Managed File Transfer

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  • 1.  File System Adapter

    Posted Wed October 25, 2023 01:31 PM

    I'm currently researching the use of the File System Adapter to move files into and out of SFG from a shared file system.

    I know I can schedule the FSA to poll the shared file system and bring the file(s) into SFG, but I believe I would then need to build a BP to move the file(s) to an actual trading partner within SFG.

    Going the other way, it looks like I'd need to build a custom protocol to take the file from a trading partner and using the FSA again, drop the file in the shared file system.

    It doesn't look like there is anything "out-of-the-box" to accomplish this.

    I vaguely remember doing the file share to SFG piece back in my initial SFG BP training (6+ years ago), but I can't seem to find any of the old notes/bps.

    Does anyone have any experience building something like this and can provide pointers?

    Peter Milakovich

  • 2.  RE: File System Adapter

    Posted Thu October 26, 2023 10:11 AM

    Hi Peter

    you are right.

    You need a schedule to get file using FSA and write this file to a mailbox in Trading Partner (Producer). This mailbox must be monitored by a Channel that delivery file to another Tranding Partner (Consumer).

    For the second part, you must create a FSA Custom Protocol that right files using FSA. After you configure FSA Custom Protocol, you set a Trading Parner (Consumer) to use this custom protocol.

    Below has a sample code:


  • 3.  RE: File System Adapter

    Posted Mon October 30, 2023 06:25 AM

    Enio, thank you so much!  This is very helpful!  

    Peter Milakovich