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Native support for IBM Cloudant database in IBM Db2 Query Management Facility (QMF) v13.1.1.0

By Ankita Khadsare posted Mon September 04, 2023 04:59 AM


IBM Cloudant is a NoSQL, fully managed, and distributed open-source cloud database optimized for heavy workloads and fast-growing web and mobile applications. IBM Cloudant is recognized as a top leader across multiple categories: DBaaS, NoSQL, and non-relational databases. IBM Cloudant enables users to handle heavy and large schema less data.

QMF supports IBM Cloudant; users can add Cloudant as a data source and perform all the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on Cloudant documents and Cloudant indexes, which helps them in easy data filtration. Also, the users can query the Cloudant data by creating Cloudant queries with indexes. Apart from Cloudant specific operations, QMF also provides a unique advantage to the users, where in the users can use Cloudant data sources in combination with other SQL based data sources for the data federation.

The following use cases confirm the popularity of Cloudant:

1. Users can perform all the SQL operations on Cloudant data by creating virtual tables out of Cloudant query result sets.

2. Users can combine data from Cloudant and other data source by creating analytical queries, and then use the result sets for manipulating data, viewing the data in different formats, and creating dashboards from the results.

Thus, QMF provides users the flexibility to perform Cloudant specific operations and empowers them to leverage the QMF functionalities to manage the Cloudant data.

For additional features of QMF v13.1.1.0, please refer the following blog QMF 13.1.1 new features and capabilities pack a punch!

Thank you. Happy reading!

