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  • 1.  Is there any tool that can give us source code for IBM ITX like ..mms from a .lnx file

    Posted Tue November 26, 2024 01:47 PM

    Is there any tool that can give us source code for IBM ITX like .mms from a .lnx file

    srinivasa chukka

  • 2.  RE: Is there any tool that can give us source code for IBM ITX like ..mms from a .lnx file

    Posted Wed November 27, 2024 09:48 AM

    A map decompiler - that doesn't exist that I'm aware of.  Could be a secret tool at the support center but not part of the distribution.  I've also asked if there was a way to extract the source mms from a compiled map and there isn't by a utility.  It's in there, however.  If you view the compiled map in an editor (doesn't have to be hex either) you should find the mms source file name starting around character 80.  It's plain text so should be identifiable.

    There is also the -L command server option:

    $ dtxcmdsv <compiledmap> -L

    That will not run the map but open and display the in/out cards and default values.  That's been very helpful when building script executions and you don't have the mms handy to see all the cards with some idea what they're for.


    Jim Davee

  • 3.  RE: Is there any tool that can give us source code for IBM ITX like ..mms from a .lnx file

    Posted Tue December 17, 2024 04:16 PM

    I tried to run the command which you have gave but nothing help me so i am looking for .mms file details

    [wsadmin@h55tal-batchclaims-atst-auto-s01 bin]$ ./dtxcmdsv /opt/wtx/maps/X12_custom_reject/X12_custom_reject.lnx -L
    IBM Transformation Extender Linux Command Server - version
    (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2022 All rights reserved.
    Map file: /opt/wtx/maps/X12_custom_reject/X12_custom_reject.lnx -L
    Card information for map /opt/wtx/maps/X12_custom_reject/X12_custom_reject.lnx:
    T column is data type: F=File, A=Application, D=Database
                  Name                 T Data
                  ----                 - ----
     Input #   1  X12_simple_segments  F H:\temp\testingCustRej\A236660300_837P_20221117_goodone_bb.txt
     Input #   2  executeMapRequest    F H:\SVNTD\mytestdata\HEADER_BB_837P_custrej.txt
    Output #   1  999_work             F
    Output #   2  custom_reject        F
    Output #   3  work_file            D 002B
    Output #   4  executeMapResponse   F

    srinivasa chukka

  • 4.  RE: Is there any tool that can give us source code for IBM ITX like ..mms from a .lnx file

    Posted Wed December 18, 2024 08:14 AM

    that -L command line option only gives the compiled map and card information.  To find the actual mms that created the compiled file you need to open the compiled file in an editor.  A hex editor would be nice but a regular text editor would work too.  In the jumble of stuff you should be able to read some plain text.

    Somewhere in the first 200 chars or so (it is not a fixed position in every compiled file) you should see the name of the mms file that sourced the compiled file.  We use ITX v10.1 and the compiled maps all have that mms source file there near the beginning of the file.


    Jim Davee