IBM Sterling Transformation Extender

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  • 1.  TX REST server V11.0 tx-rest appli not starting

    Posted Fri April 05, 2024 07:02 PM

    Hi All,

    I'm trying to test the REST version of ITX server version 11. I can access to the Tomcat server and I see that my application tx-rest is present but when I click the start button, I get this error in the Tomcat GUI (translated from French by me): 

    FAILURE - The application for the context [/tx-rest] couldn't be started

    And when I go the tomcat's logs I see this: 

    05-Apr-2024 22:40:44.647 SEVERE [localhost-startStop-1] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart Error configuring application listener of class []

    I get that the is replaced by the config.yaml file which I tried to fill accordingly. Since it also replace the dtx.ini file, it's located in the /config directory of my installation. But I tried to copy it as well in the root directory of the installation (where the previous file was located) and I got the same error.

    I did the same installation in version 10.1.2 and it's working fine thanks to the video of Paul Brett :

    I suppose there is only subtle changes missing in my V11 configuration. 

    Thanks for helping me solving this ;),

    Best Regards,


    Thomas Lucas

  • 2.  RE: TX REST server V11.0 tx-rest appli not starting

    Posted Mon April 08, 2024 02:50 PM

    I used to do this quite a bit and it was based on V10.x.  Never tried V11 as Design Servers with different versions cannot coexist as far as I know.

    Can you issue the command "dccker ps" to see if you have these 4 containers running?

    root@ubuntu:/home/itx# docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE         COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                                                 NAMES
    3e4fd5e1a7a3   tx-client     "npm start server=itx"   2 years ago   Up 3 weeks   80/tcp,>443/tcp, :::443->443/tcp         tx-client
    eabcc118e44a   tx-server     " run"        2 years ago   Up 3 weeks   8080/tcp,>8443/tcp, :::8443->8443/tcp   tx-server
    34f07bc92ac6   mongo:4.0.5   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 years ago   Up 3 weeks   27017/tcp                                             tx-server-mongo
    7595da720b74   redis:5.0.3   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 years ago   Up 3 weeks   6379/tcp                                              tx-server-redis

    If they do, issue "docker logs ix-client" to see the status.

    Rex Chan

  • 3.  RE: TX REST server V11.0 tx-rest appli not starting

    Posted Wed April 10, 2024 04:35 AM

    Hi Rex, 

    thanks for your answer. As far as I know, Design Server is not needed to make TX REST work. As you can see in the video mentionned, Paul is using the TX launcher installation, installing the Tomcat server manually and importing tx-rest.war for the TX installation. I followed the same procedure and it's working with the version 10. But doing the same with version 11 is not working. When I look at the error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:" it looks like the config.yaml is not found, but as I explained I have put it in different places without success. Maybe there is something missing in the file itself... but I don't know what... I just changed the same few paths than for TX 10. 

    Best Regards,

    Thomas Lucas

  • 4.  RE: TX REST server V11.0 tx-rest appli not starting

    Posted Wed April 10, 2024 11:13 AM

    To make Rest call from a client, most of our customers use the ITX Rest Container.  The current version is 10.1.2.  You don't have to build anything.  You put it in Kubernetes or in docker and use it.   The maps are to be copied outside the container.   

    To make a Rest call from a map, you can use any runtime.

    Rex Chan

  • 5.  RE: TX REST server V11.0 tx-rest appli not starting

    Posted Mon April 15, 2024 08:57 AM

    Hi Rex,

    like I said in my original post, I successfully installed the TX in REST mode in version 10.1.2. But I need to do the installation with version 11. When I install the design server v11 there is a tx-rest container created but is not working (I got a 404-file-not-found error when trying to access the tomcat server).

    Anyway, I want to be able to do my own installation.

    Thomas Lucas

  • 6.  RE: TX REST server V11.0 tx-rest appli not starting
    Best Answer

    Posted Fri May 31, 2024 04:25 AM

    For information. Seen with the support.

    The installation procedure have changed from V10.1.2. Now the Tomcat server doesn't have to be installed manually anymore. It should be installed and started using the following commands:

    /ITX_installation_path/restapi/tomcat/ install

    /ITX_installation_path/restapi/tomcat/ start

    Also one of the directory described in the rest section of the config.yaml as well as the mkf file were missing. 

    With these correction my installation is fully operational.

    Best Regards,


    Thomas Lucas