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  • 1.  Spectrum LSF Community Edition -- weird outcome after installation with stdout

    Posted 20 days ago

    Hi all,

    I have installed the LSF Community Edition and it is working MOSTLY just fine on our CentOS 7.9 machines.  Why do I say MOSTLY?

    • All queues work and jobs run completely.
    • But no program standard output appears at the launching terminal for any bsub job submitted (after the LSF queueing message appears on the terminal)
    • HOWEVER, if you use "-o", you see all of the program stdout (after the LSF summary) in that file

    So this indicates that stdout *IS* being collected but, for some unknown reason, is not appearing on the terminal.  I have been looking high-and-low for some option that was missed but I am at a loss.  It doesn't matter where I run bsub -- on the LSF machine itself or on some other connected machine.

    This is not an end of the world scenario as we can do our targeted testing, but it is annoying.  Any ideas?


    Mitchell Mlinar

  • 2.  RE: Spectrum LSF Community Edition -- weird outcome after installation with stdout

    Posted 20 days ago

    Is the job LSF interactive job? E.g. job submitted with bsub -I/-Ip/-Is options?

    YI SUN

  • 3.  RE: Spectrum LSF Community Edition -- weird outcome after installation with stdout

    Posted 19 days ago
    Hi Mitchell,

    I'm not completely sure I understand your situation or setup, but
    basically cluster jobs are not supposed to write to your launching
    terminal. Instead you can - as you have done - use the -o (or -oo)
    option to have bsub write its stdout into a specific file. If you don't
    use these options, then you normally receive the collected stdout of
    your job (together with some job statistics) per mail after the job has

    HTH, Frank

  • 4.  RE: Spectrum LSF Community Edition -- weird outcome after installation with stdout

    Posted 19 days ago
    ...and btw CentOS 7.9 has reached its end of life two days ago and
    should not be used any more ;-)