Db2 for z/OS and its ecosystem

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December update from Db2 for z/OS development.

By Haakon Roberts posted Fri December 22, 2023 01:47 PM


December is an opportunity to take stock of some of the accomplishments of the past year and to look forward to the next.

Our development and delivery of new enhancements based upon V13 has continued unabated with 46 delivered thus far through individual PTFs and function levels. This includes of course the highly anticipated phase 2 of utility history and the culmination of work started at GA of V13 to minimise or even eliminate application impact from the invalidation of static packages. For details on all these improvements see the complete list of Db2 13 new function APARs here: https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/db2-for-zos/13?topic=13-new-function-apars-db2.

Not only have we focused upon providing new, great features, we've also made them easier to manage and consume by including non-function-level enhancements as prerequisite PTFs of the next function level. As a result, it is now possible for vendors and customers alike to easily determine whether any new feature is available to use. Moreover, once a feature is available, the continuous delivery model guarantees that it will not be removed. A further improvement in delivery management is to better align across the IBM  Z platform by introducing the use of ENH ++HOLDs for new enhancements.

Ultimately, nothing we achieved in 2023 would have been possible without the passion and support of the client community. I especially want to thank those who served as IBM Champions, who participated in Customer Advisory Councils, and who were sponsor users for new features, as well as our vibrant vendor community. Thanks to you we are as confident as you are that these enhancements are the right ones to propel Db2 into the future. I can assure you that your valuable time was well spent and very much appreciated, and will continue to be in future.

On the subject of engagement, we have thoroughly enjoyed participating in numerous very successful conferences across five continents in 2023, including IDUGs and a sold-out Data Tech Summit in October at our home here at the Silicon Valley Lab.

In 2024, we're looking forward to more of the same, delivering great features and having further opportunities to engage with everyone on the subject we are so rightfully proud of and passionate about - Db2 for z/OS. 

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all.


