" is now marked under "manual conversion needed" section.

            • GENERATE STATISTICS on cross database tables is now marked under "manual conversion needed" section.

            • Db2 Warehouse does not support DELIMETER value is > 127 for external tables. DCW now marks it under "manual conversion needed" section.

          • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method

          July 17,2017

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.7

          What's new in this release ?

          • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations. The changes done are below :
            • Support operator 'OVERLAPS'
            • Allow ORGANIZATION as column name
            • Support ELSEIF condition
            • Support GENERATE STATISTICS statement in procedure
            • Support EXTEND array in procedure
            • Support some keywords as alias name
            • Flag system sequences as not supported
            • Enhance support for nested SELECT statement (e.g., IN predicate, LIMIT clause in the nested SELECT statement);
            • Enhance support for CREATE PROCEDURE statement (e.g., SELECT INTO, IF EXISTS);
            • Enhance support for removal of explicit schema "ADMIN" in conversion;
            • Fix  the system crash issue caused by "NullPointerException" error when parsing CASE expression;
            • Add support for "ALTER DATABASE UNLOCK" statement;
            • Add support for "ALTER USER VALID UNTIL" statement;
            • Enhance the Timestamp function conversion support.
            • Enhance setting parameter in creating stored procedure.
            • Support return integer syntax in creating stored procedure.
            • Remove the some literal restriction (e.g. ESCAPE, ORGANIZATION ) for object naming.
            • Add parenthesis for timestamp conversion.
            • Enhance the substring built-in function conversion support.
            • External table statements are no longer flagged as compatibility issues.
            • 'Format Internal' and 'Compress True' are reported as incompatible in external tables.
              NULL::UNKNOWN Automatically converts to NULL::VARCHAR.
            • Fixed handling of parenthesis in many types of queries, notably select statements, limit clauses, with statements and type cast expressions.
            • Added support for construct like 'time + float(x) hours'.
            • Added support for OR within conditional IN statements.
            • Add support for integer variables acting the same as integers
            • Add support for doubledot in drop statements


          Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


          June 19,2017

          Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.6

          What's new in this release ?

          • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations. The changes done are below :
            • Fix out of memory error when ˜ is included in source file
            • Support divide operation after select clause
            • Fix the issue that column name started with WRAPPED leads conversion failed
            • Support minus operation after ABSTIME
            • Support IF (NOT) EXISTS inside or outside of stored procedure
            • Fix the crash problem of improper single quote
            • Fix the problem of splitting large SQL file
            • Support abstime 'now' in case statement Mark 'drop user' as incompatible with dashdb
            • Support to convert "SELECT INTO FROM" statements to "CREATE TABLE AS" statements
            • Support to convert unquoted DATE value in the CAST function to quoted one
            • Support to convert "COMMIT TRANSACTION" to "COMMIT"
            • Fix the conversion issue with multiple type castings
            • Fix the issue of unrecognized syntax with "% NULL"
            • Fix the issue of unrecognized syntax with "SELECT INTO TEMP TABLE", and support to convert it to "CREATE TABLE AS" statements
            • Fix the issue of unrecognized syntax when "JOIN" is used inside parenthesis
            • Flag ADD PRIMARY KEY in ALTER TABLE statement to manual conversion
            • Flag SHOW PLANFILE as manual conversion needed
            • Support different position for API VERSION clause
            • Allow EXISTS with nested select clause
            • Added support for arithmetic ops after nested subquery
            • Added variable assignment support for queries that don't start with SELECT
            • Improvements to use of arbitrary parenthesis
            • Flag to manual convert for "SET TRANSACTION"
            • Flag to manual convert for "DROP DATABASE"
            • Flag to manual convert for "BEGIN PARENT TRANSACTION"
            • Flag to manual convert for VACUUM statement.
            • Support truncate table command.
            • Support to convert and flag built-in TRIM function.
            • Support to convert UNIQUE in select statement.


          • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


            May 19,2017

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.5

            What's new in this release ?

            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations. The changes done are below :
              • Support case statement during type cast.
              • Automatic precision and scale transition when converting Numeric function to Decimal function
              • Fix the converting issue of redundant semicolons.
              • Flag more unsupported built-in function/variable  ISNULL, PROC_ARGUMENT_TYPES, ROW_COUNT and LAST_OID as manual conversion needed.
              • Flag CREATE TABLE statement when number of columns exceeds 1012.
              • Support convert NPS built-in function/variable CURRENT_CATALOG, CURRENT_USER() and SESSION_USER() automatically.
              • Support evaluate/convert statements appear in variable assignment.
              • Recognize "SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL" as a valid NZPLSQL statement, and convert to "VALUES CURRENT ISOLATION".
              • Convert double-backslash ("\\") to single-backslash ("\") in the ESCAPE clause.
              • Support to convert to set transaction level.
              • Complete the create MQT syntax
              • Support to convert built-in function now() to current_timestamp
              • Support to convert the select statement without clause.
              • Support array assignment in store procedure.
              • Complete filtering of non sql commands.
              • Flag trim function to manual conversion.
              • Flag set session read level to manual conversion.
            • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


            December 6, 2016

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.4

            What's new in this release ?

            • NEW Feature: Oracle to DB2 v11.1 and DB2 v11.1 BLU Acceleration now supported!
            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • Separated the compatibility issue messages for both WHERE and/or HAVING clauses when a column alias is used within them.
            • Deprecated Data Studio
            • Best Practice: For Windows DCW Full Client download, use Download Director instead of HTTP method


            September 8, 2016

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.3

            What's new in this release ?

            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • Removed typecast operators during conversion
              • Distribution keys are NOT changes any longer, the NOT ENFORCED clause is added to PKs / Unique constraints when the distribution key is not compatible
              • Miscellaneous bug fixes


            July 14, 2016

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.2

            What's new in this release ?

            • Renamed IBM DCW-Lite tool to IBM Database Harmony Profiler
              • Note: there is a new download page for IBM Database Harmony Profiler (click here). The page is NOT the same as DCW-Lite page any longer.
            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • Better error messages
              • Miscellaneous bug fixes


            June 14, 2016

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.1

            What's new in this release ?

            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • New code conversion capabilities:
                • Conversion of PARALLEL ALLOWED/PARALLEL NOT ALLOWED to dashDB's syntax
              • Improvements for parsing of Netezza SQL:
                • LOCK TABLE statement inside NZPLSQL block is now recognized
                • The ANALYZE clause that appears at the end of SELECT statement is now recognized
                • NOT ENFORCED clause in a table constraint of an ALTER TABLE is now recognized


            June 10th, 2016

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 4.0.0

            What's new in this release ?

            • New Packaging: DCW is now available as a standalone application
              • No longer a Data Studio plugin, i.e. Data Studio is no longer a pre-requisite  
              • Simple to install: download, unzip it and run the "dcw" executable
              • Available for Linux, Windows and MacOS
              • Built-in help and Quick Start tour
            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migration
              • Sync with new compatibility features in dashDB
              • Remove conversion and reporting of DISTRIBUTE BY RANDOM for non-temp tables (now supported by dashDB)
              • Remove flagging of /=/ operator (now supported by dashDB)
              • Conversion of security privileges (GRANT stmts for single-schema DBs)


            May 10th, 2016

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.5.9

            What's new in this release ?

            • New design of the Compatibility Report

            • New UI design for DCW Lite

            • Added support to select DB2 on Cloud as target for Oracle conversions

            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations

              • The tool can now convert and check the compatibility of stored procedures (NZPLSQL code)

              • Report use of SELECT INTO outside stored procedures

              • Removal of AUTOCOMMIT OFF and reporting of AUTOCOMMIT ON clause in NZPLSQL blocks


              Bug fixes

              • Fixed parsing of FOR READ ONLY clause in SELECT statements

              • Fixed parsing of DROP VIEW/TABLE when multiple objects are specified


                Fixed parsing of CREATE FUNCTION/AGGREGATE when the REPLICATE clause is present


            March 9th, 2016

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.5.8

            What's new in this release ?

            • New offering called DCW Lite - a lightweight alternative that does NOT require Data Studio.

              • A big plus over the regular DCW, the Lite tool also works on Mac OS. See more details here.

            • New design of the Compatibility Report with improved display of compatibility levels

            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • New code conversion capabilities:
                • Conversion of ST_GEOMETRY(n) data type to DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY
                • Conversion of CREATE SEQUENCE statements to include AS BIGINT clause when required
                • Conversion of OID data type to INTEGER
              • New compatibility evaluation capabilities
                • Report use of column aliases in the WHERE and HAVING clause of SELECT queries
              • Miscellaneous bug fixes when parsing  INTERVAL literals and CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW


            December 1st, 2015

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.5.6

            What's new in this release ?

            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • New code conversion capabilities:
                • The \connect <db> command is converted to SET CURRENT SCHEMA
                • Convert RETURNS TABLE(ANY) clause to RETURNS GENERIC TABLE in CREATE/ALTER FUNCTION statements
                • Convert CACHE 1 clause to CACHE 2 in CREATE / ALTER SEQUENCE statements
              • New compatibility evaluation capabilities
                • Report use of BEGIN [LOCAL] TRANSACTION
                • Report use of VARARGS in CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE
                • Report use of EXECUTE AS CALLER in CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE
                • Report stored procedures when return type is not an integer or REFTABLE
                • Report use of SET AUTHENTICATION
              • Improvements for parsing of Netezza SQL
                • Added support for GROOM TABLE
              • Miscellaneous bug fixes when parsing GENERATE STATISTICS, COMMENT ON, GRANT, CREATE FUNCTION and SELECT FROM EXTERNAL
            • Enhancements to Oracle migrations
              • SYS_CONTEXT is now reported in more contexts
              • Report use of USERENV function
              • Report conversions of TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE as informational
              • Reporting of HTP, HTF, DBMS_RANDOM, UTL_RAW, DBMS_LOCK, OWA_UTIL, UTIL_INADDR, UTL_TCP, UTL_URL suggests use of the DB2 Add-on Modules
              • General performance enhancements


            October 30th, 2015

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.5.5

            What's new in this release ?

            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • New code conversion capabilities:
                • Comment out CREATE/ALTER/SHOW LIBRARY statements and report as informational
                • Convert data types NAME and TEXT to VARCHAR
                • Remove use of ADMIN default schema in object names and report as informational
                • Add SET SQL_COMPAT='NPS' to the converted code
              • New compatibility evaluation capabilities
                • Report usage of interval literal values
                • Report usage of bitwise operators
              • Improvements for parsing of Netezza SQL
                • Recognize ** exponential operator
            • General Enhancements
              • DCW is now supported on Data Studio 4.1.2
              • Added ability to configure the level of logging done by DCW in the Preferences window


            October 12th, 2015

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.5.4

            What's new in this release ?

            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • New code conversion capabilities:
                • Conversion of foreign key definitions to include the NOT ENFORCED clause
                • Conversion of ALTER <obj_type> ... OWNER TO statements to the corresponding TRANSFER OWNERSHIP statement
                • Conversion of DISTRIBUTE ON clause was updated
                • Conversion of 'now(0)'::"VARCHAR" string literal to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0) in a column's DEFAULT clause
                • Conversion of permanent CTAS statements to add parenthesis around the SELECT statement and add the WITH DATA clause
                • Conversion of NUMERIC() function calls to DECIMAL()
              • New compatibility evaluation capabilities
                • Report usage of the _vt_<viewname> system views
                • CTAS statements are no longer reported as not supported
              • Improvements for parsing of Netezza SQL
                • Report usage of the _vt_<viewname> system views
                • CTAS statements are no longer reported as not supported


            September 17th, 2015

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.5.3

            What's new in this release ?

            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • New code conversion capabilities:
                • Conversion of DISTRIBUTE ON clause to comply with requirement that PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints must contain all distribution columns
                • Conversion of LIKE expressions as such "<exp> LIKE LIKE_ESCAPE(<str>, <escape_char>)" to "<exp> LIKE <str> ESCAPE <escape_char>"
                • Conversion of LOCK TABLE command to dashDB's syntax
                • Conversion of EXPLAIN command to dashDB's syntax 
              • Improvements for parsing of Netezza SQL
                • VACUUM command is now recognized
                • BEGIN LOCAL TRANSACTION is now recognized
                • Miscellaneous bug fixes while parsing SET, SELECT, INSERT and CREATE/ALTER TABLE statements
            • Enhancements to Oracle migrations
              • New GRANT options introduced in Oracle 12c are now recognized
              • Fixed defect that prevented Data Movement using Pipes wizard from opening when a database connection is not available
              • REGEXP_* and other aggregate functions are no longer reported as incompatible for Oracle to dashDB migrations
            • Enhancements to SQL Server to DB2 migrations
              • Fixed DDL generation when Primary Key and Foreign Key have multiple columns 


            August 21st, 2015

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.5.2

            What's new in this release ?

            • Enhancements to Oracle migrations
              • Support for parsing CREATE [OR REPLACE] LIBRARY statements 
            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • Performance improvements - conversion / evaluation are now 2x to 3x faster
              • New code conversion capabilities:
                • Conversion of lower-cased type names when it is delimited by double quotes. E.g. <exp>::"varchar" is converted to <exp>::"VARCHAR"
                • Conversion of the DISTRIBUTE ON <column_list> clause so that all distribution columns are part of the primary key if one is defined
                • Conversion of CREATE TABLE AS statements to enclose the SELECT statement in parenthesis and add the WITH NO DATA clause
                • Conversion of "current_user"() and "CURRENT_USER"() to CURRENT_USER
                • Conversion of NULL::UNKNOWN to NULL
                • Add NOT NULL to the column definition when the column is part of a UNIQUE constraint
                • Conversion of SELECT statements without the FROM clause to add FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1
                • Conversion of GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON to GRANT ALL
                • Conversion of GENERATE STATISTICS to RUNSTATS ON TABLE 
              • New compatibility evaluation capabilities:
                • Report usage of the /=/ operator 
              • Miscellaneous improvements for parsing of Netezza SQL


            July 24th, 2015

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.5.1

            What's new in this release ?

            • Enhancements to Oracle migrations
              • Comment out the EDITIONABLE / NONEDITIONABLE clauses in CREATE statements during code conversion
              • Fixed error while parsing CREATE SEQUENCE and GRANT statements 
            • Enhancements to IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • Support for parsing CREATE/ALTER/DROP PROCEDURE statements
              • New code conversion capabilities:
                • Conversion of operators ~~, ~~*, !~~ and !~~* to their corresponding LIKE operator
                • Add NOT NULL to the column definition when the column is part of a PK 
                • Convert "TABLE WITH FINAL ( ... ) " to "TABLE ( ... ) " when it appears in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement
              • New compatibility evaluation capabilities:
                • Report usage of system views/tables (_v_* and _t_*) 
                • Report usage of transient external tables (SELECT ... FROM EXTERNAL <file>)
                • Report usage of operators IS TRUE, IS FALSE, IS UNKNOWN


            June 15th, 2015

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.5

            What's new in this release ?

            • Support for Oracle to IBM dashDB migrations
              • Oracle DDL and data extraction
              • DDL compatibility evaluation and automatic conversion to the syntax of dashDB
            • Support for IBM PureData System for Analytics to IBM dashDB migrations
              • DDL compatibility evaluation and automatic conversion to the syntax of dashDB
              • Current limitations:
                • Support for evaluation of NZPLSQL code will be added in a future release.


            December 16th, 2014

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.1.1

            What's new in this release ?

            • Support for DB2 10.5 Fix Pack 5
            • DCW Intranet Cloud Service (IBM Internal only)
              • Web interface where you can submit DDL files for evaluation and conversion
            • New command line tool for data movement (Oracle to DB2 LUW only)
              • Stand alone tool - it does not require Data Studio or DCW plugin
              • You must have a Java Runtime Environment installed and the Oracle JDBC driver available
            • Evaluation and Conversion
              • Oracle generated column syntax is now converted to DB2 syntax
              • ORGANIZATION INDEX clause in CREATE TABLE statements are now reported
              • ORGANIZATION HEAP or EXTERNAL clauses in CREATE TABLE statements are now commented out
              • ALTER/DROP TRIGGER statements are now reported in evaluations for DB2 BLU
              • Additional ALTER TRIGGER options are now recognized and will not be reported as invalid syntax
              • CREATE DIRECTORY statement is now properly evaluated and converted
              • CREATE/ALTER/DROP JAVA statement is now properly evaluated and converted
            • Split DDL
              • Synonyms and Comments are now placed in separate files
            • IBMers can now decrypt a XMLE file from within DCW (once authenticated using their IBM Intranet ID)

            Issues fixed in this release

            • Miscellaneous fixes to Oracle DDL syntax recognition, Split DDL and Compatibility Evaluation for DB2 BLU


            September 8th, 2014

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 3.1

            What's new in this release ?

            • Support for Data Studio 4.1.1 and DB2 Cancun Release (aka Fix Pack 4)
            • Support for Oracle to DB2 BLU migrations
              • New option "DB2 10.5 with BLU Acceleration" as target for Evaluation and Code Conversion
              • New evaluation and conversion rules have been implemented to address limitations of column-organized tables
              • Compatibility Evaluation Report has a new DB2 BLU specific section
              • Code conversion adds the "ORGANIZE BY ROW/COLUMN" clause to all CREATE TABLE statements
            • DB2 BLU Assessment report is updated to DB2 10.5 FP4
            • DB2 pureScale Assessment report is updated to DB2 10.5 FP4
            • Miscellaneous improvements to DDL Extraction using generic JDBC connections.
              • Database vendors tested: Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL and Netezza
              • Current limitations:
                • DDL of identities and generated columns are not extracted
                • For some DB vendors, foreign key DELETE and UPDATE rules default to NO ACTION due to limited support from vendor's JDBC driver
                • The "IN <table space>" clause for CREATE TABLE statements is not supported
                • The "INCLUDE" clause for indexes is not supported
                • Limitations for MySQL DDL extraction:
                  • AUTO_INCREMENT option is not
                  • Default values of BIT columns are extracted but need to be manually converted to a DB2 compatible format
                • Limitations for Netezza DDL extraction:
                  • GRANT statements are not extracted due to limitations of the Netezza JDBC driver
                  • UNIQUE constraints are not extracted


            August 6th, 2014

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 2.3

            What's new in this release ?

            • Support for Microsoft SQL Server to DB2 for LUW conversions
              • DDL generation directly to DB2's syntax. Objects extracted:
                • Table spaces (based on file groups)
                • Tables and constraints (primary and foreign keys, unique and check constraints)
                • Indexes 
                • Distinct types
                • Sequences 
                • Security privileges
              • Data movement using flat files
            • DDL extraction using a generic JDBC connection (BETA - please send feedback to askdcw@ca.ibm.com)
              • DCW uses the JDBC API to read the database metadata and generates the objects DDL using DB2 syntax
              • Objects extracted: tables (including PKs, FKs, check constraints, default column values), indexes and grant privileges
              • Current limitations:
                • DDL of identities and generated columns are not extracted
                • For some DB vendors, foreign key DELETE and UPDATE rules default to NO ACTION due to limited support from vendor's JDBC driver
                • The "IN <table space>" clause for CREATE TABLE statements is not supported
                • The "INCLUDE" clause for indexes is not supported
            • Performance improvements to the Object Dependencies Visualizer resulting in 2x to 3x faster object loading times
            • The Oracle Compatibility Evaluation report provides link to the "DB2 Add-on modules for Oracle Database compatibility" offering when supported Oracle packages are detected

            Issues fixed in this release

            • Evaluation Report and Conversion (DB2 for LUW)
              • SHOW ERROR command is now an accept syntax on DDL files for compatibility with scripts generated with SQL*Plus 
              • NCHAR(>128) are now converted to NVARCHAR.
            • Split DDL
              • Count of objects is fixed to ignore ALTER statements
            • Data Movement
              • Miscellaneous fixes to data movement with pipes method


            May 16th, 2014

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 2.2

            What's new in this release ?

            • Redesigned Oracle DDL extraction wizard
              • Supports new object types (db links, directories, libraries, etc)
              • Executes 2x to 3x faster compared to Data Studio's built-in function
              • Extraction can run in the background - wizard doesn't block the UI anymore
            • Offline Oracle DDL extraction script now returns partial results in case of error during execution of DBMS_METADATA
            • DB2 DDL extraction can now also run in the background and does not block the UI
            • Object Dependencies Visualizer can now display dependencies through Synonyms
            • Improvements to "rowcount.log" for data movement
              • Standard format for all DM methods
              • Differences in the count values are now marked with "*"
            • Improved support for Oracle to DB2 for z/OS migrations

            Issues fixed in this release

            • Evaluation Report and Conversion (DB2 for LUW)
              • Removed reporting of false positives for multi-level collections: <sch>.<tbl>.<col>%TYPE, <sch>.<seq>.NEXTVAL and <sch>.<seq>.CURVAL
              • PARALLEL clause is now being reported and converted for CREATE INDEX statements
              • PCTTHRESHOLD clause in CREATE TABLE statements is now commented out
              • INDEXTYPE IS clause in CREATE TABLE statements is now reported
              • FORCE keyword in CREATE TYPE statements is commented out
              • OVERRIDING MEMBER clause in CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE BODY statements is now reported
              • ORGANIZATION INDEX clause (Index-organized tables) in CREATE TABLE statements is now reported
              • SUBTYPE declarations based on RECORD type are now reported
              • Use of INTERVAL data type in DECLARE and BODY blocks are now reported
            • Evaluation Report and Conversion (DB2 for z/OS)
              • Enhanced reporting for 183 Oracle built-in functions such as CHR, LTRIM, MOD, MAX, MIN, COLLECT, LOG.
              • Enhanced reporting for sys schema/data dictionary, string type, sysdate, dual table, analytic functions, outer join(+), cursor, nested programs, packages, varchar2, number, alter table, default column user keyword, create view.
            • Split DDL
              • BITMAP INDEX statements were being stored in the wrong file
            • Data Movement
              • Issue with TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE when using Oracle JDBC 9i driver is now properly logged
              • LOAD with flat files was failing when multiple DB2 installations exist in the local machine
              • Federation method would fail if any of target schemas are empty


            March 7th, 2014

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 2.1.1

            What's new in this release ?

            • Added support for Data Studio
            • Improved support for Oracle to DB2 for z/OS migrations
              • DDL conversion now also supports CREATE SEQUENCE, CREATE SYNONYM, GRANT and COMMENT ON statements
            • Redesign of the Compatibility Evaluation report
              • Color scheme and design based on IBM websites
              • Added a navigation bar for easy browsing through the sections
              • Overall summary now reports percentage of code that was not inspected due to unrecognized syntax
              • Tables with code statistics are now hidden by default
              • Unrecognized syntax section now displays range of lines for each entry
            • Redesign of DB2 BLU and DB2 pureScale assessment reports
            • Enhancements to the Object Dependencies Visualizer (formely known as Package Visualizer)
              • A Wizard is now available for selecting how to load the object dependencies
              • New icons and menu options
            • Enhanced logging during Data Movement operations
              • Messages in the log files are now tagged as [INFO], [ERROR] and [WARNING] for easier identification of issues
              • Detailed messages were moved from DataMovementEngine.log to DataMovementEngineDebug.log
            • New 2.8 version of Oracle DDL extraction script
              • Optimized collection of PL/SQL statistics
              • Use of DBMS_METADATA to retrieve views definition
              • Additional messages to report progress during "additional information" phase
              • Optimized query for collection of "Table Column Datatype Statistics"

            Issues fixed in this release

            • Evaluation Report and Conversion (DB2 LUW)
              • Direct access to data fields of multi-level collections (i.e. collections that are part of another collection) are now reported. Eg: "varCollection.varRecord(i) := 1;" or "varRecord.varAssocArray.DELETE;"
              • CREATE TYPE ... AS OBJECT ( ) with no parameters is now reported
              • Subtypes declarations (SUBTYPE <name> IS <base_datatype>) where <base_datatype> is not supported by DB2 are now reported
              • XMLTYPE and ANYDATA data types were not being reported when specified in these format: "SYS"."ANYDATA", "ANYDATA" and SYS.ANYDATA
              • Associative arrays indexed by an unsupported data type are now reported
              • Function calls within the DEFAULT expression of column definitions are now reported
              • TYPE definitions inside packages were not being counted as part of total number of statements
              • Oracle DDL extraction script - column definitions for views are now properly extracted for all cases
            • On data movement using Federation, "GENERATEDOVERRIDE/GENERATEDIGNORE" and "IDENTITYOVERRIDE/IDENTITYIGNORE" modifiers are now only added if the target table contains generated or identity columns.


            December 9th, 2013

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 2.1

            What's new in this release ?

            • Improved support for Oracle to DB2 for z/OS
              • DDL conversion (CREATE/ALTER TABLE, VIEW and INDEX statements)
              • Data movement using flat files
            • DB2 BLU compatibility report to detect features in use that are not yet acceptable when converting to column-organized tables
            • DB2 LUW to DB2 LUW data movement using flat files
            • General enhancements to DDL evaluation and conversion
              • Better stability when handling large DDL files
              • Limit processing to files up to 100 MB to avoid Out of Memory errors
              • More detailed progress reporting of the process
              • Ability to cancel the process at several stages and still generate a partial report
              • Evaluation and conversion updated to DB2 10.1 FP3 and DB2 10.5 FP2 level
            • Improved version of the DDL extraction script
              • Several bug fixes
              • Better error reporting
            • Faster processing of the DDL Split function
            • Improvements to Data Movement (DM) functions
              • DM with Federation: able to generate LOAD scripts, and specify treatment for generated/identify columns
              • DM with pipes: validation of pre-reqs and better error handling to prevent freezes
            • UI improvements
              • Graphic banner for wizards
              • Display the type of the DCW project (Ora-DB2, DB2-DB2, etc)
              • Revised logging, UI text and messages

            Issues fixed in this release

            • Error handling for data movement with pipes has been improved
            • Evaluation Report and Conversion (DB2 LUW):Function call with IN OUT or OUT parameters inside a IF statement is now reported
              • Use of functions in a the DEFAULT expression of a column is now reported
              • References to SYS schema inside VIEW and MATERIALIZED VIEW statements are now reported
              • SELECT ... XXX(...) ... BULK COLLECT INTO statements are reported in case XXX(...) is an UDT
              • Use of ASC NULLS LAST and DESC NULLS FIRST clauses in SELECT statements are now reported
              • Constructor function is now reported, and NEW keyword is commented out during code conversion
              • REGEXP_LIKE function is now reported
              • Use of UROWID and BFILE in a CREATE TABLE statemetn is now reported
              • More routines from DBMS_SQL and DBMS_UTILITY are now reported
              • Clauses SEGMENT CREATION, FLASH_CACHE  and CELL_FLASH_CACHE are now commented out during code conversion
              • Use of GROUP_ID() function is now reported


            Known issues

            • Online DDL extraction: invalid CREATE INDEX statement is generated for functional indexes
            • Online DDL extraction: default values for NUMBER columns are not extracted correctly


            July 5th, 2013

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 2.0

            What's new in this release ?

            • Added support for Data Studio 4.1 ( Data Studio 3.2 is still supported)
            • Migration to DB2 10.5 LUW  is now fully supported. Migration to DB2 10.1 as target is still available
            • Oracle compatibility evaluation for DB2 for z/OS v10
            • Ability to create, start and stop CDC replication subscriptions between Oracle and DB2 10.1 LUW databases
            • Data movement can be cancelled and resumed at a later time. DCW automatically detects if a previous job was not finished and can restart the data movement from the point it was cancelled.

            Issues fixed in this release

            • Error handling for data movement with pipes has been improved
            • Evaluation Report and Conversion (DB2 LUW):
              • Package names with '$' are now reported
              • AUTHID CURRENT_USER is now reported
              • INSERT ALL is now reported
              • SERVERERROR, LOGON, LOGOFF, STARTUP, SHUTDOWN, SUSPEND, DB_ROLE_CHANGE database events on triggers are now reported
              • Oracle views starting with V$ , V_$ and GV$ are now reported
              • LOB STORAGE syntax is now properly converted and reported
              • Conversion of array and object type has been fixed
              • Fixed check of maximum number of UDF parameters
              • Parsing PL/SQL with empty DECLARE section was causing an error
              • XML data types and functions were generating duplicated entries in the report
              • Several improvements on parsing of PL/SQL code and identification of incompatibilities


            April 26th, 2013

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 1.2

            What's new in this release ?

            • Added support for Data Studio 3.2 64-bit
            • Increased DCW Authentication for IBMers to 60-days
            • NEW: Beta for DB2 10.5 Assessment and Conversion
              • DB2 10.5 has improved compatibility with Oracle

            Issues fixed in this release

            • Resolved issue with certain scripts not working on Linux when spaces were present in the directory
            • Evaluation Report and Conversion:
              • DISABLE constraints are now reported
              • CREATE DIMENSION syntax is now reported
              • Negative precision is now auto-converted
              • ROLLBACK SEGMENT statements are now auto-converted
              • INTERVAL option is now reported
              • CREATE OUTLINE is now auto-converted
              • PARALLEL clauses are now auto-converted
              • XMLTYPE clause is now reported


            March 18th, 2013

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 1.1

            What's new in this release ?

            • Significant performance improvements resulting in conversion and evaluation up to 5x faster
            • NEW: Oracle to DB2 / PDTX data movement method leveraging DB2's federation
            • Support for Data Studio 3.2
            • Updated conversion and evaluation to DB2 10.1 FP2 level
            • General improvements to Evaluation Report layout and counts

            Issues fixed in this release

            • Fixed false positives on Evaluation Report related to NOCOPY parameter
            • Fixed bugs with "Split DDL" function
            • Fixes to data type conversions involving ROWID, RAW, VARCHAR2 and NUMBER
            • Conversion and evaluation were not detecting nested functions
            • Several UI fixes


            January 18th, 2013

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 1.0.2

            What's new in this release ?

            • Conversion and evaluation can now be executed in separate
            • Several performance improvements
            • Conversion can now be executed as a background task
            • DB2 to DB2 data movement now allows selection at the table level
            • Evaluation report now detects use of function based indexes and "LTRIM/RTRIM"

            Issues fixed in this release

            • Progress bar not being accurate during data movement
            • Wrong table count displayed after data movement
            • Terminator for Materialized Views was being wrongly converted


            December 14th, 2012

            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 1.0.1

            Issues fixed in this release

            • Fixed issues with "Split DDL" function where triggers and procedures were not handled properly
            • Fixed false positives on Evaluation Report related to "FOR EACH ROW", "DBMS_JOB" and "CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER".
            • Fixed problem where large SQL files were only partially converted.



            Release notes for Database Conversion Workbench 1.0


            • Oracle to DB2 conversion capabilities
              • Extract DDL directly from your Oracle sources
              • Analyze the Oracle DDL to find out any features not supported by DB2's SQL compatibility
              • Automatically convert Oracle DDL to DB2-compatible syntax
              • Easily move data from Oracle to DB2 using DCW wizards
              • Different data movement methods: flat files, pipes
              • Package visualizer that graphically displays dependencies between PL/SQL packages


            • DB2 to DB2 conversion capabilities
              • Supports DB2 9.5+ to DB2 10.1 conversions
              • Supports PureData System for Transactions as target
              • When moving to DB2 pureScale, create a compatibility report to find out any DB2 features in use not supported in DB2 pureScale
              • Easily move your data leveraging DB2's built-in federation capabilities

