Hello Experts,
We are doing a POC to move on-prem system in cloud(AWS) which uses IBM Spectrum LSF as workload management tool.
We are using community version of LSF to try out things with this POC. so have few questions around this.
1) Is resource connector available or can be used with LSF community version ? As we still see resource connector folder under LSF_TOP/10.1/ path and also in LSF_TOP/conf/conf path but conf files(for aws) are not available in the path
LSF_TOP/10.1.0/resource_connector/provider_name/conf as suggested in "setting initial configuration" section of
IBM Spectrum LSF resource connector overview - IBM Documentation.2) In LSF resource connector overview section ,its mentioned as below so not sure if Community version has this fix pack included. And if not then where we can download this
IBM Spectrum LSF Fix Pack 2 or what is the version like 10.x.x etc to refer ?
- Amazon Web Services (AWS), which is configured with the awsprov_config.json and awsprov_templates.json files. The AWS provider requires IBM Spectrum LSF Fix Pack 2
3) At last , any blogs/references to set up LSF resource connector with AWS, would be much appreciated.
Gaurav Gupta