Webinar: IBM Cloud PaaS User Program

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Webinar: IBM Cloud PaaS User Program 

Tue December 12, 2023 02:06 PM

Watch the On-Demand Webinar Today

The slides are available to download below and please share any of your questions here.


IBM would like you and your colleagues to join a user community for IBM Cloud customers. These meetings will be held virtually once a month, attendance is optional, and we will record for those unable to attend.

During these  60-minute sessions, leaders from product management, design, and engineering will provide offering overviews, deep dives, and discuss upcoming roadmap items.

Your benefit is learning about new features, building your team’s partner ecosystem to assist in their IBM Cloud journey, and have the opportunity to provide input for future innovations.

  • IBM Cloud experts will share and demonstrate the latest innovations within the offerings so your teams understand how to leverage them and create business value.
  • You will have an opportunity to participate as a Sponsored User to drive future investment and getting early access to these new features.

Key Speakers

Chris Rosen, Director of Product Management, IBM

Chris Rosen is a Director of Product Management, owning the IBM Cloud Native PaaS and distributed cloud offerings. Chris is responsible for our containers and microservices portfolio including the Kubernetes Service, managed Red Hat OpenShift, Container Registry, Istio, and Code Engine, as well as Developer Tools, Monitoring, Logging, Schematics, and IBM Cloud Satellite.  Chris has held a variety of roles in his 23-year career with IBM and delivers IBM Cloud strategy by working closely with customers, partners, development, design, research, analysts, sales, and marketing. He has a BS in Information Technology and an MBA, both from Rochester Institute of Technology. 


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IBM Cloud PaaS User Program Slides PDF.pdf   2.61 MB   1 version
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