Hi SunIl
Maybe you could explain your issue in more detail to illicit more relevant help? The ECHO adapter on an Input is often used for simple types that do not require much parsing - maybe a dynamic value passed in at run time - examples may include a filename, an external timestamp, etc.that only needs a generic text field definition. Alternatively, it can also be used when calling RUN from a master map to "echo" in data from the calling map into the map being called as Rex indicated. The echo adapter is merely a method to pass-through data as is without transformation. SINK is only on the output side to prevent an output from being built/delivered outside the memory space of the map. If you are trying to suppress an input card your map will likely fail, however you could override with -IE<cardnumber> <empty file/variable string> on run (Input Echo). Hope this helps.
Lisa Edwards
Software Engineer / Subject Matter Expert
Rainbow Data Systems, Inc
Original Message:
Sent: Sun September 24, 2023 01:19 AM
From: sunil kumar chellu
Subject: Regarding Input card Adapter ECHO
Hi Rex,
Thank you very much for providing the Infocenter Links.
I have one doubt are they are same adapter commands we are using in map Input input card after selecting adapter as "Sink" which we don't have in output card setting or used in Run function only.
sunil kumar chellu
Original Message:
Sent: Sat September 23, 2023 12:52 PM
From: Rex Chan
Subject: Regarding Input card Adapter ECHO
Rex Chan
Original Message:
Sent: Sat September 23, 2023 01:54 AM
From: sunil kumar chellu
Subject: Regarding Input card Adapter ECHO
Could anyone please provide the infocenter link related to input card adapter ECHO as I am not able to find it.
Please do the needful.
sunil kumar chellu