By Brandon Jabr and Emily Alameida
Are you curious about how Db2 AI for z/OS (Db2ZAI) can benefit your Db2 for z/OS system? Now is the time to learn!
From reducing CPU consumption, to improving application performance, to enhancing the resiliency of your database, Db2ZAI delivers improved operational performance, efficiency, and health for your Db2 for z/OS system.
To help you learn about the capabilities of Db2ZAI, we recently added videos to the Db2ZAI documentation. These videos show the simplified installation process and demonstrate the benefits of the individual Db2ZAI product features.
Simplified installation
The installation process was simplified in version 1.6 and is now easier than ever. The installation videos show the step-by-step installation process, helping you to prepare for installation and taking into account your specific environment.
SQL optimization
The SQL optimization video demonstrates how Db2ZAI can be used to improve query access paths and how to drill down to see the average execution time before and after access path optimization. In the example, we walk through manually and automatically adding static and dynamic packages to scope, reviewing recommended rebinds, rebinding the package, and analyzing the results to show CPU and elapsed time reduction for both static and dynamic statements.
System assessment
The 2-part series of videos on System assessment and Performance insights shows an overview of the workflow and demonstrates exception analysis capabilities through a real-data example. In part 1, the overview, we go through the System assessment workflow, including defining work periods, training, assessing, and reviewing assessment results. You can see the exception details identified from the example assessment, including recommendations and visualizations.
In part 2, we walk through a deeper analysis of the example assessment results and the exceptions found. Going through the exception details of the example assessment, we find a critical case where the Db2 output log buffer became full and the write transactions got suspended. The exception details provided by the assessment explain the problem and provide recommendations about how to fix the problem. Based on the data visualizations, we can find the cause of the problem and implement the recommendation.
Using the exception tree and the corresponding graphs, we discover a possible cause to an available storage exception in the real memory category. Finally, part 2 shows us how to use the Performance insights feature to analyze the distribution of elapsed time for this example system through a visual representation.
Distributed connection controls
There are two videos focused on Distributed connection controls (DCC) – one for setting up the feature and another on the benefits provided. The set up shows how to get ready to use DCC, including selecting thread-related information about client application names or client user IDs and cleaning up the tables storing DCC-related data.
The benefits video discusses various aspects of the DCC dashboard. You are shown how to use the graphs on the DCC dashboard to analyze the applications that are using the most DBATs and how well your system meets the ‘DCC best practices.’
On the DCC Alert page, we go through the alerts received and drill down to the scorecard to compare remote client metrics from the last assessment and the moments prior to the event that triggered the alert. Finally, we drill down further to determine what caused the 3.35% increase in SQL requests received.
Look for us to add new videos as time goes by!
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