IBM Sterling Transformation Extender

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Video - ITX Design Studio Debugger with Java code

  • 1.  Video - ITX Design Studio Debugger with Java code

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed June 14, 2023 03:28 AM
    Check out the new video on my YouTube channel:
    ITX Design Studio Debugger with Java code
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    ITX Design Studio Debugger with Java code
    Break points can be set in java code that is called via a JEXIT() or JavaClass Adapter call and then compiled in debug mode - Command Server can be configured to run in debug mode via edits to dtx.ini - The Design Studio can 'hook into' the Command Server or Launcher, and step through the Java code when it is called dtx.ini changes: [JVM Options] option1=-Xdebug option2=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000
    View this on YouTube >
    #IBM  #ITX  #Debugger  #Java  #TransformationExtender  #JEXIT

    Paul Brett
    IBM Sterling Transformation Extender (ITX) Client Support