In my humble opinion, one of the rare good questions at*
I am using the release notes of the products that my employer/client purchased.
Spending a lot of time with *ibm.* is probably the privilege of people who are working in marketing and sales.
When I am out of work, then I spend more time with *ibm.*, but do not have any favourite channel. Then I enroll at some free WBT.
I tend to ignore the marketing at social media brands Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora, Reddit and others.
Occasionally I went to Cebit to pick up new information.
Matthias Jungbauer
Original Message:
Sent: Wed April 28, 2021 06:25 PM
From: Roger Snook
Subject: So many channels, so little time! (Where are your trusted IBM sources of information?)
Dear IBM Cloud Partner Accelerator Members,
Some days, perhaps most days, it may seem like INFORMATION OVERLOAD! For me, as a big mobile user, app notifications are quickly becoming the new "inbox". Fortunately, it's pretty easy to turn various app notifications off if it's not one of your trusted sources. Which leads me to this discussion topic -
Where are YOUR trusted IBM sources of information? Here's a sample of my work list and the reasons why I read and trust:
- Institute for Business Value - as it's backed by thorough research. Featured regularly on the
- Workshop notes: The May 13th Engage Workshop will be a shortened (one hour) version as we want all partners, on May 11 (Americas) to visit THINK 2021 Each year, THINK generates LOTS OF NEW BUSINESS for IBM and our Business Partners! Therefore, THINK is one of my trusted sources of information despite just being an annual event. Prior Engage Workshops posted here.
- IBM Executive Communications - most in my inbox, some others here:
- Each of the VADs (TechData, Ingram, and Arrow) have their information streams.
- The IBM Cloud YouTube Channel has lots of great stuff direct from our SMEs.
Where are YOUR trusted IBM sources of information and WHY? .......... GO!
Roger Snook
IBM Public Cloud Ecosystem Enablement Leader, Americas
"The great aim of education is not knowledge, but action." - Herbert Spencer
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