Question 1: Is DCW is a free of charge tool? What is the license information of DCW?
A: The DCW tool is free of charge. For license information, click here for more details about license information, scope and restriction of using DCW by customer.
If you are not able to see this license page directly then you will have to follow below mentioned steps,
a. Go to below DCW download page,
b. Login with IBM ID and password to proceed.
c. Select offering as "IBM Database Conversion Workbench 4.0"
d. Click on "View License" link available in the License section of opened page.
Question 2: For PDA to Db2 migration, do we have any standard script which user can run on PDA system to generate input file for DCW to evaluate compatibility?
A: We do have script named "nz_ddl" which comes under the software support tools.
Steps to get the input are:
1. Locate the above file.
2. Run, (absolute path of script)/nz_ddl [db_name] > [input_file.sql]
here, db_name is the database name for which the customer wants to get the input or get it moved to Db2 and input_file.sql is the file needs to be provided to DCW for conversion. The script redirects the input to this file.
Question 3: What exactly Database Harmony Profiler does?
A: Database Harmony Profiler is a lite version of DCW. This lite version provides only 2 major options i.e evaluation and conversion.
Also, it's not just only used for DDL's but we can use it to convert and evaluate DML statements, NZPLSQL and all other netezza supported sql's.
Question 4: Is there a limit to how many file can be processed with DCW? If so what is this limit? How do I process more?
A: DCW code don't restrict on the number of files to be processed. So, total number of files to be processed is purely based on the system environment settings.
Question 5: For Oracle to db2 migration, is it the case, that if DCW installed on a windows workstations then connections to oracle and db2 linux are made frim there with data transfer process as well or user should directly install DCW on Db2 LUW?
A: Yes, user should install DCW directly on Db2 LUW system.
Question 6: Which exact Oracle JDBC driver to be used with DCW for Oracle to Db2 migration?
A: ojdbc6.jar driver to be used which is available on below link,
Question 7: What is the DCW location at where Oracle JDBC driver needs to be copied?
A: The instructions are in the Help Contents pages in the Help tab.
When you open DCW, navigate to > Help > Help Contents > IBM Database Conversion Workbench >Tasks > Create a connection to Oracle/DB2.

Question 8: Which driver needs to be used for Db2 with DCW?
A: Below link has driver details which needs to be used for Db2 with DCW.
Question 9: Not able to launch DCW on MAC environment
"Alert - The Dcw executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library."

Error for DCW launch from DCW package directory :
An error has occurred. See the log file <log file location>
A: This is known problem with default MAC archive for DCW. Please use Keka it should get un-archived.
Another workaround is,
- Go into your unzipped directory
For e.g. DCW-macosx.cocoa.x86_64/
- Run below command from command line (terminal):
This should open up DCW GUI on your mac.
Question 10: I need DCW to run on z/Linux... How can we make that happen?
A: DCW is not supported on z/Linux .
As a work around, use DCW lite package for linux in console mode specifically on a 64 bit z/Linux system.
If you wish to have full-version features for performing migration to DB2, please install DCW-full version on a 3rd machine which is x86_64 with UI capability from which we can access the Oracle-x86 and `DB2 on z/Linux (32/64 bit)` instances and then create connections through DCW to extract and convert data.
Note : We've tried this only with z/Linux 64 bit machine in DCW-lite's console mode. The full-version has not been tested.
Please refer this attached workaround for more details.
Question 11: How to handle DCW DB2 Connection Error?
A: Work-around for error encountered as "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:" during the configuration in DCW Full Version due to wrong path of driver in the configuration.
Steps to follow:
1. Right click on Database Connections under Data Source Explorer, select New.
2. Select the type of Connection Profile -> Select Next.
3. Select the New Driver Definition option, right next the Drivers drop-down list.
4. Specify a Driver Template and Definition Name, under Name/Type Window
5. Move to JAR List window, here check if the path provided for drivers is correct, if not select those JARs, remove them and add the JARs with proper path.
6. Test the connection by ping.