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New Format for the Knowledge Center

By EMMA FLETCHER posted Wed July 03, 2019 04:07 PM


Receiving user feedback on the Knowledge Center (KC) and then acting upon it is a priority for us. We always aim to have easily accessible documentation and hearing back from our users is vitally important to us. It was upon receiving such feedback that we learned that the current structure of our KC was confusing for users, and so we’ve worked on enacting change to the KC to clear that confusion.

Before now, documentation for the following products lived in a single collection in the KC:

  • Db2 Warehouse on Cloud
  • Db2 on Cloud
  • Db2 Warehouse
  • Integrated Analytics System

However, users came forward to say that they had difficulty understanding whether the topics they were reading applied to their product. To fix this source of confusion, we’ve split the information into four separate KC collections, based on each product; each collection will only have information that applies to that product.

Here is how we’ve broken down these new collections, and we have provided the links, so you know where to find them.

For Db2 Warehouse on Cloud users, there have been no changes. The documentation isn’t moving. It will remain at:

Db2 on Cloud documentation has moved and can be found at:

Db2 Warehouse content can still be found in a convenient product hub here:

However, if you prefer using the KC, the information has moved to this location:

For IBM Integrated Analytics System, you can still find all the content at:, but can also access the documentation in the KC here:

