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  • Don't miss your chance to dive deep into the world of AI and automation. Join us on July 16th at 11 AM ET as Armand Ruiz, Vice President of Product Management, AI Platform, and founder of, kicks off six hours of deep technical content to ...

  • Are your teams overwhelmed by the many data sources at your organization? Join @Nicholas Renotte and David Tan, CTO at CrushBank on June 25th at 1:00 EDT for a unique virtual event, to explore how CrushBank's innovative private data lake ...

  • Great post! I am working on my AI for Business Specialization now. I will keep this in mind! ------------------------------ Julian Gonzalez Prompt Engineer Self Employed Tampa FL ------------------------------

  • How can you bring AI into your business? What do we tell the boss? There seems to be a budget, a sponsor, a PM, but no direction? Ask the five golden questions including: what must we solve this year, what happens to you if we don't, what have we tried ...

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  • HOW DO YOU........Build responsible AI workflows???? The AI landscape has quickly evolved into a reality where many enterprises are racing to embed AI into how they operate. AI can transform businesses ...