IBM Sterling Transformation Extender

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  • 1.  XML to EDI - best approach

    Posted Wed October 30, 2024 02:41 PM

    I have a requirement to transform a XML message to EDI 837. To facilitate the XML message generation, I have exported the 837 schema from the type tree. Is there a way to simplify this schema or a better approach for this transformation?

    Rajesh Jayathirtha

  • 2.  RE: XML to EDI - best approach

    Posted Wed October 30, 2024 03:32 PM

    This is just my personal take on this.

    I am not sure if it's a good idea to use the Schema generated from the Type Tree using Design Studio.

    Like you said, the schema is not easy to read especially for complex HIPAA type tree like 837 and 834.  If you have to use it, I would customize it like the element names.

    If you have joined the X12 organization, they may publish some of the standards in XML schema.

    Rex Chan

  • 3.  RE: XML to EDI - best approach

    Posted Wed October 30, 2024 09:42 PM

    Thank you Rex, appreciate your insight. I was also trying to trim down this complex schema.

  • 4.  RE: XML to EDI - best approach

    Posted Mon November 04, 2024 06:55 PM

    Let me confirm what you are asking.  Did you prune the X12 provided type tree to just the 837 and want to simpify further or you are asking how to prune the entire X12 to just the 837? If you are wanting the former, to simplify the 837 after it has been pruned from the other types and versions, I would strongly recommend NOT doing that.  EDI is a very fluid conversation with trading partners.  You never know when you might need something in the transaction set that you pruned out.  There will be a lot of NONE mapping and that is OK.

    If you need a primer on pruning out just the 837 for a particular version - then I am sure I or several others can provide basic steps.

    Happy mapping!

    Lisa Edwards
    Software Engineer / Subject Matter Expert
    Rainbow Data Systems, Inc

  • 5.  RE: XML to EDI - best approach

    Posted Tue November 05, 2024 10:04 AM

    I agree with Rex. The XML schema generated from the ITX Healthcare Pack, HIPAA type tree will represent the EDI data as XML; however, it is not optimal for use in data transformation or validation. There are industry standard schemas for all of the X12 transaction sets and HIPAA TR3s available from Washington Publishing that are created from the X12 metadata. Those schemas are better suited for your use.

    You should contact your X12 representative if you have questions.

    Stephanie Fetzer